

Smells Like BRICSX

It appears the maintainers of #Linux are dumb enough to embrace the Grand Bifurcation and write off the #majority of the #human #population:

Following yesterday’s news first featured on #Phoronix of several #Linux #driver #maintainers being de-listed from their #maintainer positions within the mainline Linux #kernel over their connections to #Russia, #LinusTorvalds has today commented on the matter.

Since yesterday there’s been a lot of concern and mixed views over a number of Linux kernel maintainers being de-listed from the kernel’s MAINTAINERS file seemingly over being Russian or using Russian email addresses. In response to the patch posting from last week has also been proposals to revert that prior patch, some of the affected maintainers voicing their surprise over this sudden move, and some being upset over the lack of public clarity into the seemingly new “compliance requirements” imposed on the Linux kernel.

#GregKroah-Hartman who authored the patch dropping the various maintainers has yet to comment on the mailing list thread, but a few minutes ago Linus Torvalds chimed in with his opinion. Linux creator Linus Torvalds wrote:

“Ok, lots of Russian trolls out and about. It’s entirely clear why the change was done, it’s not getting reverted, and using multiple random anonymous accounts to try to “grass root” it by Russian troll factories isn’t going to change anything.

And FYI for the actual innocent bystanders who aren’t troll farm accounts – the “various compliance requirements” are not just a US thing.

If you haven’t heard of Russian sanctions yet, you should try to read the news some day. And by “news”, I don’t mean Russian state-sponsored spam.

As to sending me a revert patch – please use whatever mush you call brains. I’m Finnish. Did you think I’d be supporting Russian aggression? Apparently it’s not just lack of real news, it’s lack of history knowledge too.”

It’s not as if the Russians are simply going to throw up their hands and start using #Windows11. This promises to be the Mother of All Forks, and given the recently expressed position of #BRICS on the #illegality of #Western #sanctions, I doubt any of the BRICS countries are going to stick with the #original #Linux version.

This is where the fatal #flaw of having a weak central figure like Torvalds in charge inevitably comes into play. #Succession plans are difficult enough for strong Alphas to accomplish successfully, but when a mild-mannered Delta is the man in charge, some sort of future #debacle is all but guaranteed.

#Linus, it’s not that anyone thinks you’re supporting Russian aggression. It’s just that we assumed you wouldn’t be #retarded enough to publicly #endorse the #division of the #global #Linux #community and the creation of a #Sino-Russian #alternative #operating-system. But we were wrong.


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#History of The #Bristol #OldVic
The Bristol Old Vic first opened on May 30 #1766 with a capacity for more than 1600, which is 1000 more than the theatre holds today. It was technically an illegal venue as #theatre was heavily #censored at the time by the Lord Chamberlain under the Licensing Act of 1737, due to political offence caused by #satirical #plays.

The theatre #entrance was therefore initially hidden away from the street behind a row of houses and to gain admission, people had to knock on the door of a number of neighbouring private homes which they then walked through to gain entrance from the backyard.

In 1788 it the theatre was awarded its Royal patent and its legalised status allowed it to openly advertise and legally perform full length plays.

The theatre has been through a number of refurbishments during which time archaeologists discovered some 19th century graffiti in the theatre, including a graffiti style sketch of a schooner in full-sail, said to be made by the theatre’s carpenter E J Harwell in 1859. In #1972, a new theatre complex designed by Peter Moro was completed, which resulted in a number of inner buildings being #demolished including the #original #stage area of the 1766 theatre.

The Bristol Old Vic


Sturmhöhe - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #Bretagne #France #Frankreich


Kleiner besoffener #Wut-Hering

Das #Original steht eigentlich auf der anderen Seite des #Kanals. Zumindest in der Vorstellung von Frau #Brontë.
Natürlich habe ich das Buch gelesen und das kommt zumindest meiner Fantasie recht nahe.

Dazu muss natürlich die Frau #Bush ran:


Kate Bush - #Wuthering #Heights

Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!


