Why are #digital opportunities leading to the Orwellian #surveillance state?
It is much cheaper to query a surveillance #database and #arrest all the suspicious #people in it than good old time-consuming #police #investigations. Today's #technology enables almost seamless #monitoring at neuralgic points. In the past, this could only be dreamed of, and the staff alone was not enough to read every letter. Today, an #AI can take over this task and immediately calculate the potential #danger. Of course, bad mistakes happen, but as long as on average more dangerous people are recognized and arrested at an early stage, it is not important for the state. After all, everyone can make use of the possibilities offered by the rule of #law and, in case of doubt, will be released again. Unless, of course, he commits suicide like #AaronSchwartz. Particularly resistant dissidents are tortured to death like #Assange or chased into exile like #Snowden. #Security comes at a price, and it's the security that counts, especially in this uncertain, latent crisis situation. Welcome to the year 1984!
#society #democracy #justice #privacy #humanrights #politics #government #orwell #problem #future #internet #policestate #jail #prison #terror