

The #tyranny of the #algorithm: why every #coffee #shop looks the same

Pursuing Instagrammability is a trap: the fast growth that comes with adopting a recognisable template, whether for a physical space or purely digital content, gives way to the daily grind of keeping up posts and figuring out the latest twists of the algorithm – which hashtags, memes or formats need to be followed. Digital platforms take away agency from the #business owners, pressuring them to follow in lockstep rather than pursue their own creative whims.

source: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2024/jan/16/the-tyranny-of-the-algorithm-why-every-coffee-shop-looks-the-same

#instagram #socialMedia #media #internet #follower #economy #Meta #influencer #customer #marketing #problem #fail


The #AI #supply chain:

"It makes visible the #connection between an #engineer training an #algorithm in the #UK, a miner extracting #tantalum in #Kazakhistan, an engineer in #Mexico working in a #data centre, a #worker in #Taiwan #manufacturing GPUs and a worker in #Kenya dismantling e-waste"

source: https://twitter.com/ana_valdi/status/1747200486392950785

#economy #technology #supplyChain #resources #globalization #internet #software #hardware #gpu #labour #map #news


Your #Empathy is Killing Us

source: https://medium.com/@mushon/your-empathy-is-killing-us-1a50a4fc0488

To judge by social #media, the world is divided between good and evil. No nuances, no context, no gray areas. Thus, to truly eradicate evil one must make a clear cut and choose a side: you’re either with the victim or you’re with the perpetrator.

Sadly, this blanket refusal to acknowledge complexity is intensified by the algorithmically induced cycles of engagement / enragement. The more extreme your position, the more tweetable or instagramable it becomes, and the more likely it is to be shared and go viral. And conversely, the more nuanced and devoid of catchy slogans your stated position is, the more it gets suppressed by the #algorithm.

#Hamas #Palestine #Israel #war #terror #socialmedia #society #politics #news


#Amazon's bestselling "bitter lemon" energy #drink was bottled #delivery #driver #piss

Source: https://pluralistic.net/2023/10/20/release-energy/

The company enacted a strict zero tolerance policy for drivers returning to the depot with bottles of piss in their vans.

That's where Butler comes in: the roads leading to Amazon delivery depots are lined with bottles of piss thrown out of delivery vans by drivers who don't want to lose their jobs, which made harvesting the raw material for "Release Energy" a straightforward matter.

#humanRights #economy #policy #satire #algorithm #trade #internet #news


#Slaughterbots, also called “lethal autonomous #weapons systems” or “killer #robots”, are weapons systems that use artificial intelligence (AI) to identify, select, and #kill human targets without human intervention.

source: https://autonomousweapons.org

Algorithms are incapable of comprehending the value of human #life, and so should never be empowered to decide who lives and who dies. Indeed, the United Nations Secretary General #AntónioGuterres agrees that “machines with the power and discretion to take lives without human involvement are politically unacceptable, morally repugnant and should be prohibited by international law.”

Mankind would be well advised if its technology did not overtake its ethics.

#humanRights #future #technology #drones #military #security #AI #humanity #morality #ethics #morals #uno #problem #software #algorithm #terror #war #conflict #Slaughterbot #robot #weapon


#Amazon Used Secret ‘Project Nessie’ #Algorithm to Raise #Prices

source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/willskipworth/2023/10/03/amazon-allegedly-used-secret-algorithm-to-raise-prices-on-consumers-ftc-lawsuit-reveals/

The algorithm was able to track how much Amazon’s power in the e-commerce field would get competitors to move their prices, and in instances in which competitors didn’t move their prices, the algorithm would return Amazon’s prices back down, according to the Journal.

(I don't link to the original source the "Wall Street Journal" because of the paywall.)

Amazon is #neoliberalism in its final stage. It is no longer about manufacturing #costs and fair prices, but only about how to eliminate the #competition with low prices or how high you can rip off your own customers.

#economy #fail #customer #price #online #marketplace #internet #scam #crime #ftc #news #technology #business


An #Exact #Formula for the #Primes: #Willans' Formula - YouTube

I didn't know this formula existed. It was published in 1964 but if you look at it carefully, it's not a formula as such, it's actually an #algorithm coded into some nifty #maths. It gets excruciatingly slow for even modest values on n, when n represents the nth prime. I've written it as a #maxima code below.


#WillansFormula #Mathematics #PrimeNumbers


TV Series #SiliconValley - the fazinantion of nerds to found a #startup ...

source: https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/60573-silicon-valley

The series is about a group of nerds creating a startup around a compression algorithm they developed. It is mentioned several times that compression is lossless and applicable to everything. Such a thing is not mathematically possible. It's a comedy series, so clichés are used and characters are exaggerated so their weaknesses can be used for jokes. Putting the fun aside, you still get a good insight into how hard it is to get funding even with a brilliant idea. Competitors try to copy your business model or hostilely take over your company. Of course, I can understand the fascination of being #CEO of your own company and that many people want to become like their role model Steve Jobs. However, for 99% of all nerds, the position of #CTO is much better suited and more in line with their skills. However, for 99% of all nerds, the position of CTO is much better suited and more in line with their skills. In the Incubator, for example, there is a Chinese man at the beginning with absurd ideas for an app, who then develops into a mafia boss over the course of the seasons. Well shown when you look behind the comedy though is the stress and the many failures and product changes you have to endure on the way up.

enter image description here

#entertainment #technology #comedy #humor #nerd #geek #computer #algorithm #software #economy #finance


#Drugs, #robots and the pursuit of #pleasure – why experts are worried about AIs becoming addicts

source: https://theconversation.com/drugs-robots-and-the-pursuit-of-pleasure-why-experts-are-worried-about-ais-becoming-addicts-163376

But it has been found that, often, like our crafty kitchen cleaner, the agent finds surprisingly counter-intuitive ways to “cheat” this game so that they can gain all the #reward without doing any of the work required to complete the task. The pursuit of reward becomes its own end, rather than the means for accomplishing a rewarding task. There is a growing list of examples.

#cheat #fail #ai #technology #future #problem #software #algorithm #news #science