

We're not being told the truth of things. I've studied the subject for several years from multiple perspectives and sources and it's clear the anomaly has been obfuscated, lied about and free inquiry into it has been suppressed.

My reasoning is that if the anomalous and mathematically demonstrable over-representation in the upper echelons of the West's societal power hierarchies is an innocuous and benevolent phenomenon, then why are lies, obfuscation and suppression of free inquiry deployed?

Benevolence doesn't need to be concealed; malevolence benefits from operating in concealment.

#alexjones #nickfuentes #kanyewest #ye #yewest #jews #jewish #society #debate #anthropology #ethnography #sociology #psychology #freespeech #freeinquiry #economics #socioeconomics #mathematics #statistics #data #facts #truth #westerncivilisation #westerncivilization #thewest



Economic -8.24 Social -9.44

says my result from https://politicalcompass.github.io

entering the same answers (or so I thought), on https://politicalcompass.org got:

Economic Left/Right: -8.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.97

normally, without seeing how each answer adjusts my score, i tend to score arount 6-8.* for each, nearly always stronger for freedom than left. how they score the protectionism in trade one surprised me, and i guess i don't understand the question. ... though, several scorings surprised me, that they were mono-dimensional, no diagonals, when surely, several of those would mean adjustments on both axis should be due... but, no surprises that there's flaws in it, we've all long known that, and yet, still standing strong as the best we've got still, despite the shortcomings. fun to see how each was scored though.

#politicalcompass https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompass/comments/gz4nbt/ive_cracked_the_formula_of_politicalcompassorg/ #DigitsPoliticalCompassScore #cracked #formula #socialmetrics #politicalmetrics #anthropometrics #socioeconomics #interesting