

I'm definitely adding this to my reading list, it sounds fascinating.

Living relics of an ancient creed, the Mandaeans testify to the religious melting pot in which Christianity was formed. As Catherine Nixey notes in this arrestingly vivid book, scholars now talk not of “early Christianity” but “early Christianities”. In some, Pontius Pilate – later seen by Christians as a shifty Roman relativist who washed his hands of Jesus and sent him to his death – was canonised as a saint; he still is venerated as such in the Ethiopian Coptic Church. In others, women were ordained as bishops and God was represented as being female. In a variant practised by the Ophites, a Gnostic Christian sect, Jesus was incarnated as a holy snake. These and many other Christianities were repressed when, in AD 380, a single version became the Roman state religion under Emperor Theodosius I.




How Corporate America Invented Christian America

Inside one reverend’s big business-backed 1940s crusade to make the country conservative again.
By KEVIN M. KRUSE April 16, 2015


This is an older, but relevant, article that gives some insight into the rise of Christian Nationalism. It compliments nicely Elizabeth Fones-Wolf's book, The Business Assault on Labor and Liberalism (1994). I've only just started The Power Worshipers by Katherine Stewart but highly recommend it. Lastly, I'll include a link to Political Research Associates and their work on uncovering Right-Wing funding.

#religion #ChristianNationalism #RightWing #authoritarianism #conservatism #liberalism #libertarianism #business #fascism


Donald #Trump, Grifter Extraordinaire, Is Now Selling Bibles

Source: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/03/trump-god-bless-usa-bible-lee-greenwood-reviews-paper-moon-o-brother-where-art-thou.html

In addition to running for the highest office (again) and fighting some 90 criminal charges in court, the former president is now hawking a $60 copy of the King James #Bible that also includes copies of the U.S. #Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of #Independence, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the “handwritten chorus” to the country song “God Bless the #USA,” by Lee Greenwood. (Naturally, it is known as the “God Bless the USA Bible.”)

#news #Religion #money #politics #economy #profit


A reading from the Book of Insurrections...

John Pavlovitz nails it! #trump #GOP #religion

Ivermectin, Chapter 13, verse 1:
"And the straight, white republican LORD said, 'I am the LORD your God. You shall have no other Gods before me—well, other than America, the flag, the Anthem, guns, Trump, Supreme Court Seats, the Stock Market, Nazis, Proud Boys, and the GOP... but no other Gods, OK?"



A Democratic state senator needs an #abortion. She told her colleagues about #Arizona’s ‘cruel’ #laws.

The only reason I had to hear those things was a cruel and uninformed attempt by outside forces to shame and coerce and frighten me into making a different decision other than the one I knew was right for me. There’s no one-size-fits-all script for people seeking abortion care, and the #legislature doesn’t have any right to assign one.

source: https://19thnews.org/2024/03/eva-burch-arizona-abortion/

#law #democracy #justice #rights #women #humanrights #problem #health #life #religion


Politische Texte und Reden

Die politischen Reden und Texte sind keine Argumente und Analysen, sondern ein Trost für die dumme Psyche der Gläubigen, eine rituelle Zusicherung, dass sie doch gar nicht so allein in ihrer Dummheit sind, wie es sich anfühlt; letztlich so etwas ähnliches wie ein sonntäglicher Kirchgang, und genau so von Ritualen, immer gleichen, zur Liturgie angeordneten und völlig vorhersehbaren Floskeln und einem genau festgelegten Scheindialog der Bestätigung und Zustimmung durch die versammelte Gemeinschaft geprägt. Der Applaus ersetzt das „Amen“, und die Hände sind fein in Unschuld gewaschen, aber so saubere Hände ganz ohne Schmutz und Blut! Daher auch der Hang zum Kitsch und zur Geschmacklosigkeit, der dem Politischen längst inhärent geworden ist. Selbst noch die Irrationalität und Geschichtsvergessenheit sind direkt von der Religion abgeschaut. Sich mit diesen Texten und Reden auseinanderzusetzen oder gar dagegen zu argumentieren ist nichts als eine Verschwendung von begrenzter Energie und Lebenszeit, geht genau so weit am Ziel vorbei, als argumentiere man gegen einen Rechtschreibfehler in einem Bibelzitat.

Zweitverwertet aus Lumières dans la nuit… | #Bullshit #Ideologie #Irrationales #Politik #Religion