

What do the colors of the Palestinian flag mean? What is their symbolic meaning?

Source: https://flagsdb.com/asia/ps



there is maybe some #hope in the #gaza #hamas #war #iran #israel

“Despite the pain and wounds we have experienced in Gaza, we cannot fail to participate with our brothers in #Ahwaz, #Iraq, #Yemen and the #Levant, and we share the #Muslims’ joy over the demise of the murderous criminal thug, the possessor of the death squad, #Raisi, and the demise of a group of #criminals with him.”


"I don't accept genocide over fascism. I don't accept fascism over genocide."

This is how Trump wins!

I hate the system we have here in the US. Thinking like this is what will let Trump win this election.

Here's the thing, the Genocide will continue and likely succeed under Trump, but that won't be the end of it. Because HE will still be President, and we will never get a vote again.

So it's not #Genocide over #Facism. The Genocide is going to continue with or without the facism. However, you can stop the facism!

No, I do not support Either #Palestine or #Israel.

No, I do not support Either #Democrats or #Republicans.

I do, however, wish to keep living and have #HOPE that others can too. With one candidate I can have hope, the other, I'm dead.

#USPolitics #Politics #Vote2024


We invoke your name, #Kshitigarbha. We aspire to learn your way of being present where there is darkness, #suffering, #oppression, and #despair, so we can bring light, #hope, #relief, and #liberation to those places. We are determined not to forget about or abandon those in #desperate situations. We will do our best to establish contact with those who cannot find a way out of their suffering, those whose cries for help, #justice, #equality, and #humanrights are not being heard. We know that #hell can be found in many places on Earth. We will do our best not to contribute to creating more hells on Earth, and we will help transform the hells that already exist. We will practice in order to realize the qualities of #perseverance and #stability, so that, like the Earth, we can always be supportive and faithful to those in need.

--- https://plumvillage.org/library/sutras/invoking-the-bodhisattvas-names-text

#buddhism #dharma #dhamma


Avec le bon lien cette fois ci :-)

Un tirage de tarot afin d’éclairer certains possibles pour l’humanité en 2024.
J’espère qu’il saura vous inspirer de manière créative.
Du fond du coeur.

A tarot reading to shed light on certain possibilities for humanity in 2024.
I hope it will inspire you creatively.
From the bottom of my heart.


#tarot #humanite #espoir #hope #changement #justice #conscience #evolution #symbol