

Das ist echt zum Schreien komisch - seit Jahren wird gerade von linker Seite die Verwendung einer #Krake (zurecht) als antisemitisch kritisiert. Aber wenn #Greta ihren Einsatz für Klimaschutz mit Pro-Palästina-Aktivismus vermischt und eine Krake im Bild platziert ist das "Zufall" und "nicht so gemeint" ... #WTF

Nur ein Beispiel:


‘Inconvenient,’ ‘wasteful,’ ‘frustrating’: Students react to removal of paper towels, air purifiers from on-campus housing - The Brown Daily Herald

Air purifiers have also disappeared from University dormitories.

While walking through campus in July, Christopher Vanderpool ’24 stumbled upon an unexpected scene: dozens of air purifiers in a dumpster.

“That was my first (piece of) knowledge that we probably weren’t going to have air purifiers again,” he said, adding that he “expected some sort of communication from the University.”

Vanderpool noted that, in his opinion, the air purifiers contributed to community health and safety for students living on campus.

The air purifier "kept the room feeling a little fresher, and I knew there was clean air coming out of it,” he said. “There are still people who are immunocompromised who take a lot of precautions when it comes to COVID, and I think the air purifiers are an important tool for people to feel as comfortable and safe as possible.”

Blain similarly described the absence of air purifiers as “strange,” adding that there should be an opt-in system available for students who would prefer having one in their on-campus housing unit.

“I’m sure there are some people who are still concerned about COVID and want clean air in their rooms,” he said.

After discovering that the air purifiers had been thrown away, Vanderpool recalled reflecting on the University’s manner of disposing of them.

“I think there’s a better way to dispose (of) electronics, especially air purifiers,” he said. “I don’t think the proper way is to just toss them away in the dumpster like that.”




Sexuelle Übergriffe: Hauptzeugin belastet Göttinger Professor | NDR.de - Nachrichten - Niedersachsen - Studio Braunschweig

21 Straftaten, Körperverletzung, sexuelle Nötigung, Freiheitsberaubung - das wirft die Staatsanwaltschaft dem Professor vor. Vor allem: Schläge mit einem Stock auf den Po einer Doktorandin. Nach der Verlesung der Anklage am vergangenen Mittwoch hat am zweiten Prozesstag zunächst der Angeklagte das Wort. Über seine Verteidigerin lässt der 57-Jährige seine Aussage verlesen, ein Geständnis legt er nicht ab. Der Professor räumt ein, seiner ehemaligen Doktorandin 2014 auf den Oberschenkel gehauen zu haben, damit sie mit ihrer Doktorarbeit "in die Strümpfe komme", zitiert ihn die Verteidigerin am Montag.

#wtf Und der Typ ist weiterhin Professor?



I found out what's wrong with Apple: They rejected #DuckDuckGo as a #search engine because of #privacy concerns and therefore preferred to stay with #Google.

source: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/10/apple-considered-ditching-google-for-duckduckgo-in-safaris-private-mode/

#Giannandrea had a different take, though. He was heavily involved in Apple's discussions about its future with search, and he dismissed a switch to DuckDuckGo, partly because he felt that DuckDuckGo's "marketing about privacy is somewhat incongruent with the details" because DuckDuckGo relies on #Bing in some areas. He said he would have wanted to do "a lot more due diligence with DuckDuckGo" should the switch have happened. He previously argued against switching to DuckDuckGo in an internal company email.

So an ex-Google employee talks about privacy issues and that's why you should stay with Google. If Apple is so stupid and falls for it, I wonder what they do for a living.

#news #problem #wtf #fail #omg #technology #safari #browser #internet #web #www


Scripted shortcut caused double-click #disaster of #sysadmin's own making

source: https://www.theregister.com/2023/10/09/who_me/

Rather than right-clicking on the script and selecting "Edit" to make his small change, Ricardo had instead executed the script. On his production machine. The machine that stored all of his carefully constructed scripting – not to mention absolutely everything else he needed to do his job.

