

[English below] Un #Fork à créer qui ajoute à #DNS66 un peu de #NetGuard dedans, à créer ?
C'est quiqui va arriver Ă  faire rajouter dans DNS66 une option de fonctionnement comme dans NetGuard, simplement pour bloquer le wifi et les ondes rĂ©seau des logiciels natifs #Google de la #camĂ©ra et du #micro, pour les empĂȘcher de #communiquer (avec le #serveur de la maison mĂšre) ?
Sur la base de 2 logiciels libres et donc #OpenSource, c'est faisable, non ??

Y aurait pas un gentil #programmeur qui saurait faire ça ? ^^

A #Fork to be created that adds to #DNS66 a bit of #NetGuard in it, to be created?
Who is going to manage to add in DNS66 an option to work like in NetGuard, simply to block the wifi and network waves of the #Google native software of the #camera and the #microphone, to prevent them from #communicating (with the #server of the parent company)?
Based on 2 free and therefore #OpenSource software, it's feasible, isn't it ?

Is there a nice #programmer who could do that ?

#LogicielLibre #VPN #DNS #Numérique #Surveillance #ContrÎle #Android #F-Droid #FreeSoftware #Digital #Control


20 Things I’ve Learned in my 20 Years as a #Software #Engineer

source: https://www.simplethread.com/20-things-ive-learned-in-my-20-years-as-a-software-engineer/

“How can you not know what #BGP is?” “You’ve never heard of #Rust?” Most of us have heard these kinds of statements, probably too often. The reason many of us love software is because we are lifelong learners, and in software no matter which direction you look, there are wide vistas of knowledge going off in every direction and expanding by the day. This means that you can spend decades in your career, and still have a huge knowledge gap compared to someone who has also spent decades in a seemingly similar role. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can start to shed your imposter syndrome and instead delight in learning from and teaching others.



#developer #programmer #coder #nerd #geek #economy #work #knowledge #project #management #wisdom