#YvesDeruyter - The #Rebel ( #Original #Mix) (1997) ( #Maxi #45T) - #SouvenirDeBoites2


Yves Deruyter – The Rebel
Label: S3 Paris – S3 665331 6
Format: #Vinyle, 12", 33 ⅓ RPM
Pays: France
Sortie: 1997

Yves Deruyter
Vrai nom: Yves Pieter Yvonne Deruyter
Profil: #Belgian #DJ and #producer. Started as a DJ in 1985, and as a producer in 1991.
Alias: D.R.Y.
Dans les groupes: Antares (29), Aqua Contact, Body-Shock, Bunkerz, Cherry Moon Trax, D & S, Dawn (2), Extreme Trax, Frequence (2), Globe Masters, Interstate (4), Rebelgrooves, Space Module, Squad (2), Strange Food, Worxx

#musique #music #techno



En ce qui concerne l’ #arrêt historique de la Cour internationale de justice sur #Gaza-Israël, il est en effet regrettable que presque personne ne lise le #document #original, s’en remettant aux reconstructions simplifiées des #journaux et des parties intéressées.

Le document n’a été lu qu’en termes #minimalistes, déplorant ou appréciant - selon le côté - l’absence d’injonction à #Israël de suspendre sa campagne militaire vicieuse contre les #Palestiniens de #Gaza.

Cet arrêt a toutefois porté un coup dévastateur au #mythe-fondateur d’Israël. Un pays qui se présente comme éternellement persécuté a été accusé par le plus haut organe de #justice mondial de commettre un #génocide présumé contre les Palestiniens de Gaza. Ce sont les victimes, et non les auteurs, du "crime suprême". Un peuple qui est victime d’un génocide est maintenant susceptible de le commettre.

L’arrêt de la Cour remet en cause l’ #impunité dont jouit Israël depuis sa création il y a 75 ans.

Lisez ce document. Il s’agit de 29 pages rédigées dans un anglais clair détaillant les #infamies perpétrées à Gaza contre les civils palestiniens et vibrant d’ #indignation face à l’impunité des responsables (..)

Arlacchi : La Cour Internationale de Justice : soupçon de génocide à Gaza

#CourInternationaledeJustice #ONU #Afriquedusud


For millennia, musicians have looked to the #heavens for #inspiration. #Now a new collaboration is enabling actual data from NASA telescopes to be used as the basis for #original #music that can be played by humans.
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Since 2020, the "sonification" project at NASA's Chandra X-ray Center has translated the digital data taken by telescopes into notes and sounds. This process allows the listener to experience the data through the sense of hearing instead of seeing it as images, a more common way to present astronomical data.

A new phase of the sonification project takes the data into different territory. Working with composer Sophie Kastner, the team has developed versions of the data that can be played by musicians.

"It's like a writing a fictional story that is largely based on real facts," said Kastner. "We are taking the data from space that has been translated into sound and putting a new and human twist on it."

This pilot program focuses on data from a small region at the center of our Milky Way galaxy where a supermassive black hole resides. NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, Hubble Space Telescope, and retired Spitzer Space Telescope have all studied this area, which spans about 400 light-years across.

NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center manages the Chandra program. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's Chandra X-ray Center controls science operations from Cambridge, Massachusetts, and flight operations from Burlington, Massachusetts.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZszE77Ofw_4

"Where Parallel Lines Converge" is a #sonic rendering of a composite image of the #GalacticCenter, or the center of our #MilkyWay #galaxy, with data from NASA’s #Chandra, #Hubble and #Spitzer #space #telescopes. The song is a tryptic, highlighting three astronomical objects or moments in the image: the X-ray binary, the arched filaments, and the #supermassive #blackhole, #SagittariusA*.

The piece was conceived using the same principles as the original NASA Chandra data sonifications, converting data to sound by matching different parameters of the image with musical parameters. Composed by Sophie Kastner, this was recorded by #Montreal based #Ensemble Eclat conducted by Charles-Eric LaFontaine on July 19, 2023 at McGill University.

