

Les Arbres Bruns 5/6

Plongée dans l'arbre en fleurs, au coeur du printemps et de l'explosion végétale.

Je me dis artiste du sensible parce que je photographie avec mon corps, les sens en éveil et la gratitude au coeur. Je vous invite à plonger dans ces images avec votre corps aussi, comme pour vous fondre en elles.

Tu veux plonger aussi?

#artistedusensible #regardbienveillant #femmeartiste
#femmephotographe #arbre #photographieartistique #lesarbresbruns #emerveillement #photographie #art #photographe #photographer #womanphotographer #womanartist #tree #browntrees #arbreenfleurs #printemps #spring


Earlier today, I used a #MacroLens to #photograph a subject close up. Now I switched to a #telephoto lens with a #FocalLength of 400 mm to capture objects effectively at #infinity.

You may have seen some of my #sunset #photographs before and, yes, it's the same #horizon and the same old #Sun but this one caught my eye because of its sharpness. There wasn't a cloud in the vicinity of the Sun when it was setting. You can see the bright, smoothly varying #yellow, #gold and #orange of the #sky contrasting the dark, sharp #silhouettes of the #trees in the #foreground. Also there's that mobile phone mast too.
Sunset behind trees on the horizon

#Cropping the image around our local #star, you see the #trees in what I'm calling #ExtremeSilhouette as the blinding light of the Sun seem to flow around solid wood and renders it invisible with only the ends of branches seemingly suspended in mid air disconnected to the trunk and giving the Sun the appearance of having spiky hair.
Cropped image of the sunset

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Spring