

Wars are terrible, and from the very beginning these conflicts have lasted too long. There is hope for all regions of the world affected by war. I hope that in the coming ages a way of being and living together will be developed that makes it possible to communicate in such a way that conflicts do not arise.

#BAGHDAD and #KARBALA – Arriving in Baghdad today comes as an electric shock to any visitor who remembers recent, somber Iraqi history.

There are virtually no checkpoints, apart from sensitive government areas. None of those ghastly cement blocks from the time of the American occupation, forcing a slow slalom every few minutes. No sense of unpredictable danger capable of striking at any minute. Lush greenery thrives all over the capital city. Haifa Street has been rebuilt practically from scratch. Bustling commerce, from non-stop action in Karrada to a complex of restaurants by the Tigris called (most appropriately) Thousand and One Nights.

Let's see what will emerge from the current events.


#Iraq: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's wife, the former leader of ISIS, was sentenced to death

The Al-Karkh Criminal Court of #Baghdad sentenced Al-Samaa Muhammad, the first wife of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the former leader of ISIS, to death for the crime of collaborating with #ISIS, forcibly keeping Yazidi women in her home and helping ISIS terrorists to transfer these women from Sinjar.

In 1378, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi married Asma Fawzi Muhammad Al-Kabisi, who was his cousin's daughter.


Israeli sources believe that close to half a million people are still in the besieged northern Gaza.

It doesn't stop them from bombing the city in the most barbaric ways since the start of the war.

Blinken visited Iraq today and had meeting with Iraqi PM, who flew to Tehran right after Blinken left Baghdad probably to deliver the warning to Iranian leadership.

With 3 aircraft carriers and 2 nuclear submarines in the region, US wants to make sure Israel can butcher Palestinians unchallenged.

#Blinken #Israel #Gaza #Iraq #Iran #Politics #PeaceNow #StopIsrael #SaveGaza #Lebanon #Tehran #Baghdad


Iraq-Iran relations: Baghdad facing deadline to disarm Kurdish fighters

Armed Kurdish groups in northern Iraq have started pulling out from areas near the border with Iran.It's part of a security agreement signed between the two ...#ArmedKurdishgroups #Baghdad #Iran #Iraq #IraqIranrelations #Iraqigovernment #Kurdishfighters #KurdishregionofNorthernIraq #aljazeera #aljazeeraenglish #aljazeera #aljazeeraenglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeranews #aljazeeracom #militarycamps #northernIraq
Iraq-Iran relations: Baghdad facing deadline to disarm Kurdish fighters


Multiple eyewitness reports from Iraq showing movement of tanks and armored vehicles towards Syria and US basesein #Iraq.

Above that, some 20 helicopters were seen moving forward n and out of this US embassy in #Baghdad.

This is on top of the 2500 troops #Biden has ordered to be sent to Iraq and #Syria.

Some reports mention US preparing for a military confrontation with the Russian troops in Syria, others say that the reinforcement is part of the Biden's plan to confront Iran that is trying to disrupt the US theft of Syrian oil in the past few days.

Last week, #Qaani, the commander of #IRGC task force who replaced General #Soleimani, the assassinated leader of the group by the order of #Trump almost 3,5 years ago. Qaani seems to have talked with various Shia militia in Iraq asking them to stop provoking Americans to prevent US using that as an excuse to attack Syria and Iran in coordition with #Israel.

#Russia #Politics #Militarism #GoodOccupation


just read it and think how f-ed our world is : #Iraq gets #US green light to pay $2.76bn gas bill to #Iran | The release of the funds comes amid reports that #Washington and #Tehran have held indirect talks in #Oman to 'deescalate tensions' | June 10 2023:

"The Iran-Iraq Joint Chamber of Commerce Chairman, Yahya Al-e Eshaq, announced on 10 June that Iraq has released $2.76 billion worth of Iranian funds in gas export money owed by #Baghdad.

#Iraq received a #sanctions waiver from the #US to make the payment.

According to an unnamed foreign ministry official that spoke with #Reuters, Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein got the clearance to make the payment from US State Secretary Antony #Blinken on the sidelines of the #Riyadh Conference on Thursday."


“The story of #Baghdad's worst #massacre

In December 2020, President #Trump #pardoned four #Blackwater security guards who committed one of the worst acts of #terrorism. Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, Dustin Heard and Nicholas Slatten were part of the convoy that killed 17 innocent Iraqi citizens including a nine year old Ali, 19 year old Ahmed and 11 year old Qasim.

On Sept 16, 2007, at approximately 12:08 p.m., in Nisour Square, Baghdad, a heavily armed Blackwater convoy consisting of four large South African­ made “Mamba” armoured vehicles with machine guns mounted on top made a surprise U turn as they entered the square. While they entered, a young Iraqi medical student named Ahmed Hathem al-Rubaie was driving his mother, Mahasin, in the family’s white Opal sedan after dropping his father Jawad at a hospital where he worked as a pathologist. Ahmed was in the third year of medical school. It was the month of Ramadan so they were fasting. Ahmed’s mother, was also a doctor--an allergist. They could've left Iraq but Jawad believed they were needed in the country.
“I feel pain when I see doctors leaving Iraq,” he said.

While the blackwater convoy proceeded to drive the wrong way on a one-way street. Ali Khalaf Salman, an Iraqi traffic cop was on duty in Nisour Square on that day. As Khalaf watched, the convoy came to an abrupt halt. He says a large white man with a mustache, positioned atop the third vehicle in the Blackwater convoy, began to fire his weapon “randomly.”

Khalaf heard a woman screaming, “My son! My son!” The police officer sprinted toward the voice and found a middle-aged woman inside a vehicle holding a 22 year old man who had been shot in the forehead and was covered in blood. “I tried to help the young man, but his mother was holding him so tight,” Khalaf recalled.

