

#Great #Depression at Last! A Meticulously Planned Astonishing Conspiracy Is Concluding Perfectly
#China #Observer

(This video makes a good argument for the idea that the CCP has intentionally ruined China's economy simply in order to stay in power. Though the #people are beginning to speak out more and more, the theory is that since the CCP's police state still has an iron grip over them, the more #bankrupt they are, the less powerful they are.)

"At this juncture, the national policy of "intentional recession" has reached the stage of reaping its final results. Chinese people have had their minds and wallets thoroughly cleansed - the most challenging external factors already eliminated. The trial of the "widespread social control" model has proven highly successful, with little concern about any noteworthy rebellion. "De-industrialization" has undeniably become irreversible."

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=vyqtWXqHUwU


After a perilous journey across the desert, Abdulaziz was locked up in Triq al-Sikka, a grim prison in Tripoli, Libya. Why? Because the EU pays Libyan militias millions of euros to detain anyone deemed a possible migrant to Europe. Like many other similar prisons across Libya, Triq al-Sikka is a place of hunger, disease, beatings, rape, torture and death. Death by starvation, death by beatings, death by execution. And death by suicide.

From the EU’s 2010 compact with Muammar Gaddafi; to its subsequent agreements with militias and warlords after western intervention had shattered Libya; to the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa set up in November 2015 as the Syrian war caused a sharp peak in migrants and panic in European capitals; to the Khartoum Process, which drew in countries in the east of Africa, including Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan and South Sudan; to bilateral deals with countries such as Turkey and Niger – the EU has disbursed billions of euros in an effort to persuade non-European countries to act as its immigration police.

In Triq al-Sikka and other detention centres, “acts of murder, enslavement, torture, rape and other inhumane acts are committed against migrants”, observed a damning UN report, “in furtherance of a state policy”. European leaders have long been aware of this, but have chosen to shut their eyes to the reality of their policies, pretending, as British politicians do, that they are moral crusaders challenging the evils of people smugglers.


#Guardian #Observer #refugees #EU #Europe




François #JARRIGE est #historien, #maître de #conférences en #histoire #contemporaine à l' #université de #Bourgogne. Il est entre autres l' #auteur de " #Technocritiques : Du #refus des #machines à la #contestation des #technosciences". Il #travaille sur histoire des #sociétés #industrielles et #interroge les #conflits, #débats et #controverses qui accompagnent les changements #techniques et l’ #industrialisation de l’ #Occident.

Dans cette #interview par #OlivierBerruyer pour #Élucid, François Jarrige revient sur la #notion de #progrès, omniprésente dans les #discours #politiques et #médiatiques. Contrairement à ce qu'affirme l' #adage, on peut arrêter le progrès ! Ou tout du moins le #questionner, et #observer que la course incessante aux #nouvelles #technologies, loin d'apporter plus de #confort à l' #humanité, tend à #détruire nos #liens #sociaux, et notre #environnement. Il serait donc temps de cesser de #disqualifier ceux qui élèvent des #contestations contre cette #idéologie, et de #réfléchir à #bâtir un #monde réellement conforme aux #besoins du plus grand nombre.

👉 L' #article d' #AnthonyGalluzzo sur le #Mythe de l' #entrepreneur : https://elucid.media/democratie/mythe-entrepreneur-legitime-capitalisme-elite-anthony-galluzzo/


The Observer view on the war in Ukraine, one year on: an even more dangerous phase may await

The war has revolutionised German defence policy, silenced French talk of “strategic autonomy”, boosted EU unity, revived US commitment to the transatlantic alliance, dramatised the global north-south divide, reduced the UN to the role of hand-wringing bystander and given the UK an opportunity, after Brexit, to show it still has an international role to play.

The war has revealed the divided loyalties and moral confusion of many fence-sitting governments, including India, Israel, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Turkey. It also delivered a cruel blow to the foundations of international law: the UN charter and a paralysed security council.

It's the UN part that worries me.

#Guardian #Observer #War #Russia #Ukraine


Wicked Leaks – Part 1: How The Media Quarantined Evidence On Nord Stream Sabotage

Media Lens

(...) In our media alert of 26 July 2002, we wrote:

‘This does not mean that there is no dissent in the mainstream; on the contrary the system strongly requires the appearance of openness. In an ostensibly democratic society, a propaganda system must incorporate occasional instances of dissent. Like vaccines, these small doses of truth inoculate the public against awareness of the rigid limits of media freedom.’

That was true two decades ago when we started Media Lens. But, now, the state-corporate media system relies less on inoculation and more on quarantine: inconvenient facts, indeed whole issues, are simply kept from public awareness. We have moved far closer to a totalitarian system depending on outright censorship. (...)

(Text continues under the photo.)

Photo of chained newspapers

US media watch site, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), made the key point:

‘Any serious coverage of the Nord Stream attack should acknowledge that opposition to the pipeline has been a centerpiece of the US grand strategy in Europe. The long-term goal has been to keep Russia isolated and disjointed from Europe, and to keep the countries of Europe tied to US markets. Ever since German and Russian energy companies signed a deal to begin development on Nord Stream 2, the entire machinery of Washington has been working overtime to scuttle it.’