  • Alex Huyghebaert, flute
  • Gwénaëlle Ratouit, clarinet and bass clarinet
  • Charles Chiovato Rambaldo, percussion
  • Léo Guiollot, percussion
  • Paul Çelebi, piano
  • Jeanne Côté, violin
  • Audréanne Filion, violoncello

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#Mula #Nakshatra - Mula is the nineteenth Nakshatra in #Vedic #astrology ranging from 0° to 13°20' Dhanu.

Symbol - The symbol of this Nakshatra is a bunch of #roots tied together or an elephant goad.

Astronomical Name - The astronomical names of this Nakshatra are ε, ζ, η, θ, ι, κ, λ, μ and ν Sagittarii.

Deity of Nakshatra - #Nirriti, the #goddess of #dissolution and #destruction is the deity of Mula Nakshatra.

Ruling Planet - Mula Nakshatra is ruled by #Ketu (south lunar node).

Others - Mula translates as the 'root' or #original #star which is symbolized as a tied bunch of roots. Mula Nakshatra has a philosophical nature, is curious, enjoys exploring the depths of any subject.



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Zodiac Sign or #Moola #Nakshatra Rashi- #Sagittarius
Moola Nakshatra Ruling Planet- #Ketu
Moola Nakshatra Lord or God- #Nritti
Moola Nakshatra Symbol- Tied bunch of #roots
Moola Nakshatra Degree Range- 0°00 - 13°20’ Sagittarius
Moola Nakshatra Mode of Functioning- Active
Moola Nakshatra Quality- #Demon
Chara Rashi/ Navamsa- Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer
Moola Nakshatra Lucky Number- 7
Moola Nakshatra Yoni- #Swan
Moola Nakshatra Dosha- #Vata
Type of Nakshatra- #Sharp
Moola Nakshatra Dasha- 7 Yrs
Moola Nakshatra Numerical Potency- 19
Moola Nakshatra Gender- #Eunuch (Neutral)
Moola Nakshatra Guna- #Tamasic
Moola Nakshatra Gana- #Raakshas
Moola Nakshatra Element or #Tattwa- #Air
Moola Nakshatra Mobility- #Movable
Moola Nakshatra Caste- #Butcher
Moola Nakshatra Animal- #Dog
Moola Nakshatra Names Starting Letters- Ye, Yo, Bha, Bhe
Moola Nakshatra #Bird- #Red #Vulture
Moola Nakshatra Lucky Stone- Cat’s eye
Moola Nakshatra Lucky Color- Brown Yellow
Moola Nakshatra #Tree- #Sal
Moola Nakshatra Traits- haughty, rich, informative, self-inflicting, compassionate, luxurious, arrogant, investigative, proud, and happy
About Moola Nakshatra
Mula/Moola Nakshatra is the nineteenth Nakshatra in the series of Nakshatras. It consists of a group of nine stars which can be seen forming the shape of a “Lion’s tail”. In Modern astronomy, the nine stars are called- Lambda (Shaula), Epsilon, Mu-1, Iota-1, Theta, Eta, Zeta, Kappa and Upsilon (Lesath) Scorpionis. All these stars lie at the end of the Scorpio constellation, however, astrologically, they form the part of the Sagittarius star sign.

Etymologically, #Mula means “the #Root”, “the #Center” or “the #Innermost #Core”. It is the straightforward Nakshatra that doesn’t prevaricate t convey its perspective. Symbolized by the “a tied bunch of roots”, this Nakshatra is associated with the “root” of everything. It means that Moola Nakshatra deals with all the #hidden #realms, things, events, motives and secret affairs on the earthly plane.

It alsp depicts the meaning “rooted” which signifies collecting or tying up what is owned by one. Explaining in-depth, this Nakshatra helps natives to gather necessary tools from the past that are required to accomplish goals in the present. In #ancient texts, Moola is referred to as “ #Foundation #Star” or “the root” or “the #original”. It was associated with the root of diseases (virus, bacteria etc.) and #medicine production. It was also related to constraints and limitations that hold the energies of natives to scatter away.

