


#food growing area destroyed in the #weatherwar
#Haarp #weatherwarfare ship to create death
The #Ship? her name is: HMS Mmaker
HMS ( #HarpMagneticStorm )
Globalist: "You Don't Agree To Our Terms?" Ok... Send in HMS Money Maker...
It's Time you and your family learn about Wilhelm #Reich's " #Cloudbusters" and Trevor James Constable's "Loom Future" as well as create one for yourself...your Life and mine may one day depend on it!

#Spain #Floods (One Year of #Rain In A Day)


#Microwave #Weaponry Being Used On #People #Worldwide Without Their Knowledge Or Consent Causing Turbo Cancer, Diabetes, Mental Disorders, Leukemias, Endrocrine Disruption!
This powerful #video explains the #truth regarding Microwave #radiation weaponry and other exotic weapons (psychotronic, electromagnetic, Radio Frequency, #HAARP, GWEN towers, #ELF waves) used by The UNITED STATES & other Nations worldwide, leaving NO DOUBT to all that is being used against unknowing people everywhere. If EVER you sought 1 video that tells it like it really is - THIS IS IT! It ALSO explains WHY the Police State mentality seemingly is Worldwide.

#Dr #BarrieTrower in a sit down interview tells all to ICAACT. Today many are guilty of the same type sinister crimes many Scientists were hung after World War II's Nuremberg trials. TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION. Well worth time spent to watch & LEARN the Truth

To hear this NOW, with all that is going on in the world today, NO ONE in their right mind can doubt this!



#ceylon #News
#haarp, p diddy, paedos, #tv presenter, #giants, #tartaria, #auras, #old and #new?
10.54 facts
12.38 wef what do they fear
13.25 paedo party
15.39 p diddy beats up girlfriend
18.15 p diddy russel brand
20.59 tv sports presenter arrested
23.37 tv sports presenter paedophile
23.37 tv sports presenter paedophile
27.10 giant pilot
32.28 giant scull Saudi
32.43 giants real
33.33 giants and tartaria
34.31 tartaria all over
40.28 tartaria creatures
41.23 tartaria tech not horse and cart
41.37 real or not
42.22 Recording of Electromagnetic Aura Field of Humans
46.56 old fans 1920
47.21 old tech 20s to 70s
48.19 what year are they living in
49.51 hospitals harvesting organs
50.37 jacko
51.45 robbed back

53.10 z dog leavesSee less


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on Industry Day: Directed Energy Technology Experimentation Research (DETER) Advanced Research Announced on October 19, 2023: The Techno Arc from Targeting Tech to #5G / #Smart City/ #HAARP Tech in Visions of Large-Scale Human & Earth Control (For Humanity to #DETER) #DEW

An ‘Industry Day’ to surface and share information and intention on “Directed Energy Technology Experimentation #Research” aimed at both building infrastructure, small and large systems, devices, and extension of industry into a future for “next-generation and innovative technologies” in numerous fields including, it seems, Public #Health, Public Safety and “integration of disparate technologies for the fielding of new HPEM systems and #weapons” was announced for October 19, 2023



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#freezone #freeman
Have you heard of the Space Fence? Heavy metals, gems, minerals, and nano tech are forming a massive computer disk surrounding the planet. Augmented Reality will soon be, well, reality. Magic Leap Inc. has designed a new Photonic Lightfield Chip that will use nano-scaled technology to project a false reality straight to your retina!

The Planetary Lockdown is happening. A system is in place that will use ionospheric heaters like HAARP in conjunction with particulates put in space to create a giant computer disk around the globe. These VLF transmitters, while powerful, will be mostly invisible outside the planet, since the ionosphere blocks nearly all of that VLF energy, further, because the pattern is omni, the power at any significant distance will be quite small. How do you fight an invisible weapon? Was it man-made of an act of God? We may never know!

#ElanaFreeland has been a Rudolf Steiner school pioneer, teacher, lecturer, storyteller, and writer. She has written for alternative publications, edited the stories of survivors of MK-ULTRA and ritual abuse, and is still ghostwriting books on diverse topics. In 1996, she was awarded a Master of Arts in Great Books and honors for her thesis on historiography at St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Elana Freeland on Facebook

In June 2014, Feral House Books released Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth. Recently, the Australian magazine Nexus published her article on invasive electromagnetic weapons. She has now begun the sequel to Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, which will be about the next phase of the global chemtrails-ionospheric heater technology: the Space Fence, a world Smart Grid enabled by the ionized atmosphere we now breathe. Humanity is to be neurologically herded toward a Transhumanist future inside the Space Fence lockdown.

#BillyHayes is known as "The HAARP Man" but, we could call him, "The #Microwaved #Man" is a #MKUltra survivor and was a contractor under #HAARP engineer Bernard Eastland. Because he was not placed under non-disclosure agreement at the HAARP facility, he can speak openly with us about what is really going on with this technology. Follow Billy Hayes on Facebook.

Billy mentioned that something always happens we he speaks out. Usually this comes in the form of #frequency manipulation that results in Billy having seizures. While he was on The Free Zone, Billy's child was involved in a hit and run and Billy had to leave the show to speak with the police.

Jim Lee joins The Free Zone in the second hour after returning from G. Edward Griffin's "Global Warming; An Inconvenient Lie". This historic conference of scientists, academics, and activists laid out the best evidence that global warming is a manufactured crisis, designed to implement global government control on every aspect of your life. Jim spoke on Geoengineering and Weather Modification, HAARP and the Sky Heaters, and of course, Chemtrails. Check out ClimateViewer 3D and Geoengineering Timeline

Freeman produced the very first documentaries on HAARP and Chemtrails. If you have not watched the Freeman Perspective, you should Start at the Beginning! His lectures have changed the way we look at this new technology. Freeman's Space War News has been ongoing from the moment that NASA bombed the moon! For more Transhumanist News, Follow Freeman on Twitter


Faktencheck: Wusste jemand, dass es ein Erdbeben in der Türkei und Syrien geben würde? | DW | 18.02.2023

Kurz nach dem Erdbeben in der syrisch-türkischen Grenzregion kursieren viele falsche Informationen um die Katastrophe. Angeblich haben Wissenschaftler sie vorhergesagt, Politiker davon gewusst und die USA sie ausgelöst.#Erdbeben #Türkei #Syrien #Faktencheck #Verschwörungstheorie #HAARP
Faktencheck: Wusste jemand, dass es ein Erdbeben in der Türkei und Syrien geben würde? | DW | 18.02.2023


7.8 #earthquake in Central #Turkey: #News and #Updates
This 32 minute video describes not only the horror of the earthquake in Turkey and #Syria, but #how the #deliberate #withholding of #aid by various powers caused a massive increase in the death toll. Aid only arrived after 3 days. The first 10 minutes describes the deliberate withholding of aid.

It then goes on to explore the theory that #HAARP was used to #create / #amplify the earthquake.




Turkish intel is SERIOUSLY investigating “a possible criminal intervention” in the earthquakes.

Translation: the involvement of another state in triggering the first #earthquake.

There was #NO #epicenter.

What followed the first earthquake was a chain reaction, after the destabilization of the regional tectonic plates.