

Heh. Ya think?

The Hill: Real conservatives must make a choice

These days, the GOP is more like a wholly-owned Trump subsidiary, which pledges allegiance to conspiracy theories, white supremacy, and voter suppression, rather than a political party with a coherent conservative philosophy and policy agenda.

#MakeAmericaSaneAgain 💉😷 🧠
#StaySafe from #GOPQ and #TrumpVirus


Updated - my 25-yr-old guide to New York City.
I’ve re-visited and updated a long-running web project, which may be of interest either soon (Holiday time) or in the near future as traveling and tourism return increasingly towards "the good old days". Broadway, restaurants, music venues, clubs...

New York, New York

Should anyone be contemplating a visit: An extensive list of popular activities and places. Checked/rechecked, and seeing that many places begin with updates/policies on how things are going re: COVID. (Vaccination requirements at indoor venues, etc.)

#NewYork #NYC #NY #NYNY #Tourism #Travel #Manhattan #Fenfotos #StaySafe


From the Washington Post

Opinion: This is how the anti-democratic right wins

2nd-opinion: "Looney tunes!"

She and her co-seditionists may be the poster children of the moment, but there are more in GOP/Q.


Stop the #TrumpVirus and variants like #DeathSantis, Abbott, and the cultists who believe reality is what they see on FOX/OAN.

#StaySafe 💉 😷 🧠


Yayess! One small step for sanity... Including 9 GOP/Q members - to their credit & the deep shame (were they capable of feeling it) of the rest of the #TrumpVirus variants in the House of... (representing who?)

Steve Bannon: Ex-Trump aide held in contempt by House for scorning Capitol riot subpoena

Several more steps to go, but a start.
For context, here, according to Jan 6 Committee member (and Republican, conservative) Liz Cheney, is Bannon's criminality.

#MakeAmericaSaneAgain #CleanCongress and the massive #corruption #StaySafe 💉 😷 🧠


Wow! Just this....
The one bit of actual news we are awaiting & we need.

Rep. Cheney presents evidence that Steve Bannon knew what would happen on Jan. 6

The Jan 6 Committee is clear-eyed & Liz Cheney was clearly focused & concise: Not only was Bannon publicly inciting, but the evidence is clear that Trump was directly - DIRECTLY - involved as a participant and planner, for the Jan. 6 sedition/insurrection.

Stop the #TrumpVirus already! #Jan6 #sedition #MakeAmericaSaneAgain #StaySafe 😷💉 🧠