

When #security matters: working with #Qubes OS at the #Guardian

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/info/2024/apr/04/when-security-matters-working-with-qubes-os-at-the-guardian

Configuring a Qubes workstation was a new challenge for the team as we abandoned years of experience writing Infrastructure as Code for the cloud and started learning how to write #Salt #configuration. Salt (also know as SaltStack) is a management engine available by default in Qubes.

#cybersecurity #news #journalism #linux #technology #software #securedrop


Unfortunately, #CNN has dropped out of my #newsfeed as a serious #news source and I will no longer link to them.

What they write there is wrong on so many levels that it is downright cheeky.

Their goal with tracking is to undermine my privacy as much as possible and not to protect it. Then they boldly lie to my face that they want to protect my privacy but I have to deactivating my blocking add-ons for it?

Please don't fall for it and steer clear of websites that lie to you so shabbily!

I use Firefox with "uBlock Origin", "Cookie AutoDelete" and "I don't care about cookies". In my opinion, this is the minimum configuration for safe surfing on the ad-infested Internet. I can no longer take anyone who doesn't like this seriously.

#fail #security #tracking #surveillance #addon #extension #configuration #software #browser #online #web #www #problem #advertisement #surveillance #economy #marketing #error


Determine system settings with Inxi

The #Inxi #system #monitor offers a wide range of functions. An
overview of all parameters and settings can be found in the online help, which can be called with the parameter **-h**. The source archive also contains also contains a man page.

web: https://codeberg.org/smxi/inxi

#linux #terminal #commandline #tool #utility #setting #configuration


Scripted shortcut caused double-click #disaster of #sysadmin's own making

source: https://www.theregister.com/2023/10/09/who_me/

Rather than right-clicking on the script and selecting "Edit" to make his small change, Ricardo had instead executed the script. On his production machine. The machine that stored all of his carefully constructed scripting – not to mention absolutely everything else he needed to do his job.

And of course there was no "Are you sure Y/N?" to save Ricardo's skin, was there? With a fraction of a second, the script merrily started eating away the hard drive … and Ricardo's livelihood.

#software #script #fail #administrator #omg #wtf #configuration


#Cat accused of wiping US #Veteran Affairs server info after #jumping on #keyboard

source: https://www.theregister.com/2023/10/05/hospital_cat_incident/

On a mid-September call, one of the participants explained that while a technician was reviewing the #configuration of a #server cluster, their cat jumped on the keyboard and deleted it.


Kurt DelBene, assistant secretary for information and #technology and CIO at the Department of Veterans Affairs, is said to have responded on the call with words to the effect that: "This is why I have a #dog."


#usa #fail #problem #news


#NSA and #CISA Red and Blue Teams Share Top Ten #Cybersecurity Misconfigurations

source: https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/cybersecurity-advisories/aa23-278a

1) Default configurations of software and applications
2) Improper separation of user/administrator privilege
3) Insufficient internal network monitoring
4) Lack of network segmentation
5) Poor patch management
6) Bypass of system access controls
7) Weak or misconfigured multifactor authentication (MFA) methods
8) Insufficient access control lists (ACLs) on network shares and services
9) Poor credential hygiene
10) Unrestricted code execution

#usa #internet #security #administrator #configuration #knowledge #knowhow #top10 #network #login


Does anyone of you work at "La Quadrature du Net" (LQDN)?

It's a French #NGO fighting for a free Internet. They have a #Jabber / #XMPP server running with a wrong configuration at: https://jabber.lqdn.fr - The #onion address of the server must be changed to a V3 address since the latest update of #TOR. Then the new onion address must be entered here: https://jabber.lqdn.fr/access-our-chat-server-using-tor-and-onion-address - Such an onion address is important for the anonymity of whistleblowers, because they don't want their IP logged.

#lqdn #France #problem #information #configuration #followerpower #attention #danger


‘Apple is eating our lunch’: #Google employees admit in lawsuit that the company made it nearly impossible for users to keep their #location #private

source: https://www.businessinsider.com/unredacted-google-lawsuit-docs-detail-efforts-to-collect-user-location-2021-5

Google continued collecting location data even when users turned off various location-sharing #settings, made popular #privacy settings harder to find, and even pressured LG and other phone makers into hiding settings precisely because users liked them, according to the documents.

#fail #smartphone #phone #mobile #Android #news #configuration #spy #surveillance #gps


Ayé, je suis sous Mageia 8, bon pas sans boulettes qui m'ont amenée à essayer quasiment tous les environnements de bureaux proposés pour revenir à un XFCE configuré à la main. J'ai gardé, mes fonds d'écran, dont celui que j'ai dessiné pour l'écran principal, et redessiné presque toutes les icônes du tableau de bord. Peut-être un future thème d'icônes pour XFCE ?

Et alors oui, il n'y a rien dessus, c'est volontaire.

Tout a été dessiné avec Inkscape.

#mageia #linux #xfce #configuration #Inkscape


@woozle@hey.iseeamess.com: Yes, Mozilla has "simplified" its UI by removing the JS toggle

You can still access it via NoScript, or through the about:config interface (where the real meat lives anyway):


The following is not an acceptable work around:
about:config > javascript.enabled

Re: https://plus.google.com/u/0/102282887764745350285/posts/H6SM19YxbF4

#mozilla #firefox #iceweasel #javascript #disable #configuration #poweruser