


#Hanau #Konsequenzen #SayTheirNames #Hessen


The forgotten victim of decade long "war on terror"!

While the whole world is getting a hard on talking about the danger of Russia and how much money each country has to spent to protect us from the "Russians who are coming for our freedom", the voiceless victim of what tarted as the biggest crimes of our modern history, the "War On Terror", keep dying on the sea, in land or in slave markets in Libya and Sudan.

The last of the forgotten stories the shipwreck by the coast of Greece, on a boat filled with almost 750 people, 3000% more than it was built for, has cost the lives of more than 500 people, including more than 100 children who were held deep under the deck "to be safe".

The sorry didn't make the front page of the news on the world media and those who covered it, called it "dozens died in capsize boat", dozens. That is the language they use to make it less harmful, not to make people feel sad or empathic for the victims. Because no one wants them, no one cares for them and no one wants to know about them,

WE have spent 100s of billions of dollars into the war in Ukraine that our leaders (with our backing) convinced us that is the only thing that matters, we have to set the world on fire, to save Ukraine, it is the front for the war between "civilized Europe" and the barbarians from the east. Nothing else matters, and we have to sacrifice EVERYTHING to stop the "new Hitler".

The Ukraine war is different, and not, the language is the same, because efore that, it was the ISIS, before that, it was AlQaeda and before that the Taliban. The names are different, but they hall something in common, they were all created by the failed policies of the west, and their victims, all 4.5 million of them don't even count. They are not worthy of any change in policy, any critical look at the rotten foundation of the so called civilized world's values and behavior.

the unnamed victims of the capsized ship in Greece is jut the latest of many, many more that no one pays attention, and if they do, it only last a minute, or a day. Then they move on. Focus on what is important. To keep our Amazon order coming on time, the Uber driver can get his slave wage so we can go from point a to b, and the factory workers in Vietnam, Honduras, Haiti, Mexico and all other places keep on working 12h per day for a $1 an hour or less we can buy a brand football jersey for $120 and be proud to support our team.

No one will even remember the shipwreck in Greece in a few days (if they haven't already forgotten of course) or all others who die so we can live our life, not knowing the price they pay just to have a fraction of what we have,

Sorry for the rant, i am writing with tears in my eyes, watched a short story from an eye witness of the tragedy. It hits me hard because I was one of those boat refugees 38 years ago. I was lucky and survived and got support, welcomed and got an education and was able to have a life I never thought I would have. But none of the 500+ people who died in Greece the other day will never have that chance. Not even the ones who survived will be as lucky as I was, the world has changed, the world refugee is a curse word.

I still remember the word of an Irish guy in my team who said "holy shit, I am working for a refugee"!

#Imigration #DeathAtSea #Tragedy #Greece #WarOnTerror #Inhumanity #Politics #SayTheirNames #Europe



#AnDiesemTag #Dessau #SachsenAnhalt #KeinVergessen #SayTheirNames #rechteGewalt


Einzeltäter Teil 3 ­– Hanau

Angehörige und Freund*innen der Opfer stehen im Mittelpunkt, Julian Vogels Dokumentation lässt ihren Erzählungen viel Raum.

Heute noch einmal beim @LICHTERfilmfest in #Frankfurt:
16:00 im Eldorado Filmtheater

#Hanau #KeinVergessen #SayTheirNames



🎦 Im Rahmen des 23. @LICHTERfilmfest:

Einzeltäter Teil 3 ­– Hanau

Heute 17:00 Premiere,
und morgen So., 23.4., 16:00
im Eldorado Filmtheater


#Hanau #KeinVergessen #SayTheirNames

Filmplakat<br>Einzeltäter Teil 3: Hanau


#saytheirnames #NeverForget


As the old tradition goes, families who lost a loved one, visit their grave on the last day of the Iranian new year.

Victims of IRIs brutal crackdown of protests and uprising in the past 6 month, gather in cemeteries, decorating the graves of their children and putting the traditional #HaftSin on their graves to include them in the sad ending of the year 1401.

Regime forces have chosen not to disrupt the mourning families, but there are a large number of police and security forces visible in cemeteries all over the country.

#Iran #IranProtest #IRI #SayTheirNames #IranUprisng #Politics #IranNewYear #Norooz


On the last day of Iranian year, mother's of some of those murdered by IRI security forces, gathered together, carrying the picture of their loved ones to protest the criminal murder of their children and to keep their memories alive.

#Iran #IranProtests #Politics #SayTheirNames #IRI #NeverForget #IranUprising

همبستگی مادران جانباختگان در ایذە

مادران کیان پیرفلک، حسین سعیدی، محمود احمدی، حامد سلحشور، میلاد سعیدیان جو و علی مولایی با هم دیدار و اعلام همبستگی کردند.



#Hanau #Saytheirnames #hanau1902



#saytheirnames #hanauistüberall #hanauistjedentag #hanauwarkeineinzelfall



#saytheirnames #hanau1902 #erinnernheißtverändern #KeinVergessen