



There are mounting concerns regarding this decades long International Government fraud and its very close links to a huge child trafficking network and our Politicians.

You will see from this video that the #SWIFT #financial #system is now expediting a migration to #digital #currency, moving us closer to a #cashless #Society.

This cannot happen and now imminently risks enslaving the public into a criminal network heavily linked to child trafficking.

Despite being a former Police Officer and contacting numerous organisations and almost 650 Members of Parliament, none are responding as they should, if at all. This is only highlighting the concerns even further.

I urge you to increase the pressure on your local councils and our national Government to address this as a matter of urgency. It really is the cause of most of the problems on the planet.

These people are appearing to be an increasingly imminent and serious risk to us all, particularly if cash is removed from society as appears to be their intention. This may mean we cannot withhold tax as a peaceful form of protest to any criminality they are involved in.


enter image description here

#Pushya’ or ‘ #Pashyami’ is a #constellation in the #Cancer zodiac sign, and it can have a significant impact on a person’s life depending on where it’s placed in their #birth chart. When it’s in favorable positions, it brings positive outcomes, but in unfavorable positions, it can lead to challenges. The positioning of other planets in the chart also plays a crucial role.

Pushya is often associated with nurturing and preservation. In simpler terms, it aims to support and sustain what is healthy and beneficial. This concept isn’t limited to just relationships; it extends to intellect as well. Since Pushya is governed by #Jupiter, a planet linked to wisdom and broad-mindedness, people born under Pushya seek to nourish their minds and expand their mental horizons.

These individuals are lifelong learners who actively seek out teachers, books, places, and people that contribute to their personal growth and wisdom. They also have their own insights and ideas generated through their self-reflection and mental abilities.

Pushya individuals are in a constant state of exploration, looking for answers both within themselves and in the world around them. This curious and inquisitive nature is a fundamental trait of Pushya, present from birth. You might recognize a Pushya individual as a child who always questions how things work, tries to figure things out on their own, asks lots of questions, and gets excited or uneasy when answers aren’t readily available.

Empathy is another key trait of Pushya. From a young age, they have a deep understanding of what can hurt or uplift someone, and they naturally act in ways that consider these feelings. They are known for giving selflessly, without expecting anything in return, and their generosity comes from a genuine place of respect for others and their own values.

This trait is exceptionally strong in Pushya individuals; they act this way not because they want something in return, but because it’s in their nature to do so.

A famous example of a Pushya personality is #Goddess #Sita, who was born under this Nakshatra. She endured tremendous trials, like the trial by fire, without questioning until she reached a point where she couldn’t bear it any longer and chose salvation. Pushya individuals, like Cancerians, are giving and nurturing, but they are also deeply emotional and have their limits. When they feel their purpose in someone’s life is fulfilled, they are willing to let go, leaving behind beautiful memories.

For those who understand and appreciate these qualities in Pushya individuals, they can enjoy incredibly harmonious and loving family lives Pushya Nakshatra.

Lastly, Pushya is associated with one of the five primary elements, known as ‘Pancha Mahabhutas’: Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Space. In Pushya Nakshatra, the element of Space is particularly influential and takes shape among these five elements Pushya Nakshatra.
Translation “to #nourish and #nurture
Symbol #Cow’s #udders
Animal Symbol #Goat
Presiding Deity #Brihaspati, priest of #Gods
Controlling/Ruling Planet #Saturn
Ruling Deity of Saturn #Hanuman
The 4 Quarters of Pushya Nakshatra

1st quarter Ruled by Sun
2nd quarter Ruled by Mercury
3rd quarter Ruled by Venus
4th quarter Ruled by Mars
Nature #Deva (God-like)
Mode #Passive
Number #8
Gender #Male
Dosha #Pitta
Guna #Tamasic
Element #Water
Disposition #Light and #swift
Bird #Crow
Common Name of the Tree #Peepal
Botanical Name of the Tree #FigFicusreligiosa
Seed Sounds Hu, He, Ho, Da



#Wohlstandsprobleme - #Klimaprobleme!

Also, diese #Taylor #Swift, ich persönlich habe sicher schon mal was gehört von ihr, kann aber kein Stück benennen, oder mich dran erinnern, also jener Mensch gibt ein #Konzert in #Japan, jettet dann rüber zum #Superbowl nur um dort ihren Freund beim spielen zu zu sehen, ein Lied zu trällern und hat ein Problem:

Es steht wohl kein #Parkraum für ihren #Privatjet zur Verfügung, da schon so viele andere mit privaten Jets anreisen und alles blockieren.

#Argh! So wird das nix mit der #Rettung des #Klimas!

  1. #Hasta #Nakshatra enter image description here Gentle black female hands with natural manicure A #hand is the symbol of Hasta.

Ruling Planet: The #Moon ( #Chandra)

Associated Deity: #Surya, the #sun #god

Associated Stars: #Alchiba, #Kraz, #Algorab, #Minkar

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 3°46′-17°06′ Libra

Quality or Modality: #Swift ( #Laghu)

Associated Element: #Fire

Personality Traits: Practical, not romantic, restless, detail-oriented, critical,


  1. #Pushya #nakshatra enter image description here Cow vs Heifer - #Cow #Udders A cow’s udder is the #symbol of Pushya.

