


Josh Sigurdson reports on a #CDC #revelation showing that based on #statistics, taking 4 or 5 #covid #vaccines shortens a 30 year old's lifespan by around 24 years.

This data is public and easy to grasp based on growing death rates among the injected. Cleveland Clinic data showing no increase in risk among the unvaccinated also shows based on each vaccine, how much higher the risk climbs. 1 jab robs 30 year old men of 13 years. 2 jabs robs 30 year old men of 18 years. 3 jabs robs 30 year old men of 20 years. 4 jabs robs 30 year old men of 23 years. 5 jabs robs 30 year old men of 24 years. This rate is set to climb dramatically as yearly excess deaths among the injected get higher with each year-end count. This means, the more time goes by, even if you haven't gotten further injections, the risk of death goes up dramatically. This includes cancer, myocarditis, stroke as well as auto-immune disorders that lead to deadly ailments like shingles (which are currently being blamed on Monkeypox) and pneumonia. This is a crime against humanity and the studies seem to pour in by the day. A new bombshell court order has the FDA admitting to putting graphene oxide in the covid vaccines which for years they claimed was a conspiracy theory. It's right there on paper. Meanwhile, the state of Kansas is suing Pfizer for misleading the public about the risks of the covid injections. Pfizer has lost past cases regarding misleading the public but the lawsuits continue to build up. Will there be any actual justice? Not likely via basic lawsuits. Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma was caught on camera recently claiming he was the one that convinced the #government to #lockdown and bring in vaccine mandates and that they were meant to "force vaccination" by making the public uncomfortable and discriminated against among social groups. Something that the government has continuously denied in the past, claiming "no one forced you to get injected." Varma also claimed that he had crazy secret sex parties while everyone was locked down. The evil just continues to present itself. Of course all of this is part of the same agenda to force the world into a transhumanist, technocratic wasteland of "convenience" and tyranny. From nano-technology in the vaccines to CBDCs and digital IDs, from social credit and carbon credits to food rations and the #Bird #Flu #hoax, from World #War 3 to Civil War. We are being corralled and #humanity is #under #attack.


3rd child dies of flu-related causes in B.C. as cases continue to rise

Just something to be aware of, if you are caring for kids right now:

A third child has died in British Columbia due to complications linked to influenza, cases of which continue to rise in the province.

The latest update from the B.C. Centre for Disease Control says it received three reports of influenza-related deaths in children under the age of 10 during the final week of 2023.

It says that means influenza was a contributing factor but not necessarily the primary cause of death in the children.

The centre previously said on Dec. 29 that two children had died in the preceding two weeks and early findings indicated secondary bacterial infections had contributed to their severe illness, which can be a complication of the flu.

#influenza #flu #children #news #Canada


CDC director recommends masking against tide of rising respiratory illnesses, including COVID | Salon https://www.salon.com/2023/12/07/director-recommends-masking-against-tide-of-rising-respiratory-illnesses-including/

Still, she recommends taking specific precautions for people to protect themselves, like getting the updated COVID-19 vaccine, this season’s influenza vaccine, and the RSV vaccine for those over the age of 60. Additional layers of protection, she said, include washing your hands, improving ventilation, and wearing a mask.

#WearAMask #RSV #Flu #Covid

Tags: #dandelĂ­on

via dandelion* client (Source)


#fluoride has destroyed the minds of men

In the final months of his life, former CIA agent Joseph Spencer gathered his family and told them he had many secrets he needed to share with the world in the form of a deathbed confession.

At the time, he was dismissed by many as a conspiracy theorist peddling far-fetched theories about secret societies and their plans for humanity.

But in 2023 his deathbed confession is gaining attention because everything he predicted is happening as we speak, like clockwork – one chilling prediction after another.

The former CIA #agent #predicted some key things including the pedophilia and child trafficking epidemic, the #elite’s #obsession with #depopulation, #chemtrails, #alien disclosure, and what he described as a “ #modified #flu #virus” that would be #unleashed #on #humanity by the #psychopathic elite.

Does any of that #sound #familiar?

But his #predictions don’t stop there and it’s his predictions for the year #2024 that are #shocking those who are familiar with his work.



For many years I've participated in the Outbreaks Near Me program (formerly Flu Near Me), sponsored by Boston Children's Hospital. I think it's a good program. It allows you to self-report your health status at regular intervals. Many cases of Covid, including mine a year ago, and flu would otherwise go unreported. You might consider using it to help contribute more data and to see statistics in your area.


#covid #flu #health #medicine #epidemic #pandemic #statistics


Mask up and get vaccinated because things are going to get worse in January: Etches

Ottawa's medical officer of health expects the respiratory virus situation in the city to get worse after the holidays. 

In her end of year briefing to the board of health, Dr. Vera Etches said Ottawa is seeing a high rate of respiratory viruses heading into a busy time for families to gather.

"It's not easy to hear this but we expect things to get worse after the holidays," Etches said. 

"Because so many people gather indoors, aren't wearing masks." 

#COVID-19 #Influenza #flu #RSV #pandemic #Ottawa #vaccine #vaccination