

"L' #élection est #anti-démocratique ! Nous ne décidons de rien !" - #EtienneChouard


Etienne #Chouard, #professeur d’ #économie en #BTS, s’est fait connaître au moment du #référendum de 2005 en #militant pour le “ #non” depuis son #blog chouard.org.
#Auteur de "Nous ne sommes pas en démocratie !" (La Relève et la Peste), 2017. "Notre #cause #commune : instituer nous-mêmes la #puissance #politique qui nous manque" (préf. #PhilippePascot) aux éditions Max Milo et "Écrire nous-mêmes la #Constitution : exercices d'entraînement pour préparer un #processus #constituant #populaire" ,Talma studios.

#politique #démocratie #referendum #souveraineté #unioneuropéenne #macron


#Bistro #Libertés - #CharlesGave dit tout ! - #TVL

Charles Gave est l’invité spécial d’ #EricMorillot.
Comme d’habitude, " #BistroLibertés" vous propose un #plateau de choix avec #MikeBorowski, #DidierMaïsto, #RémiTell et #GregTabibian.
Après le passage en #revue de l’ #actualité ( #affaire #Lola, #crise #énergétique, etc.), deux #débats sont au programme :

1) La #France court-elle à sa #faillite ?
#Inflation, #hausse des #taux, #crise #énergétique, #contrecoup des #sanctions, #grèves et #contestations : peut-on éviter l' #effondrement #économique, #financier et #politique qui vient ?

2) Vers la fin de l' #hégémonie #américaine ?
Remise en #cause du #dollar, effondrement des #Démocrates, #guerre en #Ukraine, #Chine et #Russie en #embuscade : entrons-nous dans une #nouvelle ère du #multilatéralisme ?

Des #révélations, du #parler #cash, des prises de bec, de l’ #impertinence : pas de #doute, c’est sur "Bistro Libertés", le #débat #libre et non #conformiste.



A quotation from Dyson, Freeman

A good cause can become bad if we fight for it with means that are indiscriminately murderous. A bad cause can become good if enough people fight for it in a spirit of comradeship and self-sacrifice. In the end it is how you fight, as much as why you fight, that makes your cause good or bad.

Freeman Dyson (1923-2020) English-American theoretical physicist, mathematician, futurist
Disturbing the Universe, ch. 4 (1979)

#quotation #quote #cause #ends-and-means #morality
Sourcing and notes: https://wist.info/dyson-freeman/56123/


By Femi Akomolafe for the Saker Blog

Let us not mentioned the truly horrendous masacres in Africa, India and South America by people who claim to be on civilizing missions.

Unlike most cultures that I know, the “free world” #European culture appeared to be designed to engage in perpetual hatred of The Other.

One of the Culture Shocks that I experienced during my sojourn in #Europe was the penchant to #blame #FOREIGNERS for everything that is wrong in society.

Unlike in Africa where we blame our stupid and inept leaders for keeping us pinned down in a neo-colonial state of underdevelopment, Europeans consider the #Immigrant as the #CAUSE of all their #problems.

#Ukraine #Russia #CIA #China #Taiwan

We are in July and while the Russians are not letting up on the grinding of the Ukrainian forces, the West has already lost interest in its latest misadventure.

Many Western countries have already announced that they have no more weapons to spare, and the EU’s powerhouse, Germany, has been reduced to dusting off ancient mothballed tanks to send off to battle against an already defeated Russians!

That’s when German officials are not too busy trying to placate an irascible and ungrateful Ukrainian officials with an obscene and gratuitous sense of entitlement.

Or maybe the Ukrainians should feel perfectly entitled since they were foolish enough to sell off their country for whatever pieces of silver they got!

The question here is: Why are Westerners so dumb that they cannot ask where their leaders who can’t find the money to repair their shattered economies, suddenly find the #money to provide #weapons to Nazis in Ukraine?

Well, I think that Europeans are also just foreigners and not all of them can be blamed for the problems. Anyway, it is worth thinking about his writing.