


In order to understand the Two World Wars, it is crucially important to know and understand, what Adolf #Hitler was doing in #Paris on June 28th 1940, which in fact explains the real reason behind World War I and II, which the Masters keep entirely hidden away from their dumb European slaves for the obvious reasons; because if the slaves would know, nobody would go to war for them anymore.

Mirror From ":" #SeanHRoss
#Giureh - G.I.U.R.E.H.

The French Agressor of the OWO - Giureh


well, i don't know what to say about this ...

#usa #trump #wahlen #diktator #hitler

Image/photoMartin Holland wrote the following post Mon, 11 Nov 2024 21:10:57 +0100

They know! They know who he is, and they still did it 🤬👇

In Scranton on Wednesday, Matt Wolfson, a 45-year-old former construction worker, looked around at poverty in the Rust Belt city and thought the nation needed a change in leadership.

Wolfson said he didn’t love the dictatorial aspect of #Trump’s personality, but thought it could help keep the country out of wars and maybe bring peace to some other conflicts, including in Ukraine.

“He’s good and bad. People say he’s a #dictator. I believe that. I consider him like #Hitler,” Wolfson said. “But I voted for the man.”

https://www.inquirer.com/politics/election/donald-trump-voters-pennsylvania-economy-fascism-20241111.html #USElection #DonaldTrump #Fascism #Democracy


https://mastodon.online/@spocko/113382419829889730 spocko@mastodon.online - "Elon posted his MAGA hat which uses the Fraktur font, popular in nazi Germany. He wore this at a rally meant to evoke the 1939 nazi rally at Madison Square Garden.

He's telling you who he is." @esqueer

I wondered where I've seen that font before! Then I remembered, it was on the book #Hitler wrote in prison, #MeinKampf

BTW, Steve Bannon couldn't attend the rally, he was still in prison working on his own book. My Struggle.
#Nazi #MadisonSquareGarden
#Trump #ElonMusk #MyStruggle


Ik ben er niet gerust op. De waarschuwing van Hitler-expert Weber spookt door mijn hoofd

Merel van Vroonhoven (De Volkskrant) (€)

(...) ‘Die noodwet is gewoon de eerste stap richting het slopen van onze democratie’, zegt ze fel. ‘Kijk naar de geschiedenis en je ziet het: een crisis fingeren, zondebokpolitiek, een volksmenner en zijn katvangers. Plus natuurlijk allemaal gewillige wegkijkers.’ (...)

[Historicus en Hitler-expert Thomas Weber:] ‘In Weimar waren er, voor 1933, ook noodwetten die het parlement uitschakelden. Veel Duitsers dachten: dat is maar tijdelijk, dat loopt wel weer met een sisser af. Het normaliseren van een uitzondering kan leiden tot afstomping van waakzaamheid. Zo worden afweerkrachten in een politiek systeem afgebroken.’

(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)
Foto van Merel van Vroonhoven
Merel van Vroonhoven

Bezorgdheid laten wegvloeien in onverschilligheid. Het sluipt er zo in, ongemerkt en bijna altijd onder valse voorwendselen. (...)

Leendert van der Valk – in De Groene Amsterdammer (€) op zoek naar het antwoord op de vraag: wat kun je doen om de democratie te beschermen? – laat via Yale-professor Tymothy Snyder, auteur van het boek Over Tirannie, zien dat je als individu twintig concrete acties kunt ondernemen om de democratie te beschermen. Alle op basis van lessen uit het verleden.

‘Niet normaliseren is cruciaal’, zegt Snyder. (...) [V]erdedig democratische instituties, zoals vrije pers, onderwijs en rechtspraak. Betaal voor nieuws, doneer aan goede doelen die de democratie beschermen.

