

From Ukraine, the war on Orthodoxy now pivots to Greece

From #Ukraine , the #war on #Orthodoxy now #pivots to #Greece #NATO #religion

"Greek police, at the instigation of #Patriarch #Bartholomew in Istanbul, recently made an aggressive attempt to occupy the #Orthodox #monastery #Esfigmenou, located on the territory of the autonomous monastic republic of Mount Athos. Their main objective was to forcefully eject the traditionalist monks who live and pray there. The secondary purpose of the raid was to create a pretext for permanently stationing Greek government forces in the proximity of each of the monasteries on the Athos peninsula. The disgraceful assault was a copy/paste replica of a similar operation that previously had been carried out by the Kiev regime against the monks of the Kiev Caves Lavra in Ukraine."



meanwhile in other subcultures: #russia is loosing also at the spiritual front

Without any change compared to the draft document, the text of the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, regarding the #war in #Ukraine, was adopted.
Yesterday in the original text released, dissatisfaction was expressed on the part of the Russian #Church, which went so far as to characterize the text at the same level as the announcements of Starbucks and Mcdonaldโ€™s.
Today, at the last meeting of the WCC in #Karlsruhe, the committee, after stressing that it had received more than 90 emails concerning requests for amendments to the text, decided not to proceed with almost any changes.

https://orthodoxtimes.com/no-changes-to-the-wcc-text-on-ukraine-new-reactions-from-the-metropolitan-of-volokolamsk/ #orthodoxy #religion


In this episode of Donโ€™t Give Up Ukraine! we discuss #Eurasianism with Andreas Umland and Hubert Smeets. Andreas Umland is poltical scientist studying contemporary Russian and Ukrainian #history as well as regime transitions. He published among others on the post-Soviet #extremeright, Ukranian and Russian #nationalism and the #Donbas and #Crimea conflicts. He is Senior Expert at the Ukrainian Institute for the Future well as a Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute for International Affairs in #Stockholm. Andreas Umland also teaches as Associate Professor of Politics at the National University of #Kyiv -Mohyla Academy. Hubert Smeets is a Dutch journalist and historian. He is one of the founders of the knowledge and analysis platform Raam op Rusland (Window on #Russia). Hubert Smeets is a prominent commentator on the #war in Ukraine. He worked for the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad. From 2003 to 2007 he was editor-in-chief of the Dutch opinion weekly De Groene Amsterdammer. In 2015 he published his book De wraak van Poetin (The revenge of Putin).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAeb2Zhovgs #dugin #church #orthodoxy #fascism #ideology #empire #geopolitics


Russian propaganda in #Germany and #Italy is working against the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, which was first recognized as independent in 2019 after receiving the Tomos. However, the pro-Russian and Russian #media do not recognize the independence of the Ukrainian #church from Russia and claim that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church was formed as a result of schism and supports the war and nationalist rhetoric. Moreover, the propagandists write that schism between the churches (i.e., Ukrainian and Russian) was provoked by the fifth president of Ukraine Petro #Poroshenko. We explain what is wrong in the narratives of Russian #propaganda.

https://voxukraine.org/en/digest-of-pro-russian-narratives-in-german-italian-media-about-ukrainian-orthodox-church/ #religion #nationalism #orthodoxy #fakenews


An investigation by journalists has revealed that the Russian Ministry of Emergencies is passing on information on deportees to the #clergy, who then find placements for them in churches, monasteries and convents.
Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of #Ukraine, the Ministry has been emailing reports on the occupied territories and deportations of Ukrainians to the Russian Orthodox #Churchโ€™s Synodal Department for Charitable #Work. The Ministry also provides the clergy with daily reports on the progress of #military action in the occupied territories of Ukraine and on the numbers of Ukrainians being forcibly deported, the routes by which they are being transported, and their time of arrival in #Russia.
The relevant emails from the Churchโ€™s charitable arm were forwarded to the journalists by hackers from #Anonymous and #DDoSecrets.

https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/04/24/7341811/ #orthodoxy #deportation #war