

#monde #woke #montreal #canada #soviet

Les pizzerias et fabricants de bagels montréalais qui cuisent leurs recettes dans des fours à bois pourraient devoir déclarer leurs émissions de polluants atmosphériques chaque année à l’inventaire national des rejets polluants (INRP), a rapporté le «Montreal Gazette».


#quebec #soviet #woke

On nous dit de passer aux voitures électriques pour sauver la planète, et pendant ce temps, la filière batterie épuise nos ressources. Ils nous ont parlé de l'avenir radieux de l'électricité propre, mais maintenant, on se retrouve à importer de l'énergie pendant les périodes de pointe hivernales. Bravo, les gars, vraiment. On aurait dû se douter que confier l'électricité à des écologistes "woke" allait nous mener droit dans le mur.


#quebec #soviet


Hydro-Québec exprime des inquiétudes quant à une possible pénurie d'électricité cet hiver.

Mon commentaire : Ironique de la part de ceux qui prétendent que l'hiver n'existe plus...


#quebec #soviet #on #se #gele #on #manque #electricite #merci #woke #eco

Il y a ces illuminés de woke qui veulent nous faire croire qu'on n'aura plus d'hivers. "Plus d'hivers au Québec, c'est fini!" qu'ils nous serinent.

Ah oui?

Et on va faire pousser des cactus dans notre cour, peut-être?

C'est ça, l'avenir, des igloos convertis en serres à cactus. Je vois déjà les pingouins en train de se dorer la pilule sur des plages de sable chaud!

Bref, mes amis, bienvenue dans le monde absurde où l'on vend nos réserves, où l'on électrifie tout sauf nos cerveaux, et où l'on nous fait croire que l'hiver, c'est du passé.

En attendant, moi, je vais mettre un autre pull à -34 celcius et prier pour que le Québec devienne la nouvelle Floride.

N'oubliez pas de garder une bougie de secours pour éclairer la lucidité qui s'éteint chez nos dirigeants!


#quebec #soviet #on #se #gele #on #manque #electricite #merci #woke #eco

Aujourd'hui, on se les gèle à -34 degrés Celsius, et pendant qu'on se transforme en glaçons ambulants, nos journalistes bien au chaud dans leurs studios nous balancent une nouvelle fracassante : "Oh là là, on n'a plus d'électricité, faut tout couper!" Ça, c'est sûr, les seuls qui vont rester allumés, ce sont leurs micros et leurs écrans à deux sous.

C'est quand même incroyable, on est censé avoir des réserves d'électricité, non? Mais visiblement, on a décidé de les donner en cadeau à nos voisins américains. "Tiens, New York, prends donc nos surplus, on s'en fout d'avoir des lumières chez nous, tant qu'on a l'air vert et écolo à l'international!" C'est ça, vendre notre électricité à des tarifs de charité pendant que chez nous, on se retrouve à la chandelle. Ça, c'est du génie québécois, mes amis!


Putin attempts to destabilize Baltic countries

Russian President Vladimir Putin sets conditions for future escalations in the Baltic countries as part of the alleged plan to weaken the NATO alliance - Institute for the Study of War (ISW)

“Putin has long employed an expansive definition of Russia’s sovereignty and trivialized the sovereignty of former #Soviet republics,” the ISW said. “Russia has long claimed that it has the right to protect its “compatriots abroad,” including ethnic Russians and Russian speakers beyond Russia’s borders.”


#RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #Baltic #InformationWarfare #propaganda #NATO #invasions #StopRussianAggression #Putler


#soviet #trudeau #canada

Asking Trudeau to talk about misinformation is like asking the Sicilian mafia to speak about honesty. It's like entrusting a fox to guard the henhouse with complete transparency. It's akin to asking a magician to reveal all his tricks, but in reality, the only trick he truly masters is making inconvenient truths disappear.


The time a #Soviet Destroyer saved American Lives

On June 8, 1967 the now infamous false-flag attack on the USS Liberty occured. While the incident is now well known online, what is not is that the crew of the vessel were saved by Russian intervention.

At the time of the incident, an SOS put out by the American crew was detected by nearby Soviet forces, resulting in Destroyer 626/4 arriving to the aid of the American ship. As a result, the Israelis were forced to stop their attack at a moment where they had teams ready to board the ship.

That the Russian vessel saved the Americans is attested to both in official documents, including a 1983 declassified memo by the U.S. Navy and NSA documents from 2011. Likewise, Pravda interviewed two Liberty crew members in 2002, with both stating the Russian intervention likely saved their lives. Amid the twin conflicts today, this is something to keep in mind.

#Israel #History #SovietUnion #USSLiberty #USNavy #Palestine #Politics


Democracy in #Europe: 🇷🇺A Russian citizen has been fined 400 euros by Estonian border guards for displaying a St George ribbon on his car. This was reported by the portal of the Estonian state radio ERR.

According to ERR, the incident took place on 11 November at the Narva-1 border checkpoint. While checking the Russian car, Estonian border guards found a St George's ribbon. They stated that it was banned in Estonia and fined the driver 400 euros, ERR reported. The driver voluntarily handed over the dahlia ribbon and was allowed to enter Estonia, according to the Estonian state radio portal.

This year, the Estonian authorities banned all public Victory Day events using Russian and #Soviet #symbols in the counties of Harjumaa, Lääne-Virumaa and Ida-Virumaa, where most of the country's Russian population lives. Tallinn described the Russian and Soviet flags as "hostile symbols" and justified the decision by saying that they could "provoke enmity".

The St George's Ribbon is one of Russia's national symbols, as well as a symbol of victory over #Nazism in the Great Patriotic War.

#Russia #Estonia #politics #WW2


North Korea could supply 10 million shells and other important equipments to Russia

The North Korean army has around 21,000 artillery pieces in its arsenal, although a significant portion (around 10,000) are shorter-range mortars.

If we focus on the larger calibers, particularly the 152mm and 122mm, the number would be approximately 8,500 pieces.

Following the N.K doctrine influenced by the Soviet Union, each artillery piece is expected to have a 45-day firing capacity. Assuming a conservative estimate of 75 daily firings per unit, the DPKR would possess a stockpile of 27 million 122mm/152mm shells.

In this context, it would be feasible for North Korea to sell 10 million shells to Russia without encountering significant difficulties.

While some of the ammunition may be old, it is not substantially different from the #Soviet stockpile that Russia utilized for several months last year.

Moreover, North Korea possesses another valuable asset that Russia needs: the PT-76/85 amphibious tank. This tank would be ideal for Russia's potential assault on the Kherson river bank from the occupied Isles. Recently, Russia has announced tests with the old Pat-S project, an amphibious artillery system with a 152mm caliber. The demand was exactly due this kind of challenge on #Kherson.

North Korea also operates a few thousand MLRS of various calibers, including 122mm, 200mm, and 240mm and 300mm.

It is highly probable that North Korea's support also includes MLRS systems like the KN-09, which can reach distances of 180-200km and deploy guided rockets.

In terms of rocket supply, it is difficult to determine an exact N.K stockpile.

However, North Korea has approximately 3.5 million people working in various industries, with a significant portion employed in nearly 200 arms factories. The defense industry holds great importance in the country, as with any communist nation. Given North Korea's state of war for over 60 years, it is reasonable to assume they have a substantial stockpile of various types of #ammunition.

We can't ignore that a deal between #Russia and #NorthKorea, has the potential to significantly influence the outcome of the #war.