Zijn oproep is duidelijk: wees waakzaam, kritisch en verdedig de feiten. Spreek je uit tegen haatdragend taalgebruik, onethisch gedrag en onrechtvaardigheid, ook als dat wrijving geeft of de stemming bederft. Op het werk, bij vrienden, in de koffietent op de hoek. Kortom, wees dapper, is zijn devies. (...)

Hele artikel

Tags: #nederlands #extreemrechts #hitler #pvv #nsc #vvd #bbb #democratie #zondebokpolitiek #volksmenner #wegkijken #noodwet #asielzoekers #asielbeleid #xenofobie #racsime #discriminatie


The Lead Villain of WWII

It wasn’t #Stalin. It wasn’t #Roosevelt. It wasn’t even #Hitler. It was Winston Churchill, whose actions during and after #WWI not only helped lay the foundations for #WWII, but who unnecessarily caused millions to lose their lives by his determination to force #Germany into a #war of #attrition.

My intention here is not to defend the actions of the #ThirdReich or any of its leaders, but only to support a narrow claim: that of all the belligerent leaders, #Churchill was the one most intent on prolonging and escalating the conflict into a world war of annihilation. #Germany and #Italy did not want it – in fact, before the conquest of Western Europe, German leaders including Hitler were skeptical that they’d be able to take on #Britain in a fight. We can be skeptical of Hitler’s motives for offering peace again and again, and for holding back against British civilians despite months and months provocations, but the fact is that Germany was offering peace, and by all accounts sincerely wanted it. After the annexation of #Poland, Hitler told other party members, “The Reich is now complete.” Would Germany have eventually attack the #SovietUnion? Perhaps. But they would not have done so in June 1941 if #England had agreed to end a war which had no hope of victory short of expanding it into a much larger conflict, by bringing in the #USA, #USSR, or both.

Like the Turkish massacre of Armenians, the atrocities that took place in the east – for which the German perpetrators are responsible, make no mistake – could not have happened except in the chaos of a world war in which millions were already being killed. Because its so central to our founding ideology, we speak of World War 2 as if it was the best possible outcome, or certainly the least bad outcome, but any objective look shows that it was the worst possible outcome, and that it could have been avoided if not for the warmongers – chief among them #WinstonChurchill.

I’ve read Churchill’s own history of WWII. And his own justifications for his actions don’t add up even in his own words. The most damning evidence is his waging of a unilateral, one-way air war against German civilians immediately after the German military forces spared the trapped British soldiery at #Dunkirk.

There were no good men in command of the #Axis or the #Allies. But then, as now, #ClownWorld was the greater evil, as the state of our present world suffices to prove.


Regarding #Kursk, there has actually been an attack on #Russia; Russian people have been killed, and slaughtered whereby civilians have been taken from their homes in trucks and executed. There is even footage of #Ukrainian soldiers with #SS helmets and with the detachment of Adolf #Hitler’s Leibstandarte Regiment on their sleeves, harassing an old man, who was later killed.

The West is trying to push Russia to the limit, knowing that the Second World War is an extremely sensitive subject for Russian society where every family is related to a victim, a fallen soldier, a grandfather, an uncle, a cousin, or aunt who was killed during the Great Patriotic War against #Nazi Germany, in which more than 26 million people died. The recent action in the Kursk region, where most Russians perceive that the U.S. and its #NATO accomplices are involved, is a brazen provocation. Indeed, more than a provocation, it has violated the Russian soul and there we have landed in a totally different dimension. Perhaps one might say, the “road of no return.”

from here


Immer wieder diese interessanten Zufälle in meinem TV-Programm.
Gleich läuft auf "ZDFinfo":

Klingt nach ner kurzen Doku. Erst SS, dann Attentat auf #Hitler, anschließend Suche nach seiner Leiche. Geb' ich mir zum Einschlafen. "Drittes Reich kompakt". ;-)


Dans la tête des SS

La chaîne SLICE Histoire remet en ligne un reportage de 2018 qui cherche à retracer l'histoire de la mentalité SS pour la comprendre. Sa première partie, "L'ivresse", s'occupe de la période de la garde rapprochée d'Hitler jusqu'à l'apogée des conquêtes de l'allemagne nazie, tandis que "Extermination" retrace la séquence de la Shoah jusqu'à la chute du régime.

