

Bangladesh finds way to pay Russia for nuclear plant: with yuan

With U.S. and European sanctions barring #Russia from much of the international banking system, Dhaka has been scrambling for ways to settle repayments worth $110 million for the still under construction Rooppur power plant. But last week, a high-level delegation from Russia and #Bangladesh's Ministry of Finance agreed that the bills could be paid in #yuan.
#Politics #Economy #NuclearPower #China


Some people really hate peace!

The dumpster fire on Twitter is so full of ridiculous posts like this from angry and disappointed war mongers who were hoping for Israel to bomb Iran with the help of Saudi Arabia.

The danger of Israel taking the coming 2 months as it's last opportunity to push for a "limited" attack against Iran, followed by an explosion in retaliations and conflicts between Iran and US in many fronts.

What most people missing, is that China won a HUGE international image boost by meddling between the 2 arch enemies.

And the side story is, both Iran and KSA agreed to sell oil in #Yuan to China and ditch the US$ in their trades. This is a positive move for the world peace, but unfortunately may tickle the mad dogs in both US and Israel to over react negatively.

#Iran #SaudiArabia #Politics #Israel #China #US


"La Guerre d’ #Ukraine a été la goutte qui a inversé le cours de l’ #Histoire."

Pendant ces heures décisives, nous avons constaté que :

Le vieil #empire occidental n’est pas en mesure, ni mental, ni matériel, de mener une Troisième guerre mondiale pour faire prévaloir sa domination planétaire. Ni une guerre classique (avec intervention au sol, donc pertes humaines conséquentes), ni même probablement un Armageddon nucléaire.
Désindustrialisées, dépourvues de ressources énergétiques et même alimentaires suffisantes pour satisfaire leur boulimie d’ogres, les anciennes cigales dominantes se retrouvent fort dépourvues quand la bise #russe se met à souffler.
La prépondérance monétaire et financière occidentale, reposant sur le #dollar et le réseau #SWIFT, n’est qu’un géant aux pieds d’argile malmené désormais par les #monnaie fourmis que sont le #rouble, le #yuan et même la #roupie indienne."

A #Marioupol, du beau linge occidental aurait été tué ou capturé.
Numerous reports are now circulating claiming that United States Army Major General Roger L. Cloutier has been CAPTURED by Russian forces in or around Mariupol, Ukraine where, the reports claim, he was helping the AZOV Battalion which is Ukraine's official NAZI unit.