

I am currently trying to learn German on my own. I was hoping someone could suggest some German songs to help me learn German.

I've listened to EinsturzendeNeubauten since I was 18, so I've started listing to them again. "Ein Stuhl in der Hölle" is a perfect example of what I'm looking for.

I've also discovered the song "Wir tanzen im Viereck" from another band (Stereo Total?) which is very funny and repetitive.

Can anyone please suggest some good songs. Preferably where the German is not very complicated (I'm just trying to get to A1 level now) and not songs for children (unless it's actually nice).

#askfedi #German #music #Deutsch #song #Lied #suggestion #language #learn #help


#Mastodon problem but also problem with diaspora embedded images name on Android!

Since I can't cross post between #Diaspora and #Mastodon, I save the funny images I find here in my phone, but, I won't see them in the gallery app when I brows the directory.

The file names are too big for the app to handle and the only way I can access the files is using a terminal she'll window to rename them.

Things missing in #fedilab app is ability to chose the directory where the files being saved and naming them before saving.

#Help #Suggestion #Android


#Suggestion for Diaspora mobile version

#Bug #Diaspora #Mobilr
I'm using it on Firefox and have to change the sharing to "public" for every post.

Is there a way to fix it? On desktop, my default setting to share public is accepted, but on m.diasp.org or any other pod it is not.

Also, it would be really nice to have a "new" icon on the desktop version like we have on the mobile. It would make things so muceasiee.


Comment exclure certains tags de mon fil ?

Ce n'est pas car j'adhère à recevoir des sujets de personnes qui m'intéressent que tout ce qu'elles publient m'intéresse. Comment faire exclure automatiquement certains #tags ? Est-ce que la fonction existe qui permette de ne pas devoir exclure totalement des personnes ?
Exemples : la #politique d'un état, la situation sanitaire liée au #covid, le #bashing de certains sujets environnementaux et énergétiques comme la poursuite du #nucléaire.
C'est que j'aimerais pouvoir m'intéresser à des éléments positifs, sans devoir me taper des #opinions négatives ou une quelconque #agressivité sachant que je serais bien incapable de convaincre des tiers de leurs #positions et #obsessions néfastes.

#aide #question #diaspora #suggestion


You know what would be a really great feature? If I could toggle something in my settings so that it didn't automagically subscribe me to a post just because I liked it. I don't often want to see the commentary on a post after I like it, I follow the photography tag. I just want to tell the person that posted it I liked it.

#diaspora #suggestion


Again, but I have learned some #esoteric #programming still while in collage. And I'm graduating in about a year (if nothing goes wrong). What kind of #job can I get?

  1. Big data processing using CERN ROOT (instead of Spark or Desk)
  2. Deep learning in C++ using tiny-dnn
  3. Closely flowing C++ standards
  4. Running Arch Linux as production server
  5. Parallel processing using OpenMP and OpenMP tuning
  6. Porting SSE/AVX code to ARM using wrappers

#work #graduate #suggestion #wanted