The evidence for this is simply overwhelming. For example, FAIR noted that during his confirmation hearings in 2021, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken told Congress he was ‘determined to do whatever I can to prevent’ Nord Stream 2 from being completed. Months later, the US State Department reiterated that ‘any entity involved in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline risks US sanctions and should immediately abandon work on the pipeline’.

If that doesn’t make US hostility to the pipelines clear enough, President Joe Biden told reporters in February:

‘If Russia invades…then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.’

Asked by a reporter how the US intended to end a project that was, after all, under German control, Biden responded:

‘I promise you, we will be able to do that.’

No surprise, then, that, following the attack, Blinken described the destruction of the pipelines as a ‘tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy,’ adding that this ‘offers tremendous strategic opportunity for years to come’.

Former UN weapons inspector and political analyst Scott Ritter commented:

‘Intent, motive and means: People serving life sentences in U.S. prisons have been convicted on weaker grounds than the circumstantial evidence against Washington for the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines.’ (...)

Despite all of this, FAIR reported of US corporate media coverage:

‘Much of the media cast their suspicions towards Russia, including Bloomberg (9/27/22), Vox (9/29/22), Associated Press (9/30/22) and much of cable news. With few exceptions, speculation on US involvement has seemingly been deemed an intellectual no-fly-zone.’

Thus, the possibility of US involvement has been intellectually quarantined. Instead, US media have been tying themselves in knots trying to find alternative explanations. (...)

In Britain, the Guardian affected similar confusion. (...)

FAIR discussed a tweet from a Polish member of the European Parliament, Radek Sikorski – a one-time Polish defence minister as well as a former American Enterprise Institute fellow, who was named one of the ‘Top 100 Global Thinkers’ in 2012 by Foreign Policy. FAIR reported:

‘Sikorski tweeted a picture of the methane leak in the ocean, along with the caption, “As we say in Polish, a small thing, but so much joy.” He later tweeted, “Thank you, USA,” with the same picture.’ (...)

Curiously, non-corporate journalists like Jonathan Cook, Caitlin Johnstone, Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Maté, Bryce Green, even hippy Russell Brand, were able to find all the evidence and arguments omitted by ‘mainstream’ journalists supported by far greater resources.

And this makes the point with which we began this alert: there is now so much high-quality journalism exposing the establishment outside the state-corporate ‘mainstream’, that the task of the ‘mainstream’ now is to protect the establishment by acting as a buffer blocking citizen journalism from public awareness. (...)

Complete article

Tags: #media #mass_media #journalist #journalism #the_guardian #mainstream_media #msm #propaganda #censorship #putin #biden #blinken #nord_stream #sabotage #russia #ukraine #bloomberg #associated_press #ap #cable_news #the_telegraph #fair #sikorski #mail_on_sunday #observer


It is official #poduptime is now redirecting to #fediverse #observer #fediverseobserver


Let me know if you see any issues!

#podmin #podmins I also updated the single stats page a little https://fediverse.observer/diasp.org for example. Still not in love with my design skills here.

#diaspora #friendica #mastodon are now the software featured on the wizard.

Probably some updates on that new main page today so it auto highlights when you visit a sub-domain.


Récemment, j’ai repensé à une discussion que j’avais eu avec une collègue il y a quelques années. Une graphiste formidablement créative. Nous nous entendions bien, autant professionnellement que personnellement. Nos caractères se ressemblaient 🦋

Lors de cette conversation, nous faisions le constat que le monde de l’entreprise valorisait plutôt les personnalités dites extraverties (qui avaient des facilités à parler en public, à s’exprimer lors de réunions, à aller vers l’autre…) au dépend des caractères introvertis. Nous l’avions toutes deux remarqué, nos collègues extravertis étaient adaptés à l’univers de l’entreprise et réussissaient plus facilement 🍀

Vous l’aurez compris, nous nous définissions toutes deux comme étant de nature plutôt introvertie. Nous n’avions pas toujours cette capacité à être expansif et communicatif dans nos interactions professionnelles 🌼

Le dictionnaire Larousse parle de l’introversion comme d’une « tendance à se replier sur soi ». Je trouve cette définition assez péjorative. Les introvertis étant perçus ici comme mal dans leur peau, voire asociaux. Mais si on revient aux racines de l’introversion, c’est tout de même autre chose... ✨

C’est Carl Gustav Jung qui a d’abord définit les deux attitudes en 1921 dans son ouvrage "Types psychologiques". « La différence majeure entre les extravertis et les introvertis réside dans leur façon de se ressourcer : les premiers puisent leur énergie dans leurs relations aux autres, les seconds dans la solitude. » 🌈

Retrouvez la suite de mon article consacré à l'introversion sur le blog 🌞

Et vous, vous considérez-vous plutôt comme une personne introvertie ou extravertie ? 👯‍♀️

#introvertie #introverti #introvertis #introversion #sensibilité #solitude #alecoute #calme #bienveillance #observer #hypersensibilité #développementpersonnel #développementperso #motivation #inspiration #susancain #réservé #discret #confianceensoi #bienetre #relations #extraverti #extraversion #susancain #puissanceinterieure #devperso #seconnaitre #oser #carlgustavjung #yinyang