Another Iraqi policeman, Sarhan Thiab, ran towards the car. “We tried to help him,” Thiab said. “I saw the left side of his head was destroyed and his mother was crying out, ‘My son, my son! Help me, help me!’”

While Khalaf was yelling, “Don’t shoot, please!” But as he stood with his hand raised, a gunman from the fourth Blackwater vehicle opened fire on the mother gripping her son and shot her dead before Khalaf’s and Thiab’s eyes. “I saw parts of the woman’s head flying in front of me, blow up,” Thiab said. “They immediately opened heavy fire at us”.

Within moments, Khalaf says, so many shots had been fired at the car from “big machine guns” that it exploded, engulfing the bodies inside in flames, melting their flesh into one.

“Each of their four vehicles opened heavy fire in all directions, they shot and killed everyone in cars facing them and people standing on the street,” Thiab recalled.
The victims were identified as Ahmed Hathem al-Rubaie and his mother, Mahasin. Ahmed’s father, Jawad, has a brother, Raad, who worked in a nearby hospital where victims of the shooting were being taken. “He heard the shots,” Jawad recalls. “It was a battle, a fight, a war. And of course, it didn’t occur to him that his mother and brother were the victims--among the victims of the incident.”

Raad “went to the morgue, and the person who was responsible for the morgue told him that they received 16 bodies as casualties from the incident that day.
They were all identified,
identifiable, except for two. Two bodies completely burnt. . . . They were put in black plastic bags.”

Raad suspected that it could be Ahmed and Mahasin but, he said, “my heart didn’t want to believe it.” He and his wife drove to Nisour Square and ound a badly burnt white sedan. The license plate was not on the vehicle, but Raad’s wife found an imprint of the numbers in the sand. Raad called Jawad and began reading the numbers on the vehicle and confirmed his worst fears.

Jawad raced to the morgue and found out that were some forty bullet holes in their vehicle.

Seventeen Iraqis died and more than twenty wounded in one of the worst acts of terrorism.

Another Iraqi officer on the scene, Hussam Abdul Rahman, said that people who attempted to flee their vehicles were targeted. “Whoeve tepped out of his car was shot at immediately, he said.

“I saw women and children jump out of their cars and start to crawl on the road to escape being shot,” said Iraqi lawyer Hassan Jabar Salman, who was shot four times in the back during the incident. “But still the iring kept coming and many of them were killed. I saw a boy of about ten leaping in fear from a minibus--he was shot in the head. His mother was crying out for him. She jumped out after him, and she was killed”

Mohammed Abdul Razzaq and his 9 year old son, Ali, were in a vehicle immediately behind Ahmed and Mahasin, the first victims that day.

“We were six persons in the car - me, my son, my sister, and her three sons. The four children were in the back seat,” Razzaq said. He recalled that the Blackwater forces had “gestured stop, so we all stopped. . . . It’s a secure area, so we thought it will be the usual: we would stop for a bit as convoys pass. Shortly after that they opened heavy fire randomly at the cars with no exception.” He said his vehicle, “was hit by about thirty bullets. Everything was damaged.


#Iraq #politics


#Pourquoi le #monde #Arabe déconne avec son #argent ? | #IdrissAberkane

Quelque part entre le 9ème et le 14ème siècle après Jésus-Christ, le monde Arabe aura été le plus technologiquement avancé sur Terre. Comment alors sommes-nous passés de la superbe #Baghdad abbasside où se côtoyaient toutes les #langues, #sciences, #philosophies et #religions des #Routes de la #Soie, aux #projets gâtés que nous présentent aujourd'hui les exécutifs de #Riyad et du #Caire avec l'argent de leur propre #peuple? Faisons un point sur le #différence entre le #Génie et le #Bling dans cette petite vidéo.

#neom #theline #arabe


All hell is breaking loose in #Baghdad
The Presidential palace has been stormed. A total curfew has been put in place. Kataib Hezbollah, a high level cleric, withdrew from politics citing too much corruption and compliance with the United States and that set something off. Before doing so he set up an army of 1500 militants. So this could get huge. Who knows who that cleric really is, he could actually be an Israeli sleeper.

Word on the street is that this move is to #expel the #United-states from #Iraq. The US still had a green zone set up there, which this cleric wants to do away with. My guess is that the cleric was a sleeper who could be activated to kick off a war when needed, you know - at the ballot box. That's what this sudden development is all about, BET ON IT.

The US lied and said it did not evacuate the embassy. It is known the US lied because this surfaced, and it shows them evacuating top people with a helicopter.


#ScottRitter #DesertStorm #Iraq #Baghdad #UnitedStates #Ukraine #Russia


IHL: International humanitarian law


#Lady #Head #Mask #Warka #Ancient #Uruk #Sumeria #Archaeology #History #Iraqi #National #Museum #Looting #April2003 #Baghdad #Iraq #Mesopotamia #Our #World

The Mask of Warka, also known as the 'Lady of Uruk' and the 'Sumerian Mona Lisa', is one of the earliest representations of the human face.


Date: ca. 3000 B.C.


On this day one can't help but think of the looting of the National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad / April 2003.

When the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, the National Museum of Iraq (where the Mask of Warka was stored) was thoroughly looted. The Mask is thought to have been taken between April 10 and 12 of that year, along with forty other pieces, including the Vase of Warka and Bassetki Statue.

This is one of the pieces that was stolen and later recovered.

We are also reminded of the destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas by the Taliban in Afghanistan / March 2001.

Archaeologist McGuire Gibson of the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute said, "People don't understand that Iraq is more important than Egypt in world heritage. The whole country is an archaeological site."