

The #President of #ElSalvador, Nayib #Bukele, the first country to accept #Bitcoin as a legal #payment method, announced that they have made a #profit of 305 #million #dollars (approximately 11 billion TL) from their #cryptocurrency investments totaling 268 million dollars to date.

Source: https://en.haberler.com/el-salvador-has-made-a-profit-of-over-10-billion-18073476/

El Presidente, please allow me to briefly explain #capitalism to you. As long as you do not sell bitcoins, the profit and the previous loss are only theoretical. El Salvador is a poor country and has no #money for #speculation. This means you have to take out expensive loans to pay #salaries in the state apparatus and so you make a loss and not a profit.

#news #technology #Software #Problem #economy #politics #fail #btc #future #trump #investment #dollar


A quotation from Feynman, Richard

The whole question of imagination in science is often misunderstood by people in other disciplines. They try to test our imagination in the following way. They say, “Here is a picture of some people in a situation. What do you imagine will happen next?” When we say, “I can’t imagine,” they may think we have a weak imagination. They overlook the fact that whatever we are allowed to imagine in science must be consistent with everything else we know: that the electric fields and the waves we talk about are not just some happy thoughts which we are free to make as we wish, but ideas which must be consistent with all the laws of physics we know. We can’t allow ourselves to seriously imagine things which are obviously in contradiction to the known laws of nature.

Richard Feynman (1918-1988) American physicist
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. 2, ch. 20 “Solutions of Maxwell’s Equations in Free Space,” sec. 20–3 “Scientific Imagination” (1964)

#quote #quotes #quotation #consistency #science #imagination #hypothesis #naturallaw #nature #speculation
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/feynman-richard/71547/


The #Hannibal Directive: What Really Happened On October 7th

I am just linking here to another presentation. I do not claim that this is the correct representation.
However, I am always sceptical when babies are violated. After all, this has always been a justification for acts of warlike revenge since the Middle Ages.
It was used on a grand scale against the Germans in World War I, on all sides in World War II, it is used against the Russians and .....
Of course, this proves nothing, but it is not bad to keep it in mind.




Or German:


#Israel #Palestine #Speculation #terror #war #Gaza


#Bull and #bear #sculpture in front of the #StockExchange in #Frankfurt.

#Foto @tagesschau

Ich sag es dir: ein Kerl, der spekuliert,
Ist wie ein Tier, auf dürrer Heide
Von einem bösen Geist im Kreis herum geführt,
Und rings umher liegt schöne grüne Weide.

#FaustByGoethe, Vers 1830-1833

To waste your time in idle speculation
is acting like a beast that's driven in a circle
by evil spirits on an arid moor
while all about lie fair and verdant fields.

Translated by #PeterSalm

Je te le dis : un bon vivant qui philosophe
est comme un animal qu’un lutin fait tourner
en cercle autour d’une lande aride,
tandis qu’un beau pâturage vert s’étend à l’entour.

Licence artistique du traducteur #GérardDeNerval

#Goethe, #Spekulation, #speculation, #Börse, #Bulle, #Bär, #Skulptur, #photo


The Voynich Manuscript


‘An #illustrated #codex #hand-written in an otherwise #unknown #writing #system. The #parchment on which it is written has been #carbon-dated to the early #15th #century (1404-1438).

The #manuscript currently consists of around 240 pages. Some pages are foldable sheets of varying size. Most of the pages have fantastical #illustrations or #diagrams, some #crudely #colored, with sections of the manuscript showing #people, #fictitious #plants, #astrological #symbols, etc. The #text is written from left to right.

The #mystery of its #meaning and #origin has excited the popular #imagination, making it the subject of #study and #speculation.

#thevoynichmanuscript #voynich #documentary #code #history #document #language #translation #art #book #images #drawings #botanicals #herbals #cypher #cryptography #anonymous


🎧 La folie des prix de l’immobilier n’est pas une fatalité. Plafonner les loyers, limiter les résidences secondaires, interdire la spéculation… Des solutions sont portées, de Bayonne à Berlin, par des citoyens décidés à ne plus subir. Pour notre #Podcast mensuel "Penser les luttes", avec Radio Parleur et Politis nous nous intéressons ce mois-ci à la lutte contre la spéculation immobilière. À écouter. https://www.bastamag.net/podcast-speculation-immobiliere-logement-airbnb?var_mode=calcul

Parmi les futurs projets que nous souhaitons lancer : une version dopée de l'émission mensuelle avec Radio Parleur et Politis. L'idée ? Organiser 5 émissions en live et en public, dans plusieurs villes de France, autour d'enjeux majeurs pour nos sociétés avant les #Presidentielles2022. Alors ça vous tente ? Aidez-nous à les financer 👉 https://www.kisskissbankbank.com/fr/projects/basta-fait-sa-revolution/

#Podcast #Logement #CriseDuLogement #Speculation #Immobilier #Referendum #Berlin #Bayonne #Bretagne #InitiativeCitoyenne #ResidencesSecondaires #Loyer #PlafonnementDesLoyers #PrixDeLimmobilier #SpeculationImmobilière #Solution #Alternatives #Mobilisation #Lutte #Inegalités #AirBNB #Tourisme #Heritage #SansAbri


« Cette terre, c’est notre sang » : au Pays basque, paysans et citoyens tentent de résister à la spéculation

Jardins ouvriers au Nord de Paris, zones naturelles le long de l’estuaire de la Loire... partout des « zones à défendre » s’organisent. Au Pays basque, à Arbonne, c’est la spéculation qui menace plusieurs hectares de terres agricoles. Reportage photo par Victorine Alisse.


#ZAD #Mobilisation #Speculation #ZoneADefendre #Occupation #Arbonne #PaysPasque #TerresAgricoles #ReportagePhoto


COVID-19 Iran: Backing out possible cases by deaths data

This is personal speculation not grounded in any sources. Treat accordingly.

The observed case fatality rate (CFR) for COVID-19 has been about 2-3%, based on Chinese data. There is some reason to believe middle-east susceptibility based on genetic factors is lower than in China, a fact which will actually amplify my conclusions.

Given limited testing and disclosures, coming up with numbers for actual cases in various countries and regions is difficult. Iran quite particularly so, though one could make an argument for the U.S. as well.

Iran officially reports 54 deaths from COVID-19 (Reuters, 2020-03-01), and 978 infected.

This gives a CFR of 5.5%, which is more than double the Chinese rate. That is much higher than expected.

At a 2% CFR, we'd expect the actual basis to be 2,700 cases. At 3%, 1,800.

The baseline would be the case count two weeks ago, with a weekly growth rate of about 10x (see the cases & deaths chart from my earlier summary), which would put actual current infections at 180,000 - 270,000, if containment has been ineffective.

There are reasons to believe Iran's reporting of deaths has itself been downplayed.

On February 28, the BBC reported Iranian coronavirus deaths as high as 210. This gives a range for 7,000 - 10,500 cases, again, two weeks ago, or 100x that now, at 700,000 - 1,050,000.

There are reasons to suspect that number is inflated (it's the bad news the British might be keen to hear). So take it with a grain of salt.

But we end up with a range of possible current infections within Iran between 180,000 and over 1 million.

Which would be a pretty serious situation.

Again, this is speculation, and it's unconfirmed by any reputable sources of which I'm aware. Consider it a possible bounds check on Iranian cases, and any corroborating or debunking sources are strongly appreciated.

#iran #covid-19 #ncov2019 #coronavirus #epidemic #speculation