

The End of the Cold War


Surrender in Malta

On December 3, 1989 during the Malta Summit - the negotiations between US President Bush Sr. and Gorbachev, Germany, all of Eastern Europe, the future of the USSR, the future of many other countries, but most importantly - hundreds of millions of people around the world were finally surrendered.

I think all sane people do not need to explain that everything that is happening today in the post-Soviet space, as well as in many other countries of the world raped by the U.S., is the result of the geopolitical catastrophe of 1991.

However, it was in December 1989 that the bets were finally placed. Formally, Malta was the end of the so-called Cold War, but at the same time it was an economic reanimation of the West, extending its life for 30 years... Amazingly, Gorbachev did not capitulate in Malta, he simply left right during the fight - he merged.

The content of the negotiations is still only partially known. Some of the documents were published only in 2010.

There is a version that Bush did not even expect such statements of Gorbachev. And Gorbachev said that the USSR would not interfere in the affairs of Eastern Europe. He said it unilaterally. Bush said that the U.S. supported reforms in the USSR.

Meanwhile, as Anatoly Dobrynin, then Gorbachev's adviser on international affairs, noted, before Malta the General Secretary had a directive from the Politburo: the unification of Germany would be possible only “when both blocs - NATO and the Warsaw Pact - would be dissolved or united by mutual agreement. About Eastern Europe - pure voluntarism.

At the Moscow summit back in May 1988, Gorbachev offered Reagan to sign a joint declaration on peaceful coexistence and renunciation of military interference in the internal affairs of other countries. Reagan rejected it. He was not an idiot. But Gorbachev was deliberately moving toward surrender. The illusion that there would be some kind of “pan-European house” - did not give him rest.

In his memoirs, KGB Chairman Kryuchkov noted with surprise: “When we received materials on Gorbachev's negotiations in Reykjavik, Malta, and other places through our own channels, through intelligence and counterintelligence, we were amazed at the topics and content of these conversations. Even at that time they talked openly about the sale of the GDR. About the change of the political order in our country...”.

The Americans understood him very well, if nothing else. Back in 1985, on his return to the U.S. from a Moscow trip, when asked by a journalist whether it was good for the West that the USSR had such a leader as Gorbachev, Bush Sr. (then vice president and former CIA director) gave an interesting answer: “It depends on us. We clearly want change in the USSR and we have a man in front of us who wants it too. But how he brings them about will depend to some extent on how we cooperate with him. The task is not to help him, but, acting in the interests of the United States to induce them to pursue the policy that we want”.

This phrase is the essence of U.S. policy.


#Russia #USSR #soviet #russian #history #perestroika #Gorbachev #europe #easterneurope #DDR #GDR #coldwar #NATO #FRG #germany #Reagan #CIA #Bush #USA #US #politics


Otze und die DDR von unten
Wir haben gestern den äußerst sehenswerten Film "Schleimkeim - Otze und die DDR von unten" gesehen. Seher respektvolle Darstellung dieser außergewöhnlichen Geschichte. Ich selbst war ja nicht dabei und es war eigentlich auch nie meine Musik, bin aber von der Kultur und dem Lebensgefühl extrem beeinflusst. Frei zu sein, selbstbestimmt zu leben, Respekt und Loyalität. Um zu zeigen wie sich alles in sein Gegenteil wandeln kann. Mal einen Ausschnitt aus einem "Punk(?)" Flyer von Wochenende. Dominanzgebaren, Misstrauen, Verachtung.
Deswegen stay Antichrist - mach kaputt was dich kaputt macht!

#ddr #gdr #music #punk #schleimkeim #sk #untergrund


Am 26. Juni 1981, also vor genau 42 Jahren, fand in der #DDR, weil die #Stasi und #Honecker ein Exempel statuieren wollten, die letzte Hinrichtung auf deutschem Boden durch „unerwarteten Nahschuss“ statt.

#WernerTeske nach seiner Festnahme 1980. #Foto - Quelle: #Stasi-Unterlagen-Archiv

Der Stasi-Hauptmann Werner Teske musste sterben, obwohl er über einen Seitenwechsel in den Westen nur vage nachgedacht hatte.
Und die #Linkspartei ist nicht bereit, trotz solcher Todesurteile ohne Rechtssgrundlage, 327 dokumentierten Toten des DDR-Grenzregimes an der innerdeutschen Grenze, durch Minenfelder, Selbstschussanlagen und Scharfschützen, die #DDR als #Unrechtsstaat zu klassifizieren, hat immer noch mit #Modrow einen "verdienten" Vertreter des DDR-Regimes als Ehrenvorsitzenden (Vorsitzenden ihres Ältestenrats).
Warum wird Menschenverachtung der Linken im Gegensatz zu der der Rechten toleriert?


#Geschichte, #history, #Deutschland, #Germany, #GDR, #SED, #Politik, #politics


Sonnenallee (1999)

The entire final scene is just amazing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hna9g2zdMs8

And this music video too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--FPVbnzJ8k

And these songs from the soundtrack:
- Sonnenallee (Graeme Jefferies, 1999): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIG9h2-f8Dw
- Moscow (Wonderland, 1968): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjowaMDrbjI
- Geh zu ihr (Puhdys, 1973): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km1DGpQ8aZA
- What Love Does to Me (Party Trilogy Pt. 2) (Einstürzende Neubauten, 1999): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fPhoXCiqm4&t=2m30s (just the middle part, from 2:30-5:40)

#film #Deutschland #DDR #GDR #EastGermany #communism #music #airguitar #Deutsch #Germany #Germany


Robotron computers at a parade in Berlin, GDR, 1987. They say that there was actually no central plan to produce these particular computers, and a couple of engineers were working on them in secret, masking them as control units for printers, and this is how they were presented at the trade fair…(of course those who could understand understood). Oh the joys of totalitarianism…
#history #computers #photo #vintage #gdr #germany