Pour aller plus loin, je vous invite à entamer la lecture de "L'ordre SS, Ethique et idéologie" d'Edwige Thibaut (pseudonyme), préfacé par Léon Degrelle, ex-SS et grande figure du nazisme belge exilé en Espagne mort en 94. (à lire avec du recul donc, évidement)

Début de la préface :

A dire le vrai, lorsque je reçus l'énorme masse de feuillets qui forment ce livre sur l'Ordre SS, je fus plutôt stupéfait : huit cents pages de texte serré" ! Ma vie normale est très remplie. Or, lire cette sorte d’encyclopédie me prendrait des dizaines d'heures ! Pour me faire tout de même une petite idée de I'intérêt ou du non-intérêt de cette compilation insolite, je feuilletai d'abord les premiers paragraphes. Trois jours plus tard, j'arrivais a la dernière page.
J'avais trouvé la une somme extraordinaire de connaissances présentées au long d'une introduction de cent pages qui constituent un livre a elles seules ndlr : c'est surtout cette partie qu'il faut lire, appuyées ensuite, avec une science parfaite du sujet, par des centaines de citations, a la fois simples et percutantes, formant une anthologie énorme de textes, écrits alors sans chercher a étonner le lecteur sinon a l'informer et a le convaincre. C’était, politiquement, le panorama entier de la SS reconstituée par des témoins directs qui n'avaient même pas pense à faire oeuvre d'historiens mais qui avaient, selon l’échelonnement des années, exposé a vif la doctrine, les objectifs, les méthodes, la mystique du mouvement qui fut sans doute, avec le léninisme, le phénomène politique le plus important du 20s siècle.

#nazisme #hitler #fascisme #antifascisme #nazi #ss #psychologie #autoritaire #autoritarisme #histoire #guerre #2WW #shoah #racisme


Jeferson Miola: Um Hitler ovacionado no Capitólio

25/07/2024 - 20:34 Tempo de leitura: 2 min

À luz de #decisões recentes de instituições das #NaçõesUnidas com fundamento no #direito internacional, Benjamin #Netanyahu é um #criminoso de guerra e #genocida.

Em janeiro passado, a Corte Internacional de Justiça/CIJ reconheceu que o Estado de #Israel promove o #genocídio continuado do povo palestino, mas Israel continua desobedecendo a ordem de cessar imediatamente as atrocidades.

Mais recentemente, em 19 de julho, a #CIJ ordenou o fim imediato da #ocupação israelense de territórios palestinos, onde há décadas os #sionistas instituem um regime de #apartheid racial com notável apoio financeiro e militar dos #EUA.

Em maio último o procurador-chefe do Tribunal Penal Internacional/TPI pediu a prisão de Netanyahu pelos #crimes de guerra e contra a #humanidade cometidos em #Gaza.

A Convenção para a Prevenção e Repressão do Crime de Genocídio foi aprovada em 9 de dezembro de #1948 para impedir a repetição de atrocidades e crimes horrendos como o #Holocausto de #judeus pelo regime de #Hitler.

Se esta Convenção estivesse vigente à época do Holocausto, Hitler seria condenado por genocídio.

E, se não tivesse se suicidado antes, Hitler também seria condenado à morte ou à prisão perpétua no Julgamento de #Nuremberg [1945-46] por crimes de guerra e contra a humanidade.

Portanto, do ponto de vista da lei internacional e das instituições da ONU, #Hitler e #Netanyahu são #enquadrados no mesmo tipo #penal: ambos são, cada um no seu tempo, #genocidas e #assassinos que perpetraram crimes de guerra e contra a humanidade.

