

https://zeroes.ca/@CovidSafeScouts/113335185359371183 CovidSafeScouts@zeroes.ca - Covid-Safe Scout Mastery Badge #4
Maintaining Personal Boundaries to Prevent (Re)Infection
This recipient has assessed their own health risk and established boundaries to reduce chances of Covid exposure, refusing to compromise their personal health for social expectations.

Wanna earn this badge?
Use these links to help you establish your Covid-safe boundaries with loved ones
🔗 Covid Tips - How to Talk to Your Loved Ones About Covid: https://covid.tips/
🔗 Covid Resilience - Advanced Covid FAQ: https://www.covidresilience.org/advanced-covid-faq
🔗 Covid For Therapists - What Therapists Need to Know: Covid-19 in 2024: https://covid-for-therapists.my.canva.site/
🔗 Olivia Belknap Therapy - Covid Resources: https://www.oliviabelknaptherapy.com/covid-resources
🔗 Essays You Didn't Want to Read - …Now What Are We Supposed to Do? Part II: Boundaries (You Do You, & Be the Change You Wish to See): https://essaysyoudidntwanttoread.home.blog/2022/11/05/now-what-are-we-supposed-to-do-part-ii-boundaries-you-do-you-be-the-change-you-wish-to-see/
• Find more useful resources for navigating relationships and personal well-being while maintaining Covid consciousness: https://covidsafescouts.com/community.html#wellbeing

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#CovidSafeScouts #CovidIsNotOver #Caremongering #CovidIsntOver


#Covid on the rise as experts say England has ‘capitulated’ to the virus

#Immunologists push for increase in testing and more widespread #vaccine booster rollout as new variant, #XEC, emerges

Prof Danny Altmann, an immunologist at Imperial College London, said those working in the field were perplexed by the current attitude to the battle against Covid, as the latest figures showed an increase in hospital admissions.


#Pandemic #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver #death #healthcare


University of Houston nasal vaccine prevents COVID from spreading

A team of researchers from the University of Houston have developed a new vaccine to treat and prevent the spread of flu and multiple coronavirus strains.
Through two nasal sprays — an immune activating therapeutic treatment and a new vaccine — the team of UH researchers have not only broken ground on vaccinating against SARS-CoV-2 and the flu virus, but also on creating a universal coronavirus vaccine.

Varadarajan said AuraVax Therapeutics aims to start phase 1 of testing the potentially broad-spectrum treatment within a year, and hopes their new nasal vaccine will follow in time too.

#Covid #CovidIsNotOver


https://sfba.social/@jeridansky/112893555594554934 jeridansky@sfba.social - Per @augieray "A guy named Scott Squires has an entire online directory full of 'I mask' images, including both poster and Instagram sizes. Free for you to use!"

These really are terrific; I've downloaded six of them. I chose the ones picturing white women because I'm a white woman; there are other alternatives. And each notes a different good reason for masking.


#Covid #Covid19 #CovidisNotOver #WearAMask


Der gestrige 4. Coronatag war hauptsächlich davon geprägt Schleim hoch zu husten und, wegen der massiv geschwollenen Lympfknoten im Hals, nicht bzw. nur mit ziemlichen Schmerzen schlucken zu können. Wobei es mir hast gelungen wäre damit ins Guinessbuch der Rekorde zu kommen: Wieviel Mal schafft es ein Mensch pro Stunde zu husten und dabei lilablau anzulaufen. ;-)
Und was jeder, der mich kennt, nicht glauben kann: Essen ekelt mich an! Alles schmeckt immer nur seltsam und obendrein bereitet das Schlucken große Probleme.
Abends steigt die Temperatur dann auch immer noch an und ich habe es wieder auf 39,5°C geschafft. Das geht mit Schüttelfrost und großem Frieren einher. Nachts fällt da Fieber dann wieder was bedeutet, dass man das Bett schneller nass schwitzt als man gucken kann und es ziemlich eklig ist im klatschnassen Bett aufzuwachen.
Heute früh habe ich mal wieder einen Coronatest gemacht und der Strich wird dünner - also die Virenlast sinkt, was man an den Symptomen leider noch nicht wirklich merkt.
Gestern kam es im Fernsehen in "mex. das marktmagazin" auf hr: Die Krankenkasse übernimmt die Impfkosten auch bei unter 60-jährigen. Die Altersgrenze von 60 ist nur eine Empfehlung (!) des RKI. Also macht bei eurem Hausarzt Druck und besteht auf die Impfung oder sucht euch eine alternative Stelle zum Impfen. Denn das was meine Frau und ich gerade durchmachen ist, wenigstens in der Ausprägung, vermeidbar.
#CovidIsNotOver #Covid19


" #Corona ist doch nur eine Erkältung..."
Wer das behauptet darf gerne mal bei uns vorbei kommen und sich ein paar Viren abholen. Meine Uschi hat sich am Arbeitsplatz im Krankenhaus infiziert (zusammen mir Kolleginnen, deswegen konnte das ziemlich genau eingegrenzt werden). Die Tests sind seit gestern positiv und sie hat 40,4°C Fieber und Schmerzen am gesamten Körper.
Braucht kein Mensch...


Protect the NHS and All Healthcare

We urge the Government to implement a policy requiring mask wearing in all healthcare settings including hospitals, clinics and GP practices for staff, visitors and patients. An FFP2 minimum should be mandated, to protect against infectious diseases, including COVID-19.

Vulnerable patients, such as the elderly, individuals with weakened immune systems, and those undergoing treatments, are at higher risk of severe illness or death from infectious diseases.

Requiring everyone in healthcare settings to wear masks is a crucial preventive measure to reduce the spread of diseases, including COVID-19, and protect patients from airborne infections.

Masks act as a barrier, preventing transmission and safeguarding the health of patients and healthcare workers alike.


#Covid19 #UK #CovidIsNotOver #MasksWork #masks #NHS #Healthcare #infection #CovidIdiots #diseases #petitions