The presiding deity of Moola constellation, Nritti is the daughter of #Adharma (unrighteousness) and #Himsa (violence). She is the mother of #Mrityu (death) and #Bhaya (fear). In #Vedic texts, Nritti is named as destructive demon and #Alaxmi, #Goddess of #poverty, misfortune and calamity.

In #VedicAstrology, Mula is considered a very powerful Nakshatra with respect to the material realm. It offers worldly status, prosperity and material achievements. Ruled by Ketu, the Moola constellation initiates spiritual transformations. It offers insights into unseen realms and shares magical abilities to achieve higher positions. The energy of Moola can be used both in destructive and constructive mannerism. In spiritual terms, Moola is the first constellation that symbolizes the #spiritual #journey of a #soul and emphasizes its #merger with the #Divine.

Moola Nakshatra in English is referred to as Moola/ Mula. Moola Nakshatra in Tamil is referred to as Mulam/Moolam Natchathiram (மூலம் நட்சத்திரம்). The name of Moola Nakshatra in Malayalam is Moolam Nakshatra (മൂലം നക്ഷത്ര) and the name of the Moola constellation in Telugu is Mula (మూల).
Moola Nakshatra Physical Characteristics
Children born in Moola Nakshatra are blessed with prominent noses, ears and thick lower lips. They are not very attractive however they possess peculiar features to attract someone. They are highly evolved souls and can be spotted easily in a crowd.

Moola Nakshatra Behavioral Characteristics
The fundamental approach of Mula males and females is to get into the core of things. They investigate the matters and explore the depths of persons, places and subjects. Generally, children born in Moola Nakshatra are rich, happy and highly opinionated. They love peaceful surroundings, but, at times, create chaos by hurting others with their sarcastic speech.

Mula Nakshatra natives possess a great ability to overcome hardships and hurdles. They exhibit their own set of rules and do not like to follow others. As an impulsive constellation, Moola Nakshatra natives regret over their actions. They have specific ways of looking at situations that often get them into trouble. In times of resolving situations and handling problems, they show over-eagerness.

The special talent of Mula star males and females is their straightforward and direct approach. They don’t beat about the bush and get into the root of the matter directly. As per Vedic scriptures, Mula Nakshatra is a proud and haughty constellation. Thus, the natives are unable to handle their power and energies. They often create their own calamities and cause chaos to their surroundings.

These ambitious individuals work harder for their goals. They look for self-fulfillment and their primary motivation is to attain higher positions and success. Moola born natives are always looking for the true purpose and meaning of their life. They are skilled at hiding their strengths and sources of energies. Hard work, commitment, intelligence, courage, curiosity, innovation, positivity are the positive Moola Nakshatra characteristics.

Mula Nakshatra males and females are god-fearing. They are fortunate in terms of spouses and marital relationships. They live a luxurious, rich and prosperous life. As Mool combines the energy of Jupiter and Ketu, these natives undergo various transformations in their life. Jupiter in Mula constellations encourages natives to seek non-violence and lawful activities. However, if Ketu is ill-disposed, the natives of Mula Nakshatra hold idiosyncratic tendencies. They behave destructive, unpredictable, egoistic and arrogant. They quickly cut out things that have stopped serving their purpose.
Career Options for Moola Nakshatra Natives
The professions that are favorable for Moola Nakshatra born people are:

Medical professions such as poison doctors, healers, Psychotherapists, vaccination doctors, morticians, dentists, autopsy professionals etc.
Shamen, preachers, ascetics can be suitable professions for Moola star natives.
Tantra and occult practitioners such as Voodoo practitioners, black magicians, Aghoris etc.
All professions that involving oratorical ability like Mass leaders, rock musicians, debaters and contrarians, public speakers etc.
Jobs in research, Microbiology and Genetics sector.
All kinds of investigation jobs such as detectives and investigators.
Defense relates jobs such as Police, Judges, Hitmen and Soldiers are the best Mool Nakshatra career options.
Professions related to selling herbs, roots and roots vegetables like potatoes, radish etc.
Bodyguard and wresting jobs.
Astronomers, Nuclear Physicists, Mathematicians jobs.
Jobs as Gold diggers and treasure hunters.
Coal and Petroleum Industry jobs.
Professions that involve destructive activities.
Homicide squad professionals.
Minister, Politicians, Professional agitators.
Also See: Lal Kitab Remedies for Job