Neste sentido, a presença de Netanyahu no #Capitólio equivaleria à presença do próprio Hitler para discursar, ser ovacionado e aplaudido de pé pelos #congressistas #estadunidenses.

Uma vergonha!

Contando com a colaboração direta dos EUA no genocídio, Netanyahu declarou: “Nosso inimigo é o seu inimigo. Nossa luta é a sua luta. Nossa vitória é a sua vitória”.


“Israel sempre será seu amigo leal e seu parceiro infalível. Obrigado EUA pelo seu suporte e solidariedade. Juntos, vamos assegurar um futuro a ambas as nossas nações”, discursou.

Mais aplausos!

Para poder acelerar a “solução final” do extermínio do povo palestino, o Hitler do século 21 pediu aos congressistas estadunidenses suas próprias #câmaras #de #gás: – “Enquanto Israel está na linha de frente da guerra pela civilização, nos dê as ferramentas mais rapidamente que terminaremos o trabalho mais rapidamente”.

É aterrador saber a #tragédia anunciada sem nada poder fazer, mas o pedido de Netanyahu para agilizar o #aniquilamento do povo palestino será #correspondido #tanto por Donald #Trump como por #Kamala Harris.

O regime #nazi-sionista de Israel será atendido por quem quer que seja eleito à presidência do país, como é hoje plenamente atendido pela Administração #Biden, pois a #carnificina do povo palestino integra o #ideário tanto do Partido #Democrata como do #Republicano.

O discurso de Netanyahu no Capitólio foi uma infâmia; uma ofensa terrível à humanidade.

Os EUA são responsáveis pelo genocídio palestino tanto quanto o executor da barbárie “no campo”, o regime nazi-sionista de Israel, que já assassinou 40 mil palestinos, em sua maioria #crianças e #mulheres.


Donald Trump’s Plot Against America - Democracy Docket

Donald Trump is plotting to overthrow American #democracy. It is not a secret, and he is not subtle. The only question is whether enough people will care enough to stop it.

Trump is not hiding his intentions for a second term. Echoing #Hitler’s rise to power, he has called his political enemies “vermin” and promised his supporters that, if elected, he would be their “retribution.”

Trump’s enablers have outlined a plan for him to replace tens of thousands of career civil servants with #MAGA loyalists and to take personal control of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to prosecute his political rivals. He is almost certain to use an old law — the Insurrection Act — to convert the military into his personal domestic police force.


#corruption #violence #trump #authoritarian #dictatorship #lawless


Ruprecht Polenz (CDU): Was wir vom 20. Juli 1944 lernen können

Hitler-Attentat - CDU-Politiker Polenz: Demokratie erfordert Mut und Engagement

Rechtsextreme versuchten sich an einer Realitätsumkehr, so Ruprecht Polenz. Ihre Demokratiefeindlichkeit wollten sie als gerechtfertigten Widerstand verkaufen.#ATTENTAT #STAUFFENBERG #HITLER #NS-Zeit #NATIONALSOZIALISMUS #Gedenken
Ruprecht Polenz (CDU): Was wir vom 20. Juli 1944 lernen können


Reform UK accused of using ‘AI generated candidates’ in election

The party has been hit by a series of revelations about the online activities of some of its would-be MPs, from links to a British fascist leader to suggestions the UK should have remained neutral in the fight against the #Nazis and admiration of #Hitler’s “brilliant” ability to inspire action.

But now, there is speculation as to whether some of them even exist, with social media users pointing out that some of their pictures on leaflets appear to be #AI generated.

“We might be on the verge of a HUGE SCANDAL. Suspicions have been raised that #ReformUK have fielded election candidates that aren’t real people. Is there any evidence that Mark Matlock (candidate for Clapham & Brixton Hill) actually exists? He looks AI generated,” said one userin a now viral post.


#UK #GeneralElection2024 #Reform #fraud #corruption #fascists #Farage