

In the witchhunt for #fascism among fringe groups in #Ukraine and especially in the campaign to find #Nazis among the #Azov Regiment, commentators have overlooked the emergence of genuine state fascism in #Russia. This happened because Russian #propaganda abuses political illiteracy to justify its military intervention into Ukraine since 2014. Its goal is to plant the seeds of distrust in Ukraine as broadly as possible. It was this message that was bought all over the world when exposing Ukrainian fringe groups with no actual influence or public support. But in fact, it is Russia that embraced the main principles of fascism and incorporated them into its official #ideology.
In 77 years since the end of World #War II and the #Holocaust, matters of fascism are close enough since some survivors, perpetrators, and bystanders are still alive, but at the same time are far away enough to crystallize an amateur understanding of it as the ultimate evil with recognizable visible attributes.

https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/05/05/hunting-fascism-in-ukraine-you-overlooked-fascism-in-russia/ #italy #argentina #belarus #protasevich #humanrights #poland #history #donetsk


The #photo that is supposed to expose Roman #Protasevich as a #Nazi is presumably #fake.

I have tested the photo with #FotoForensic: https://fotoforensics.com/analysis.php?id=88894f5bfd4413b509a70c0bc236243255379ff4.241848

Tutorial here: https://fotoforensics.com/tutorial.php?tt=ela

Short explanation: The sun shines very brightly on the entire photo. Therefore, the brightness should be evenly distributed over the entire #image. But you can see that the flags in the background are displayed much darker than the people in the foreground. Therefore, either the background or the foreground has been manipulated. Wearing a uniform does not make someone a Nazi.

I suspect the photo is being distributed by pro-Russian trolls to discrete Protasevich and justify the #arrest by #Lukashenko.

enter image description here

enter image description here

#forensic #photo #manipulation #fake #fail #Russia #Belarus #troll #ela #photoshoped #RomanProtasevich #propaganda #internet #disinformation #accusation #problem #noNazis