Favorable Activities For Moola Nakshatra
Moola Nakshatra is a very auspicious Nakshatra for investigating any matter in depth. You can gather knowledge or people or any other important things during this period. As per Vedic texts, Moola Nakshatra is very suitable for planting, gardening and other agricultural activities. It is good for construction and laying the foundation of buildings. When Moola Nakshatra is in the sky, you can express your sexuality and go on any adventures without any hurdle. For contemplation, self-exploration, self-assertion and meditation on death and fierce deities like Kali, Mula Nakshatra is said to be very favorable. Singing, oration, administering herbs and medicines, researching and studying science or occult subjects may also prove fruitful in the Moola constellation.

Unfavorable Activities For Moola Nakshatra
Moola Nakshatra is not auspicious for beginning any new work. It is not good for the marriage, activities involving balance, tact and diplomacy. In Moola Nakshatra, one should not lend or borrow money. Doing any sort of financial transaction in this Nakshatra is not profitable.
Moola Nakshatra Remedies
People suffering from afflictions of Moola Nakshatra should worship Goddess Kali and Rudra. They should contemplate and meditate on Death in all its forms to utilize the positive energy of the Moola constellation.

The natives should recite the root Mantra- “Om Nam”, “Om Pam” and “Om Pham”. Chanting this Moola Nakshatra Mantra 108 times during the lunar transition and in the corresponding month of Moola Nakshatra alleviates afflictions and bestows happiness. Reciting “Om Eshte Nirate Bhagastam Jushsva” can prove beneficial in eliminating the bad effects of Mula’s first three Padas.

Moola star men and women can increase the positive effects of Moola Nakshatra by wearing a mixed combination of earth tones or colors such as Black, Golden and Red. People born in Moola Nakshatra should undertake all the important actions corresponding to the position of Moola star for the most auspicious results.


#BadGear - #Arturia #MiniBrute 2 - #AudioPilz


Welcome to #Bad #Gear, the show about the #world's most hated #audio #tools. Today we are going to talk about the Arturia MiniBrute 2. Is this #eurorack #compatible #analog #synthesizer and successor to the #original Arturia MiniBrute worthy of its #legacy? Is it the #best #beginner #instrument for #modular #synthesis?
Thanks to Klangfarbe for letting me use one of their floor models

#synth #synthétiseur


#Dune - #Original #Soundtrack [ #ProTracker #Music] - #TeroRisti


Original #Amiga #game soundtrack from the game Dune developed by #Cryo and published by #Virgin #Interactive in 1992.
Composer: #StéphanePicq

0:00 Intro (Wormsign)
3:36 Ingame Palace (Ecolove)
6:50 Ingame Fremens

Dune - The Story
In these times of the future, man has explored many worlds, travelling through space by the use of Spice. Spice, the most precious substance, can only be found on one planet in the whole universe. This planet is Arrakis, better known as Dune. It’s a dry desolate planet with vast deserts. There’s never a drop of rain on Dune.

You are Paul Atreides, son of Duke Leto Atreides. The Harkonnens, long time enemies of your family, have come on Dune to control the Spice production, in their brutal way. But the Emperor of the Universe has just allowed you and the Atreides family to go on Dune too. You are determined to use this opportunity to drive the Harkonnens out of Dune, with the help of few natives, the Fremen.

The story begins as you’ve just arrived on Dune, in an empty palace located at a safe distance from the Harkonnen fortresses.

#retrogaming #retrocomputer #gamesoundtrack
