

Anschaulich erläutert Lisa Feldman Barrett in ihrem Buch die Konzepte aktueller Emotionsforschung. Man erfährt dabei durchaus auch einiges über sich selbst. Eine Rezension

Dieses verständlich geschriebene Buch vermittelt Wissen zu Gefühlen und dazu, wie wir sie wahrnehmen und interpretieren. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Wie Gefühle entstehen von Lisa Feldman Barrett)#Gefühle #Psychologie #Neurowissenschaften #Emotionen #Menschenverstand #Affekt #Verhaltensbiologie #Verhaltensforschung #Neuroscience #Verstand #Gehirn #Hirnforschung #Sozialpsychologie #Disziplin #Wut #Liebe #Angst #Scham #PsychologieHirnforschung #Biologie
»Wie Gefühle entstehen«: Fühlen, wie das Gehirn es will


"I know what the sound of a laugh is, but I can't hear it in my mind. I have no memories with sounds."

"Jessie only discovered that this was unusual when, by chance, she met a researcher who studies people like her."

The term "anauralia" has been coined for the auditory analogue to aphantasia -- the inability to picture images in one's "mind's eye".

People who can't picture sound In their minds



"Neuralink has implanted a brain chip in a human for the first time."

The article doesn't say anything else, though. There's nothing on the Neuralink website. The rest of the article is about clues from Neuralink's "first-in-human clinical trial" open call for recruitment.

"The identity of Neuralink's first human trial subject hasn't been made public. However, the company's call for volunteers stipulates that trial participants must be within the U.S., over 18, and have a disability. Specifically, Neuralink is interested in implanting brain chips in people with 'quadriplegia, paraplegia, vision loss, hearing loss, the inability to speak, and/or major limb amputation (affecting above or below the elbow and/or above or below the knee).'"

"For its first human trial, Neuralink sought volunteers who have quadriplegia caused by a cervical spinal cord injury, or who have amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)."

Elon Musk's Neuralink has implanted a brain chip in a human for the first time

#solidstatelife #neuroscience #bci #neuralink


“I study #neuroscience, which is to say I study the brain. My main focus right now is the connection of our body signals and our brain ... it’s a much more direct connection between those signals. This is why things in our environment that can change our bodily signals, either directly or indirectly, can change our emotional state.” #Music #Ambient #Electronic #MentalHealth #DJMag https://djmag.com/features/exploring-relationship-between-ambient-music-and-mental-health


"NeuroImage has long been the leading journal focusing on imaging neuroscience, with both the highest impact factor and the largest number of papers published annually. NeuroImage's editorial team has tried to convince Elsevier to reduce the publication fee from $3,450, as we believe large profit is unethical and unsustainable. Elsevier is unwilling to reduce the fee; therefore, with great regret, all editors (more than 40 academic editors) of NeuroImage and NeuroImage:Reports have resigned. We are starting a new non-profit Open Access journal, Imaging Neuroscience, intended to replace NeuroImage as our field's leading journal."

I'm always happy when the papers are open access and always don't like it when I hit a paywall. So from my point of view, yay! Hopefully there will be more of this.

Imaging Neuroscience



What’s Your Brain’s Role in Creating Space & Time?

Very interesting piece. As a linguist, it makes me wonder about the implications for language processing. Many linguists agree that the linear order of linguistic strings (i.e, how linguistic input stretches through time) does not correspond to the structural description that our mind produces of language. The latter would be a hierarchical structure. One that runs from top to bottom, rather than linearly, across time. I would love to be able to match this to the insights of the study of time from the point of view of physics and the philosophy of time, as explained in this video. Really interesting stuff.


#Time #Brain #Hippocampus #PlaceCells #Perception #Reality #Philosophy #Neuroscience #Science #Linguistics #language