

A quotation from Gould, Stephen Jay

Elitism is repulsive when based upon external and artificial limitations like race, gender, or social class. Repulsive and utterly false — for that spark of genius is randomly distributed across all cruel barriers of our social prejudice. We therefore must grant access — and encouragement — to everyone; and must be increasingly vigilant, and tirelessly attentive, in providing such opportunities to all children. We will have no justice until this kind of equality can be attained. But if only a small minority respond, and these are our best and brightest of all races, classes, and genders, shall we deny them the pinnacle of their soul’s striving because all their colleagues prefer passivity and flashing lights? Let them lift their eyes to hills of books, and at least a few museums that display the full magic of nature’s variety. What is wrong with this truly democratic form of elitism?

Stephen Jay Gould (1941-2002) American paleontologist, geologist, biologist
Dinosaur in a Haystack: Reflections in Natural History, Part 5, ch. 18 “Cabinet Museums: Alive, Alive, O!” (1995)

#quote #quotes #quotation #genius #capability #education #opportunity #elitism #brightness #gifted #intelligence #interest #learning
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/gould-stephen-jay/67610/


A quotation from Hazlitt, William

It is erroneous to tie down individual genius to ideal models. Each person should do that, not which is best in itself, even supposing this coudl be known, but that which he can do best, which he will find out if left to himself. Spenser could not have written Paradise Lost, nor Milton the Faerie Queene. Those who aim at faultless regularity will only produce mediocrity, and no one ever approaches perfection except by stealth, and unknown to themselves.

William Hazlitt (1778-1830) English writer
“Thoughts on Taste”, Edinburgh Magazine (1819-07)

#quote #quotes #quotation #art #artist #author #genius #creativity #creator #excellence #experimentation #ideal #individuality #mediocrity #perfection #standards #style #writing
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/hazlitt-william/67115/



A web extension that redirects YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, and other websites to their alternative privacy friendly frontends.

Great project names to find: Urban Dictionary → Rural Dictionary

YouTube → Invidious, Piped, Piped-Material, PokeTube, CloudTube, Tubo, FreeTube, Yattee, FreeTube PWA
YouTube Music → Beatbump, Hyperpipe
Twitter → Nitter
Bluesky → skyview
Reddit → Libreddit, Teddit
Tumblr → Priviblur
Twitch → SafeTwitch, Twineo
TikTok → ProxiTok
Instagram → Proxigram
IMDb → LibreMDb
Bilibili → MikuInvidious
Pixiv → PixivFE
Fandom → BreezeWiki
Imgur → Rimgo
Pinterest → Binternet
Soundcloud → Tubo
Bandcamp → Tent
Tekstowo → TekstoLibre
Genius → Dumb
Medium → Scribe, LibMedium
Quora → Quetre
Github → Gothub
Gitlab → Laboratory
Stack Overflow → AnonymousOverflow
Reuters → Neuters
Snopes → Suds
Urban Dictionary → Rural Dictionary
Goodreads → BiblioReads
Wolfram Alpha → WolfreeAlpha
Instructables → Indestructables, Destructables
Wikipedia → Wikiless
Wayback Machine → Wayback Classic
Search → SearXNG, SearX, Whoogle, LibreX, 4get
Translate → SimplyTranslate, Mozhi, LibreTranslate
Google Maps → OpenStreetMap
Meet → Jitsi
Send Files → Send
Paste Text → PrivateBin

#libredirect #youtube #invidious #piped #poketube #cloudtube #tubo #freetube #yattee #beatbump #hyperpipe #twitter #nitter #bluesky #skyview #reddit #teddit #libreddit #tumblr #priviblur #twitch #safetwitch #twineo #tiktok #proxytok #instagram #proxigram #imdb #libremdb #bilibili #mikuInvidious #pixiv #pixivfe #fandom #breezewiki #imgur #rimgo #pinterest #binternet #soundcloud #tubo #bandcamp #tent #tekstowo #tekstolibre #genius #dumb #medium #scribe #libmedium #quora #ouetre #github #gothub #gitlab #laboratory #stackoverflow #anonymousoverflow #reuters #neuters #snopes #suds #urbandictionary #ruraldictionary #goodreads #biblioReads #wolframalpha #wolfreealpha #instructables #indestructables #destructables #wikipedia #wikiless #waybackmachine #waybackclassic #search #searxng #searx #whoogle #librex #4get #translate #simplytranslate #mozhi #libretranslate #googlemaps #openstreetmap #meet #jitsi #sendfiles #send #pastetext #privatebin


The term ‘troubled #genius’ is often used to describe someone with exceptional abilities, skills or intelligence, only to be let down (often tragically) by their flaws, vices or mentality. Alcoholic writers, suicidal physicians and mad scientists are constantly subject to stereotypical stories and are often portrayed in jest.

Nevertheless, tales of these doomed characters (fictional or real) are fascinating to study and can tell us a lot about society, the human mind and other cultural attributes – not to mention their achievements in their chosen fields.

In the case of #EttoreMajorana – an Italian theoretical physicist who turned down faculty offers at both Cambridge and Yale – this description is best suited. In this video we will examine the strange case surrounding the man, his work and his curious disappearance ...

Published 8th September 2023 (16:03)

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=spfxKJmsiGo


Download all of Nikola Tesla’s patents here

Nikola Tesla is commonly said to be the man who ‘electrified the world.’ But honestly, Tesla did more than just electrify the world. He is the man who envisioned the future and what our planet should look like before anyone else.

His ideas and projects were incomparable to anything over a hundred years ago, and many argue that still today, we have still not caught up with all of Tesla’s ideas.

He was a futuristic mind that invented over one hundred years ago, the foundation of today’s technology.

Have you ever wondered about Tesla and what would have happened if the genius never existed?

It is questionable where our technology would be today.

In fact, if Tesla had not invented and patented everything he did one hundred years ago, today we would not have: Radio, Television, AC electricity, X-Rays, Radar, Microwaves, the Tesla Coil, Radio controlled devices, robotics, and hundreds of other things that make up today’s way of life.

Before anyone else, Nikola Tesla envisioned the world where mankind has access to limitless and free energy.

The download button is down at the end of the article.

#NikolaTesla #genius #patents #inventions #technology #energy


I absolutely *hate* the lone genius myth. It's not new. It's not just in tv/movies. It extends into literature and even non-fiction coverage of events and things. It is not entirely benign, especially when it is used to justify accepting inappropriate behaviors of people "because they are geniuses so get out of their way". This video does a great job addressing the whole topic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFBXGgGavzo #science #STEM #knowledge #genius #research #facts