

Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society - Svenska freds- och skiljedomsföreningen - celebration 140 years - the world's oldest peace organization ❤

Used to be a member when I was living in Sweden! It is one of the few organizations that is still fighting for peace, not politicized and pushed to the right as most of the other groups in Sweden ad Europe have.

#Sweden #Peace #History #SvenskaFreds #svpol #Sverige


"Criminality is caused by moralpoverty" Swedish Christian Taliban Party K(s)D

Having the picture of a woman with absolute 0 moral integrity on the poster is so freaking typical.

In #Sweden, like almost every other country on earth. There are a different set of moral codes for conservatives and progressives.

Long time ago, when Mona Sahlin, the prominent member of Swedish Social Democratic party who was on her way to become the first female PM of the country, became the target of the most disgusting dirty campaign in sweden's modern history. She had used government supplied credit card to but diapers and tablerone chocolate bars without declaring them as personal expenses.

The media was vicious, "corruption", "lack of moral grounds", "typical socialist who think our tax money is her own" and much worse.

She resigned and almost disappeared from Swedish politics, leaving the empty seat to the neo liberal team inside the social democrats to take over and "save the face" of the party from that scandal.

Ebba Busch on the other hand, is one of the most corrupt politicians in Sweden these days. Both inside her party and in private, she has shown no respect for law and order, from using Swedish secret service as private Uber for her drunk friends to cheating and old man suffering from dementia and to sell his house for a price way bellow market value, something she viciously defended and went to counter for it.

On Tuesday, the house dispute between KD leader Ebba Busch and an 81-year-old man will be taken up in Uppsala District Court. The dispute concerns the sale of a lake plot outside Uppsala. A few days after an agreement was signed this summer, the 81-year-old man regretted it and wanted to cancel the purchase. Now he and Ebba Busch meet in an oral preparation in Uppsala District Court. SVT Uppsala is on site and reports from the district court.
From : https://www.tellerreport.com/news/2021-03-02-%0A---ebba-busch-s-disputed-house-deal-is-taken-up-in-court%0A--.B1FtHoiMd.html

But she didn't lose her position, instead she got a minister post with the backing of her new friends, the swedish neo Nazi Swedish Democrats.

Her party (just like SD) are pushing to change penal codes of the country to punish "criminals" severely, even suggestions such as deporting family members of known criminals, removing their Swedish citizenship, placing them in prisons outside Sweden are all among those harder stances they want to implement.

But, none of those will cover crimes committed by almost every member of the SD leadership, from tax evasion, to libel, physical attacks of their opponents and even in one case cutting the head of their "enemies".

Seeing her face representing Sweden all over the world makes me sick. An imbecile with lack of basic education is minister of industry of one of the most advanced industrial nations on earth!

This 21st century Sweden!

#Politics #EbbaBusch #Criminality #Morality #Propaganda #ChristianTaliban #Svpol


Läs rapporten om ojämlikheten i Sverige och hur den har utvecklats. Dags att samla krafterna till att återställa det #Sverige jag vill ha tillbaka.

I rapporten Alla får det inte bättre motbevisar författarna Markus Kallifatides och Stefan Sjöberg de vanliga argumenten från höger om att alla – trots kraftigt ökande ojämlikhet – ändå får det bättre i Sverige. När hänsyn tas till boendekostnader, de sociala skyddens urholkning och välfärdsmarknadernas effekter så resulterar en liten ökning i plånboken ändå i försämrade livsvillkor.

#ojämlikhet #svpol #Politik #ekonomi


Swedish Neo Nazi party wants to get rid of May 1st holiday and celebrations and regulate the use of rainbow flag!

Sweden is turning to the right, with the SD party being the de-facto controller of the coalition of conservative, "liberal" and the Christian (Taliban) Democrats.

Things are getting really bad in #Sweden, the provocation by the extreme right lunatics from Denmark with blessing of the SD and conservative party to burn the #Qoran in public is just the top of an iceberg that hit the Swedish politics may years ago and turning Sweden into a modern Titanic.

#Politics #svpol #HumanRights #fascism


When your hate for trains, environment and anything that helps the public is much stronger than your love for the country and the well being of the nation, you end up acting like what the current Swedish neo-nazi-extreme-right-liberal-christian-taliban coalition is doing!

The European Union has decided to spend 100s of billions of Euro to support modernizing the train networks across the continent and push for new routs as well as repair and modification of existing network.

One country has said no to getting such support, and it is the Swedish government. Their hate for trains and anything that benefits the fight against climate change is so strong that they have said no to receive up to 200 billion in EU funds in the coming years, creating 10s of thousands of jobs and a huge income for the government in shape of new taxes and benefits from the future high speed trains.

This is what right wing stupidity and CON-servatism doing. Their Trumpian hate of such progress is truly disgusting!

#Politics #Sweden #Railroad #HighSpeedTrains #Europe #GlobalWarming #Economy #svpol #Idiocracy


När SVT frågar partiledarna vad de fått för elräkning i december svarar alla på frågan utom energiministern själv, Ebba Busch (KD).

Hur i helvete blev hon energi minister?

Bibelskolan hon gick på är inte känd för att vara bra på vetenskap eller matematik.

När SVT frågar partiledarna vad de fått för elräkning i december svarar alla på frågan utom energiministern själv, Ebba Busch (KD), som inte vill berätta vad hon betalat.

– Det håller jag för mig själv. Det tycker jag att väldigt många svenskar ska ha rätt till, att inte behöva dela med sig av vad deras elräkningar är på, säger hon.

#idiocracy #svpol #ebbaBusch #politik


It is so depressing to read news from Sweden these days.

Every day there are either new scandals, change of laws to the worse or breaking their promises about making life easier for ordinary people and instead doing the same to the wealthy and super rich.

Trumpism is ruling in the country, far to the right of the thatcherism that the previous conservative government used to push and directly influenced by the disgusting policies of neo Nazi SD and their Evangelical christian tail the K(s)D.

It's truly sad how far right the country has turned and how passive the once strong and vocal unions have become.
#Sweden #Polics #svpol #svpolitik #politik #Sverige


An Instagram story critical of Anne Frank has stirred wide controversy, and caused the far-right Sweden Democrats party to suspend the official who posted it.

Rebecka Fallenkvist called Anne Frank "immoral" in an Instagram story that was later deleted. The post received an outpouring of condemnation, including from the Israeli ambassador in Sweden.

She did not say that, she called her the symbol of horniness. sexualizing the young teenage girl who was murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

It is sad that DW doesn't cover the story properly.
#Sweden #Politics #NeoNazis #AnnFrank #SDriks #Svpol


All 4 conservative parties are participating in discussion about building a new government in Sweden.

It didn't take long for the L (liberal party) to break their promise of never negotiate with the Neo-Nazis about building a government.
as the old (German?) proverb says, what do you call a gathering of 4 people where one is a Nazi? You call it the gathering of 4 Nazis.

#Sweden #Politic #Val2022 #StopNazis #svpol