

The IRS "expansion" isn't an expansion at all. The aim is to restore the IRS to what it was before the Republicans gutted it to benefit their billionaire friends.

Notice who sponsors the flood of political ads: organizations like Americans for Prosperity, the propaganda outlet of the Koch Brothers.


#USPol #politics #IRS #GOP #republican #expansion


A Republican judge in Texas ruled that requiring employee coverage for drugs that prevent the transmission of HIV violates the religious rights of employers. Just when you think Republicans have run out of new ways to be assholes, they come up with another one.

#quote by #middleageriot

BREAKING: US District Judge Reed O'Connor in Texas rules that requiring employers to provide coverage for PrEP drugs (preventing the transmission of HIV) violates the religious rights of employers under federal law (RFRA).

#texas #religiousrights #republican #stupidity