

Accidental find, bubbled up out of nowhere. (Probably YouTube saw me looking at The Little Prince!)

This is... Fleetwood Mac. The original, More like John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers than the Fleetwood Mac of Rhiannon days.

Fleetwood Mac w. Peter Green - Homework -

This is actually a good example of the sound I associate with "original Fleetwood Mac" in their early days, distinctive in its way. But far from Buckingham/Nicks sound, far ahead in the (Version 2.2) Fleetwood Mac. 1968

#music #musica #1968 #60s #musique #PeterGreen #FleetwoodMac #rockhistory #guitarist #blues


Jiddu Krishnamurti ~ 1968

Talks in #Europe #1968 #Rome 3rd #Public #Talk 17th March 1968


The importance of #working #together

"We were saying, the importance of working together, the importance of #co-operation, because most of us live in a world that is completely broken, fragmented, a world in which there is constant struggle, one group against another group, one ideology against another, one nation against another, one class and so on. And technologically we are enormously in advance but there is more fragmentation than ever before. And as one observes factually what is going on, it is absolutely essential that man, that is, each one of us, learn how to co-operate. We cannot possibly work together about anything - it doesn't matter if it is about the new school, or the relationship with one another, or to end the monstrous wars that have been going on. If each individual, if each human being is isolating himself in an ideology, his life based on a principle, a discipline, a belief, a dogma, when there is such basis there cannot be co-operation. That seems to me so eminently obvious, there needs to be no discussion about it even. And we were saying, whether it is at all possible to break down all these values that one has deliberately built against others, whether it is at all possible for man to be free. That's what we were going to go into during these talks and discussions."

#jiddu #krishnamurti #freedom #systems #order #truth #humility #beauty #meditation


"The whole world's watching!"

Prologue / Someday - Chicago Transit Authority

Written by Chicago trombone player James Pankow and keyboard player Robert Lamm, this song is about the 1968 Democratic National Convention in the group's hometown of Chicago, where police beat antiwar demonstrators outside the venue in what was later deemed a "police riot." The violence at the convention was big news, energizing the protest movement. CBS reporter Mike Wallace was famously caught in the fray, getting punched in the face inside the convention hall.

The thought of being watched by the world is unacceptable to some:
This song is partially blocked on Youtube in Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and Syria.

Specifically about a political protest badly handled in Chicago, 1968, hometown of this band which came to be Chicago.

#Chicago #1968 #ChicagoTransitAuthority #music #musica #musique #60s


This Day in Rock Music History: 22 Nov - "White Album"

1968: 50 years ago today, The Beatles officially released their double-LP "The White Album" in the UK, and then 3 days later in the US.
Of note:
* Entered the UK chart at no. 1, remaining for 8 weeks
* Entered the US chart at no. 1, remaining for 9 weeks
* 1st Beatles LP released on Apple Records (2 solo albums were previously released on Apple)
* Much of the material was written during a meditation retreat to India
* It produced no radio singles
* However, "Hey Jude" was recorded during the White Album sessions, released as a separate single earlier in August
* Ringo quit The Beatles for a short period during the album's recording
* Yoko Ono, John's new love interest, was a regular at the recording sessions
* Yoko contributed vocals for "The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill" and backing vocals for "Birthday"
* Pattie Harrison (George's wife) contributed backing vocals for "Birthday"
* Maureen Starkey (Ringo's wife) contributed backing vocals for "The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill"


#music #rock #pop #beatles #whitealbum #yoko #charts #1968


#geschichte #massaker

Bonn und der Putsch in Indonesien

Der #Bundesnachrichtendienst ( #BND ) ist #1965 stark in den mörderischen #Putsch in #Indonesien, dem diesjährigen #Gastland der Frankfurter #Buchmesse, involviert gewesen. Dies belegen Geheimdokumente aus dem Deutschen #Bundestag. Wie es in einem Vortragsmanuskript des damaligen BND-Präsidenten Gerhard Wessel aus einer Sitzung des Bundestags-"Vertrauensgremiums" vom Juni #1968 heißt, habe der BND nicht nur die indonesischen Militärs bei der blutigen " #Zerschlagung der #KPI " (Kommunistische Partei Indonesiens), die den Mord an Hunderttausenden, eventuell gar Millionen Menschen umfasste, mit Beratern, Ausrüstung und Geld unterstützt. Der spätere Staatschef #Suharto habe dem BND sogar einen "große[n] Anteil ... am Erfolg" der Operation zugeschrieben. Bekannt war bislang vor allem die #Putschbeihilfe #US -amerikanischer Stellen. Der #Umsturz und die folgende mehr als 30-jährige #Diktatur, die ebenfalls zuverlässig von der #Bundesrepublik gefördert wurde, sind ein wichtiges Thema in den Arbeiten zahlreicher indonesischer #Schriftsteller, die auf der diesjährigen Frankfurter Buchmesse vertreten sind. Die Bundesregierung verweigert die Aufklärung der BND-Unterstützung für den Putsch und die #Gewaltexzesse der indonesischen Militärs bis heute. [...] BND-Gründer #Gehlen lobte die Verbrechen im Rückblick fast überschwänglich. "Der Erfolg der indonesischen Armee, die ... die Ausschaltung der gesamten kommunistischen Partei mit Konsequenz und Härte verfolgte", schrieb er 1971 in seinen "Erinnerungen", "kann nach meiner Überzeugung in seiner Bedeutung gar nicht hoch genug eingeschätzt werden." http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/de/fulltext/59225

Mehr zum Thema:
Befreundete »Führungsmacht« - Kontinuität und Wandel in den deutsch-indonesischen Beziehungen. Die BRD unterstützte den Massenmörder Suharto vor allem finanziell und leistet heute dem Inselstaat mililtärische Hilfe. Der Kapitalexport entwickelt sich dagegen eher schleppend http://www.jungewelt.de/2015/10-14/020.php

Wie Suharto auf den Obersalzberg kam - Nach beispiellosen Massakern an Kommunisten weilte Indonesiens Präsident 1970 auf Staatsbesuch in Bonn: Eine Erinnerung aus Anlass der Frankfurter Buchmesse http://www.jungewelt.de/2015/10-10/023.php

Putsch nach »Pütschchen« - Anhänger des Präsidenten Sukarno wollten am 30. September 1965 die Machtverhältnisse in Indonesien ändern. Der dilettantische Versuch scheiterte und brachte mit einer blutigen Konterrevolution Diktator Suharto an die Macht http://www.jungewelt.de/2015/10-01/001.php