

This is the logical endgame of streamonomics: bots making music strictly and perhaps solely to be listened to by other bots. The only human interaction would be your monthly subscription fee.

For all of the talk about “people power” and “liberating creativity” by the companies that market AI, it seems the average user isn’t being “freed” but fucked.
Looking down the road, it appears AI generated music could be used not for unleashing the creative powers of amateurs, but to obtain copyright control over a large chunk of the music on streaming platforms. One company might hold the largest catalog of copyright tracks of any single entity in the world, “created” but not owned by people who mash a few buttons and filter out the worst of what’s produced by their AI — and creating a gigantic, exploitable copyright portfolio along the way.

Far from being a revolutionary attack on an unfair industry, we would again see the novelty of technology used as a Trojan Horse to get inside an exclusive club. You’re still not invited. But you can always become the next “Boomystar.”


#AI #music #scam #spotify


They know where 80% of their disinfo/harmful content comes from. It just makes them too much money to excise it. Greenwashing by buying AI/ML when you won't do anything about it doesn't solve squat. Their trying to gain a monopoly on podcasting, shitty audio quality, and shitty payment to producers (except very high profile podcasters) are other reasons to leave stop using them. Use a music service like TIDAL, Resonate, or Apple Music for music and stick with the traditional open podcasting ecosystem rather than Spotify. #Spotify #podcasting #music https://www.engadget.com/spotify-harmful-content-podcasts-kinzen-misinformation-154340774.html


More odd stuff on #Spotify, I'm being recommended two songs by two different artists:
- Mel Walker by Casey Robinson https://open.spotify.com/track/5RWCKGNVM8SrvJOc38ZX3R
- Skolna by Jessie Elliott https://open.spotify.com/track/4xnD7sPati2FfUVNOHCvvg

Both songs are practically the same except for a missing drum instrument track. No information can be found about either artists online. I suspect someone set up tens or hundreds of Spotify artist accounts with random names, album covers and song titles to submit free loop track variations and collect meager royalties based on someone else's work.

And there's no built-in way to report any of this. 🤷‍♂️


Noen som har fått epost fra Spotify om at de har problemer med å å ta betalt for premiumabonnementet ditt? Ikke klikk på lenken!

Dette er enda en i rekken av opportunistiske phishingangrep. Dobbelsjekker du avsenderadressen er den nesten riktig: no.reply@spotfymail.com (Legg merke til at det mangler en ì` inni der!)

Lenken fører deg selvsagt ikke til spotify, men til en side kontrollert av de som står bak kampanjen.

Som alltid, vær forsiktig. Ikke klikk på lenker i epost,selv om de kan se legitime ut.

#phishing #spotify


#Spotify #Bug #Linux

I am a happy puppy with the performance of my new Mint running my Intel NUC HTPC, but ran into a weird bug/annoyance with the Spotify app.
The window controls were gone, no X no _ like i had done a F11, but nothing reverted that, the only way to get the system menu and such, alt tab into another open window (then the bar at the bottom popped up again) or when no other program was running even a CTRL ALT F1 to get a Bash command line, and pkill -f his ass.
Some googling shows it is a problem that also pops up on other systems (windows 7 in this case) and there the solution:

Close Spotify, remove ~/.config/spotify/window_position.prefs file and start Spotify again.

Nope, no joy, the file does exist, removing it does not solve the problem.
But, removing the file(s) .config/spotify/Users/"username"-user/prefs will revert Spotify to 'first startup' and you can login again, and change your settings back to what you like, while still having window controles and all is good in the world again ;-)

Another post showed:

It seems the window prefs file doesn't have an effect on modern versions of Spotify for Linux. Instead, in ~/.config/spotify/prefs, remove all lines referencing app.window.

But for me that just did not do the job so i remove all of them (adding a '.x' behind the filename, to make it easier to restore if things get even more borked).