

E-Mail an die Partei Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht

Da die Partei Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht in ihren FAQ dazu ermutigt, weitere Fragen zu stellen, habe ich soeben folgende E-Mail an fragen@bsw-vg.de geschrieben:

"Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
zu zwei Fragen habe ich weder unter dem Button "Programm" noch in den FAQ eine Antwort gefunden:

1.) Wie steht die Partei zu Bürgergeld und Sanktionen? Im Programm und in den FAQ wird nur das Arbeitslosengeld erwähnt.

2.) Hat die Partei eine Position zum Umgang mit sexuellen Minderheiten, im Einzelnen Schwule, Lesben und bisexuelle Menschen und im Speziellen zu den Minderheiten, die unter dem Oberbegriff Transgender gefasst werden, und wenn ja, wie lautet diese Position?

Ich freue mich auf Ihre Antwort und verbleibe mit freundlichen Grüßen

Wenn eine Antwort eintrifft, werde ich euch hier darüber informieren, was das Bündnis mir geschrieben hat.

#bündnis-sahra-wagenknecht #bsw #sahrawagenknecht #wagenknecht #partei #politik #deutschland
#bürgergeld #hartz-iv #arbeitslosengeld
#lgbt #queer #schwul #lesbisch #homosexuell #bisexuell #trans #transgender


Dagmar Pauli legt ein fachlich fundiertes Aufklärungsbuch zu Geschlechtern und Geschlechtsidentitäten vor und liefert Denkanstöße für ein besseres Miteinander. Eine Rezension

Dieses fachlich fundierte Aufklärungsbuch zu Geschlechtern und Geschlechtsidentitäten überzeugt nicht zuletzt durch Erfahrungsberichte. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Die anderen Geschlechter von Dagmar Pauli)#Geschlecht #divers #Diversität #Androgynie #Feminismus #Gender #Identität #Geschlechtsidentität #Intersexualität #Nicht-Binarität #nicht-binär #trans #non-binary #cis #queer #Transgender #LGBT #LGBTQ #schwul #lesbisch #Kultur #PsychologieHirnforschung
»Die anderen Geschlechter«: Diversität verstehen und respektieren


Wenn die Geschlechtsangleichung nicht glücklich macht I 37 Grad

Ich mag Nele, da sie entspannte Beiträge zur hochemotionalisierten Trans-Debatte liefert.

Vor allem das Statement am Schluss finde ich sehr gut, wo sie noch einmal explizit alle mit ins Boot nimmt und sich gegen die politische Instrumentalisierung wehrt, und zwar sowohl von Transmenschen als auch von detransitionierten Menschen.

Leider ein bisschen Verwirrspiel gegen Ende, wo wieder die legale und die medizinische Transition nicht klar auseinandergehalten werden. Das kenne ich bereits als Trick der Gegner des Selbstbestimmungsgesetzes. Als sollte man künftig ohne Diagnose geschlechtsangleichende Operationen und Hormontherapien bezahlt bekommen. Ob das Absicht ist...?


#transsexualität #transgender #trans #detrans #detransition #nele #doku #interview #zdf


A major LGBTQ+ org just left X over the site's cyberbullying of queer youth - LGBTQ Nation

In its announcement, GLSEN wrote that the platform’s “discriminatory policies and harmful practices… continue to put LGBTQ+ youth at risk.” Specifically, the organization mentioned X’s quiet removal of a policy that protected transgender people from deliberate misgendering and deadnaming.

#LGBTQIA #LGBT #trans #transgender #ElonMusk #X #Twitter #hatred


Response from Gendered Intelligence:

Long-awaited guidance for schools on how to support #transgender students has been published today. Some of the language in the guidance is likely to be distressing to #trans people - particularly our young people - and to educators and families of trans pupils.To our young people we want to say:

Don’t lose hope. This guidance will be stressful and difficult for many, but it is non-statutory. This means it does not change the rights and protections you are guaranteed by law, and it does not stop your teachers, your friends, or your families from supporting you. You can still have, and you still deserve, a happy, fulfilling, and supportive school experience.

To families and educators we want to say:

You can still look after the trans children in your care. The guidance states that there is no duty to allow pupils to socially transition. The opposite is also true: schools who want to support their trans pupils still can. Parents and carers who want to work with schools to support their trans children still can.


#lgbt+ #queer


After a year of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, a lifeline for trans and nonbinary people faces cuts | PBS NewsHour

The nation’s only mental health hotline designed specifically for — and almost entirely staffed by — transgender people will pause operations for the last two weeks of the year, and will decrease its hours of operation when it returns in 2024. As corporate donations have fallen, the Trans Lifeline has faced a major budget shortfall, leaders at the nonprofit said.

#trans #transgender #MentalHealth #TransLifeline


Fact Check: WSJ Publishes False Article Claiming Trans Kids Are "Actually Just Gay"

On Thursday, The Wall Street Journal published an opinion column by Dr. Roy Eappen, a former Conservative Party of Quebec candidate and member of the anti-trans organization Do No Harm. The column made an audacious claim: most transgender kids are not actually trans, and that being transgender is somehow a form of "conversion therapy" to turn gay kids trans.

#trans #transgender #AntiTransMisinformation #bigotry


It’s Personal Now: How My State Solidified My Resolve to Fight for Change

This was Kansas’ brand new “Women’s Bill of Rights” at work. Despite its name, this new law provides no protections or entitlements for women. Rather, it defines the words “female,” “male,” “woman,” and “man” in such a way that transgender people legally do not exist. Further, it disallows transgender people from changing their gender markers on their driver’s licenses and birth certificates.

As someone who had made these changes before the law came into effect, I had hoped that I would be grandfathered into keeping them. But my hope was shattered in this moment.

#trans #transgender #Kansas #AntiTransLaws #TransRightsAreHumanRights


On Trans Rights, Vote for Biden - by Noah Berlatsky

I know there are a lot of issues where people are unhappy with Biden. I’m unhappy with Biden in a lot of respects; I think his continued push for aid to Israel at this point is unconscionable (though Republicans on stage this week made sure to let us know they wanted more violence in Gaza, not less.)

I also think the choice facing us in 2024 on trans rights and trans life is very stark. I hope, given that, people will find a way to vote for Biden in 2024—and to vote for him even if you’re in a red or blue state where it doesn’t seem to make much difference. Republicans need to know that trans hatred, as an issue, is an electoral disaster, which will lead to sweeping defeat. I don’t think this is a moment to equivocate about that, and I am really worried about what happens if we do.

#trans #transgender #TransRightsAreHumanRights #RepublicanTransGenocide #VoteBiden


Diana Nyad, Famed Lesbian Swimmer, Comes Out In Support of Trans Athletes | Them

“I have come to understand that the science is far more complex than I thought, and there are clearly more educated experts than I who are creating policy to ensure that elite sports are both fair and inclusive of all women,” Nyad said. “I regret weighing in on that conversation and any harm I may have caused.”

#trans #transgender #TransAthletes