

LibreOffice Working On Advanced Diagram SmartArt Support

LibreOffice has already provided some support for Microsoft SmartArt Graphics while now they are working on more advanced diagram support for this open-source office suite.

SmartArt Graphics with Microsoft Office are designed for “designer-quality illustrations” made with ease in Excel, PowerPoint, or Word. LibreOffice has already supported importing SmartArt Graphics and other handling around it, but moving forward it looks like this will see some improvements, along with ideally the ability to easily create advanced diagrams within LibreOffice itself.

Actually, I’ve been using LibreOffice’s Draw functionality for many years for diagrams and process flow charts, etc.

See https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=LibreOffice-SA-Advanced-Diagram

#technology #opensource #libreoffice #smartart #diagrams
#Blog, ##diagrams, ##libreoffice, ##opensource, ##smartart, ##technology


Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Microsoft Visio to draw entity relationship diagrams, UML diagrams of various types, flowcharts, network diagrams, and simple circuits

Microsoft Visio is a diagramming and vector graphics application and is part of the Microsoft Office family. Database modeling in Visio revolves around a Database Model Diagram (DMD).

I've long been using Dia, but also sometimes LibreOffice Draw.

See Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Microsoft Visio - LinuxLinks

#technology #opensource #alternativeto #diagrams


Microsoft Visio is a diagramming and vector graphics application. What are the best free and open source alternatives?



The Voynich Manuscript


‘An #illustrated #codex #hand-written in an otherwise #unknown #writing #system. The #parchment on which it is written has been #carbon-dated to the early #15th #century (1404-1438).

The #manuscript currently consists of around 240 pages. Some pages are foldable sheets of varying size. Most of the pages have fantastical #illustrations or #diagrams, some #crudely #colored, with sections of the manuscript showing #people, #fictitious #plants, #astrological #symbols, etc. The #text is written from left to right.

The #mystery of its #meaning and #origin has excited the popular #imagination, making it the subject of #study and #speculation.

#thevoynichmanuscript #voynich #documentary #code #history #document #language #translation #art #book #images #drawings #botanicals #herbals #cypher #cryptography #anonymous