

Growing Up #Aboriginal in #Australia - The Wheeler Centre ( #2018)
a book i’m pleased is now read in schools and universities (there are quite a few youtubio vids by students in regards to the book, if one wants to take a lookit)

What is it like to be Aboriginal - Tui Raven (Writer, Curator, Presenter, Cultural Advisor) at TedX UWA

and What Aboriginal knowledge can teach us about happiness - Sheree Cairney (Neuroscientist) at TEDxStKilda
#education #racism #bullying #strength #happiness #well-being


Jews Must Be Feared Rather than Loved

We need to stop trying to make antisemites like us.

When #Churchill carpet-bombed Hamburg, Essen, Cologne, and Dresden, he was not trying to win a popularity contest. When Harry #Truman dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he was not looking to win a Nobel Peace Prize.

Those who protect and enable #Hamas#genocide, like the utterly antisemitic and immoral United Nations and #Qatar, must be resisted and their reputations destroyed. American abominations like Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and American Taliban like Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) must have their hatred, bigotry, and antisemitism attacked and exposed in the media nonstop.

They will never like us. Let’s make sure they fear us.


#extremism #fascism #racism #xenophobia #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Bill to make forced and coerced #sterilization a criminal offence before Senate committee

Sen. #YvonneBoyer, the bill's sponsor, said she heard from hundreds of people who have been a #victim of coerced and forced sterilization. She told the committee that most recently she received a call in December from an #Indigenous mother who was sterilized without consent.

Source: https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/forced-sterilization-criminal-code-1.7130097

#politics #canada #fail #justice #racism #health #law #humanrights #women #news


This is the most racist, outrageous and disgusting action of a minister in public event I've seen in a long time.

And the fact she openly (and probably proudly) talking about it makes it even worse.

Last week, the Israeli director Udi Aloni said:

It seems like there is a new form of antisemitism in Germany, that no one calls antisemitism: the censorship of progressive intellectual Jewish voices.
He admitted that he was afraid to quote Walter Benjamin or Franz Rosenzweig in this country
because I might get canceled«. It seems German politicians don’t want us to hear these speeches. They cannot defend the reality – so they try to avoid discussions about it. We must hear Israelis and Palestinians when they stand together to call for equality and peace.


#Germany #Israel #Palestine #Racism #Politics #WTAF
@palestine group


One of many ways the existing power structure maintains control

text of image: Very young black girl holding hands with White Jesus. She asks Jesus why are you white? Jesus answers “Because I’m a psychological tool. By creating the image of a white God, this subliminally engrains the myth of white superiority into the subconscious minds.”

#white #Jesus #psychology #tool #supremacy #racism #hierarchy


Shut up About Race and IQ - Richard Hanania's Newsletter

#society #politics #racism

I hate Hanania's politics, but he always has really good points: )

HBD is White Identitarianism

Those who want to talk about group differences have labeled their set of beliefs “Human Bio-diversity” (HBD). Yet this collection of ideas usually goes beyond the simple view that populations are not genetically identical in all aspects of cognition and behavior. If someone is into HBD, it usually encompasses the following four beliefs.

  • Populations have genetic differences in things like personality and intelligence. (group differences)
  • Groups are often in zero-sum competition with one another, and this is a useful way to understand the world. (zero sum)
  • People to a very strong degree naturally prefer their own ingroup over others. (descriptive tribalism)
  • Individuals should favor their own ingroup, whether that is their race or their co-nationals. (normative tribalism)

I know many people who only believe in 1, but not 2-4. Almost to a person, they do not want all of us to be talking about group differences, often out of fear that doing so will lead to a belief in descriptive tribalism, justify tribalism, and reinforce zero-sum thinking. Yet if someone grabs you by the shoulders and demands you talk about race and IQ, you can assume that he doesn’t only believe in group differences, but the whole HBD package.

The problem is that while 1 is true, 2 and 3 are mostly false, and 4 is a value judgement that individuals are free to accept or reject. Moreover, 2-4 are characteristics shared with other collectivist ideologies, and ideas that are not only based on falsehoods but should be actively combated.



America First Committee

The #AmericaFirst Committee (AFC) was the foremost United States isolationist pressure group against American entry into World War II.


however, it was controversial for the anti-Semitic and pro-fascist views of some of its most prominent speakers, leaders, and members.

Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/America_First_Committee

Trump has therefore deliberately focussed his #campaign on America First. This should make it clear to everyone where the #future will lead if he is elected. Don't say I didn't warn you.

#usa #America #politics #democracy #election #vote #president #racism #fascism #problem #nazi #Trump #history #ww2 #war #worldwar


One of the main steps to genocide is to dehumanize the victims so those comitting atrocities don't feel empathy for the victims or feel guilty for their actions.

It's truly sickening to see the same people who punish those who say "from river to the sea", are letting such outrageous show of racism go unpunished.

I used to say that the Muslims in the world are like the Jews of Europe in 1930s back during the post 9/11 madness, but it has never been so raw and open as it is today.

These cartoon is almost identical to those by fascists in 1930s , the similarities are impossible to ignore.

This really making me sick.

#Canada #Racism #History #Cartoon #Politics #Israel #IDF #Gaza #Palestine #Genocide