

ARTE Regards - L’ #ExtrêmeDroite et la scène #viking
#Français https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/111750-017-A/arte-regards/
Re: #Rechtsextreme in der #Wikingerszene
#Deutsch https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/111750-017-A/re-rechtsextreme-in-der-wikingerszene/

Ambiance médiévale et batailles épiques : le plus grand festival viking au monde se déroule à Wolin, en Pologne. Hélas, ce rassemblement costumé n’attire pas que les amateurs du genre : voilà des années que l’extrême droite s’infiltre parmi les participants et les visiteurs.

Helme, Schwerter und historische Schlachten - einmal im Jahr versammeln sich Wikingerfans im polnischen Wolin zum größten Wikingerfestival der Welt. Hunderte von Kriegern spielen hier das Leben der Nordmänner nach. Doch das Kostüm-Spektakel ist nicht nur Treffpunkt von Hobby- und Freizeitwikingern. Auch Rechtsextreme mischen sich unter Teilnehmer*innen und Besucher*innen.

Voir les symboles #Nazis #extrême-droite sur #Indexextreme : https://indextreme.fr/
#Reportage #Nazi #NéoNazi #NeoNazi #Nationalsozialismus


That's how you do this! (Old news but worth reflecting on)

Neo-Nazis slowly realize this small town totally punked them

In preparation for an upcoming neo-Nazi march in the small Bavarian town of Wunsiedel, local residents decided to fight back in a hilariously perfect way: by sponsoring each of the 250 fascist participants.

According to Heeb Magazine, "For every metre they walked, €10 went to a programme called EXIT Deutschland, which helps people escape extremist groups."

The anti-semitic walkers didn't figure out the town's scheme until they had already started their march, and by that time, it was too late to turn back. The end result? The neo-Nazis raised more than $12,000 to fund programs to put an end to neo-Nazis.

-> Rest of article: https://www.upworthy.com/neo-nazis-slowly-realize-this-small-town-totally-punked-them-rp
#neonazi #punked


Deutsche Welle: German intel: AfD taken over by extremist factions

— "The head of #Germany's domestic intelligence agency has warned that the Alternative for Germany (AfD) has become increasingly extremist and anti-democratic as the far-right party, surging in opinion polls, picks new candidates for #EU elections.

Thomas Haldenwang, president of Germany's Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), told the #DPA news agency that some of the #AfD candidates had expressed "far-right extremist conspiracy theories" during the party conference in Magdeburg, where the selections were made over the weekend.

Haldenwang said party members were swapping openly racist theories such as the "Great Replacement," which holds that political elites are deliberately introducing nonwhite migrants into Europe to supplant the white race."

#Extremists #NeoNazi #Fascism #FarRight #Europe #Racism #Politics


Who wants to bet that the target is not going to be Neo Nazis, but those criticizing Israel?

We have an old proverb in Farsi that says, from the toilet, one can't expect anything other than what is already in it.

From the #dumbfuckistan US, one can only expect what we have already seen in the the past.

Behold JVP and supporters of Palestine, they are coming after you in the name of fighting Anti-semitism.

#Florida #Polotocd #AntiSemitism #NeoNazi #USpolitics



#Drohung #Geflüchteten #Dresden #Sporbitz #Neonazi #FreieSachsen #NoNazis #Polizeiproblem
