

US Immigration Rant Incoming...

Unless you have pure Native American blood from generations of ancestors in the USA, you are an immigrant. Most of us are immigrants in the USA while an estimated 3.5% of us are undocumented. We unjustly took land from many and continue to mistreat Native Americans even today - violating treaties made and guaranteed by the Constitution.

Others continue to be mislabeled and mistreated as immigrants as well - many of whom are related to Native Americans. Far more immigrants that were unrelated came to this country escaping harm and many today seek a home here despite the current divisiveness - it's still better than where they come from. Our home remains a promised land for others who are less fortunate and want to contribute to our society.

There is no such thing as an illegal immigrant (people are not legal or illegal). There are undocumented immigrants who may have entered or stayed illegally. Some were born and raised in the USA, whether a dreamer, a transplanted descendent, or a member of the silent generation born at home, have no documentation to prove it.

The notion of the USA from its inception was to be a welcoming space for all who intend no harm that were fleeing harm in many cases. Founders sought to provide for equal opportunities and freedom from religion or the freedom to practice any religion. They knew this could only have been accomplished by a secular government established as independence was won from religious autocrats across the pond at the time. Over time, the will of the people has persisted even in dark days of injustice at different times in our history.

As a country, we've grown and learned to stand for human rights, women's rights, disabled rights, and LGBTQ+ rights - to reject slavery and oppression often facilitated by perverting the tenets of organized religion. The majority of us have grown through the generations together towards that goal of a more perfect union. Many have died defending us against authoritarians in other countries and our own.

Today's Repugnants (GOP) want to go back to dark days in ways that are not only unconstitutional, but in opposition of the very principles upon which this country came to be. Their goal to rewrite the Constitution so it provides them the very authoritarianism is clear as we see evidence of their illegal activities to subvert the will of the people on many fronts. The majority must stand against them and uphold the Constitution through activism and voting in elections as well as holding politicians accountable.

I am one of the disabled who cannot get out and about anymore as an activist but I am happy to provide advice and support to those of you who have far more years in front of you than behind you. The future is yours to shape - do not be deterred! Tell them "Shame On You" with your vote, your voice, and your solidarity.

De-platform them and make a noise so loud and so long it drowns them out as many deplorables age out of society. But never let your guard down like some in prior generations did. It is up to you to take the country back from the deplorables in power and do not allow them to ever get it back again. Stand with Democrats as the Big Tent party for equality together no matter the birthright, gender, sexuality, creed, color, ability, religion, or age.


#ShameOnYou #Music #Activism #GoodTrouble #IndigoGirls #USPolitics
indigo girls - shame on you (official video)


Who wants to bet that the target is not going to be Neo Nazis, but those criticizing Israel?

We have an old proverb in Farsi that says, from the toilet, one can't expect anything other than what is already in it.

From the #dumbfuckistan US, one can only expect what we have already seen in the the past.

Behold JVP and supporters of Palestine, they are coming after you in the name of fighting Anti-semitism.

#Florida #Polotocd #AntiSemitism #NeoNazi #USpolitics


Conservative Christian Taliban smiling when they take away the rights of women or allow young kids to be slaves of disaster capitalism!

Nauseating grim on their faces, with the expression of the kids on this image says it all. Religious fanatics are truly disgusting, the ones with rich Capitalist backers are multiple factor worse.
PS. Image of the loony woman signing a bill to remove the minimum age from the labor laws in her state : https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/08/politics/sarah-huckabee-sanders-arkansas-child-labor/index.html

#Politics #Childlabour #USpolitics #ChristianTaliban #Capitalism #Arkansas #Dumbfuckistan


...from the globalist perspective, J6 was worse than 9/11 as 9/11 was instrumental in ushering in the Constitution-violating surveillance state required to undermine American sovereignty in pursuit of political globalism.

J6 was an ostensibly non-violent expression of profound dissatisfaction with the Federal political establishment & J6 helped highlight how much Americans have been disenfranchised by globalists who have usurped American organs of state.

#uspolitics #globalism #january6th #j6 #j6footage #foxnews #tucker #tuckercarlson #nineeleven #911 #dc #washingtondc #federalgovernment #government #disenfranchisement #usurpation #globalists #globalagenda #elites #elitism #youtube #markdice



"Very interesting... but not funny!"

Channeling Laugh-in. But seriously, this is indeed interesting in that the Koch brother(s) have a great deal of 'clout' (AKA $$$$)
What does it mean? Maybe just a drop in direct subsidization of Trump, maybe pro-active funding of opponents or 'fresh' blood.
"It is what it is" for the moment....

Koch Political Machine Vows to Fight to Deny Trump GOP Nomination in 2024

#GQP #TrumpVirus #USpolitics #CampaignFinance #Koch


Protesters in Atlanta were charged with domestic terrorism for opposing the construction of "Cop City," a massive new police training facility. Activist kamaufranklin explains why many residents view it as an "urban warfare center" being built in their midsts.

Isn't it funny that those who attacked US capitol were not charged with domestic terrorism charges, but these people did?
Something is fundamentally wrong with US justice system. It is built to protect corporations and capitalism, than it's democracy and government.

#Politics #DumbFuckistan #USPolitics #Terroriam


Banning Abortions is Unbiblical

In case I still have US-based Christian followers/contacts here… Via ProgressiveChristianity.org at Facebook:

“And to put a finer point on it, fetuses were seen as property—not human beings—until they were born (Exodus 21:22-25). Since life was so precarious in the ancient world, many cultures waited until the naming ceremony (referenced in Luke 2) or even until an infant had survived its first year of life before they considered it to be fully alive. Simply put, the Bible defines life as starting later than we typically view it today, not earlier.”

Via Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb J Lines.

Nevermind forcing women to risk ectopic pregnancies, forcing rape victims including underage girls to risk bringing pregnancy to term (including risking the girls' very lives), potentially banning in-vitro fertilization, banning birth-control pills, for all US citizens regardless of religious creed or personal beliefs, and so on and so forth.

#USPol #USPoli #USPolitics #SCOTUS #RoeVWade #AbortionRights #Christianity #Progressive / #fz_currentEvents