©Ratthaphong Ekariyasap/Shutterstock.com

Ruling Planet: #Saturn ( #Shani)

Associated Deity: #Bhraspati, a sage who gives counsel to the other gods

Associated Stars: #Asellus-Borealis, #Asellus-Australis, and #Theta-Cancri

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 27°06′ Cancer-10°26′ Leo

Quality or Modality: #Swift ( #Laghu)

Associated Element: #Water

Personality Traits: Peaceful, expansive, abundant, optimistic, balanced, helpful, ethical, sometimes suspicious or overly protective of material items



Rumble host Stew Peters airs segment calling for the executions of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce

During a segment on his show this Wednesday, right-wing conspiracy theorist and Rumble host Stew Peters called for the deaths of singer Taylor Swift and her pro-football player boyfriend Travis Kelce.

Peters slammed the relationship between Swift and Kelce and attacked them for allegedly leading people “to their slaughter” with their promotion of the COVID-19 vaccine.

In a video clip flagged by Media Matters, Peters’ guest, commentator Morgan Ariel, claimed that Swift and Kelce are dangerous because “if she’s dating some high-end, you know, football player that is pushing the vaccine, then that’s going to raise the probability that they’ll go out and get it.”

“These people are responsible for murder,” Peters replied. “They’re actually selling their souls and knowingly killing children with a DOD-manufactured, U.S. government-owned and deployed weapon of biowarfare. I mean, these people should be held to serious account.”

“I think people deserve to be publicly prosecuted and hung. I mean, the same thing that you say,” Ariel replied. “I think that we need justice in this country. I think that celebrities that are pushing it, they should be tried and they don’t have any conviction because their God is Satan and they value money instead of human life.”
#swift #kelce #StewPeters


05.08.2023 Getreideabkommen wäre zu retten gewesen

Abhängigkeit afrikanischer Staaten

"Gratisgetreide aus Moskau anzunehmen würde nur neue Abhängigkeiten schafften", sagt EU-Kommissar Joseph Borrell mit Blick auf das Angebot aus Russland. Die EU hat scheinbar Probleme mit afrikanischen Staaten, die derzeit ihre Abhänigkeiten auflösen oder zumindest diversifizieren wollen.

Über die Abhänigkeit vom Westen, sei es durch die EPAs, die Europeen Partnership Agreements, die von den afrikanischen Staaten die Öffnung iher Zollschranken abverlangen und gleichzeitig ihre Ausfuhren zu uns streng begrenzen, haben wir mehrmals berichtet.

In unserem Film "FRONTex - Fort Europe". haben wir schon 2013 berichtet über die ungleichen Handelsbeziehungen des Westens mit Afrika:

  • Saatgutunternehmen, die ihre Patentrechte mit Gewalt einfordern,
  • landwirtschaftliche Produzenten, die Hühnerreste - vielleicht noch mit Steuergeldern subventioniert - ins „arme Afrika“ verbringen und dort nicht nur den heimischen Markt in den Ruin trei­ben und damit auch zu Hunger, Arbeitslosigkeit, Armut, Krankheit und Konflikten bei­tragen ...

Über die jahrzehntelange Ausbeutung der industriellen Bodenschätze in vielen afrikanischen Ländern könnte man Bücher füllen. Der mögliche Verlust des Uranabbaus in Niger nach dem Putsch des dortigen Militärs wird der franzöischen Regierung und den Betreibern der französischen AKWs jetzt schlaflose Nächte bringen.
Zurück zu den "Getreide-Geschenken"

Russland hat das von der Türkei vermittelte Getreideabkommen nicht verlängert, weil der Westen seinen Teil des Abkommens nicht oder nur unzureichend erfüllt hat. Auch wenn Joseph Borrell erklärt: "Die EU hat keine Mühen gescheut, um sicherzustellen, dass die Sanktionen keine Auswirkungen auf die Ernährungssicherheit von Drittländern haben. Es gibt keine Sanktionen gegen Russlands Exporte von Nahrungsmitteln und Düngemittel in Drittländer."

... treffen die Sanktionen gegen die russische Landwirtschaftsbank indirekt Lieferungen aus Russland. Die Vereinten Nationen hatten bereits darauf hingewiesen, dass Zahlungen, Logistik und Versicherungen durch die westlichen Sanktionen behindert würden. Telepolis schreibt dazu: UN-Generalsekretär António Guterres erklärte im vergangenen Monat, seine Beamten hätten mit der EU-Kommission einen konkreten Vorschlag ausgearbeitet, um die Probleme zu lösen. Eine neu zu gründende Tochter der russischen Landwirtschaftsbank soll Zugang zu Swift erhalten.

Diese Problematik ist nicht neu und hätte bei gutem Willen und mit Blick auf den Hunger in der Welt aber auch mit Blick auf die Notwendigkeit der Ukraine ihr Getreide vor dem Verschimmeln zu verkaufen, längst gelöst sein können.

Mehr dazu bei https://www.telepolis.de/features/EU-Kommission-warnt-Afrika-vor-billigen-Getreidelieferungen-aus-Russland-9234168.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3vv
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8482-20230805-getreideabkommen-waere-zu-retten-gewesen.htm
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8482-20230805-getreideabkommen-waere-zu-retten-gewesen.html
Tags: #Ukraine #Russland #Diplomatie #Getreideabkommen #UNO #Sanktionen #Afrika #Frontex-Film #Patente #EPA #Abhängigkeiten #Frieden #Krieg #Niger #Uran #Putsch #Zollschranken #Swift #Ghana #Hühnerreste