And of course there was no "Are you sure Y/N?" to save Ricardo's skin, was there? With a fraction of a second, the script merrily started eating away the hard drive … and Ricardo's livelihood.

#software #script #fail #administrator #omg #wtf #configuration


According to Kurdish media, the Turkish army has bombed a number of targets in the area of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, also known as #Rojava.

Several sources claim that a Turkish drone waa shot down in northern #Hasakah, #Syria. The missile launched at the drone was from inside the #US controlled occupied areas of Syria.

##A drone from a #NATO nation was shot down by a NATO missile! (You can make this shit up, reality of Syrian conflict is just beyond logic).

(Images shared shows) Turkish drone shot down in Tel-Tamr, north of the Syrian province of #Hasaka.

#Drones #Turkey #Occupation #Erdogan #WTF


Dickpics, Applaus und Imposter-Syndrom - DER ALBRECHT

Eine dieser Geschichten: Am 6. November 2019 schreibt jemand in eine der inoffiziellen Informatik-WhatsApp-Gruppen, dass eine Person des Öfteren während der Vorlesungen masturbiert und dass diese Person damit doch bitte aufhören solle. Das ist jedoch kein Einzelfall, wenn es um (sexuelle) Belästigung geht.

In demselben Jahrgang soll es auch einen anderen Mann geben, der als ‚Hentai-Typ’ bekannt ist, weil er sich mitten in der Vorlesung pornografische Mangas und Videos angeschaut hat. Dass sich die Studierenden und gerade Frauen durch ein solches Verhalten unwohl fühlen könnten, scheint ihnen nicht bewusst zu sein, oder ihnen genau deswegen zu gefallen.

Sowas krasses hab ich noch nie gehört o.O




WHOA : The #Taliban's FM meets with the #Austrian "far-right" Freedom Party in #Kabul.

“The members of the Freedom Party stressed and promised that they will portray the real picture of the current situation of #Afghanistan to #Europe and share it with their officials, people, and the member countries of the European Union,” the ministry said in a statement.

Quoting one of the members of the Freedom Party, Mr. Yohannes, the statement said: “I regret to say that the current government of Afghanistan, having ensured overall security and putting an end to four decades of conflict of Afghanistan, has not been recognized yet.”


Not even bankers wear ties and blazers any more. So why should schoolchildren? | André Spicer | The Guardian

My daughter later told me that she was given special dispensation to take off the blazer – but only during the 30C heat of the first week of term. She was one of the lucky ones. Other schools are far less lenient when it comes to enforcing uniform rules. Children from a school in Cornwall were given detention for taking off their blazers in the sweltering heat. A 12-year-old schoolgirl from Hull was placed into isolation this year for wearing a skirt from Asda. Kids at one school were excluded from class for wearing the wrong kind of sock.

#wtf #schooluniforms



Cleanup of Seattle’s Duwamish River Could Cost Boeing, Taxpayers $1 Billion — ProPublica

In fact, the company described the Duwamish River as “a natural collector for Boeing’s fluid wastes” in a 1950 magazine article Boeing produced for its employees. Boeing said at the time that it had a handle on the situation — asserting, for example, that some of its most volatile waste would be neutralized by chemicals released by other polluters.




Dr. Holly Walters on X: "I am both an American and a Cultural Anthropologist who specializes in semiotics and religion. I do not understand what is going on in this flag. At all. https://t.co/JGzjwMs5mh" / X

Lol #wtf


Saudi Arabia has executed two members of its armed forces for alleged "war crimes, treason and failure to protect national interests."

The two defendants were identified as pilot Lieutenant Colonel Majid bin Musa Awad al-Balawi and Chief Sergeant Yousef bin Reda Hassan al-Azouni, both arrested in 2017.

war crimes?

#SaudiArabia #WTF #Deathpenalty #politics