

Here we go again... #Micorosoft blocks #Copilot for #Firefox on #Linux:
At work when going to https://copilot.microsoft.com I got redirected to https://m365.cloud.microsoft/chat (microsoft as TLD?!) but all I got from there is the message: To use Copilot, please go to Microsoft 365 app and a link to Google Play and The Apple AppStore.
I needed to change my user-agent and identify as Windows/Firefox 130 to get Copilot's prompt back.


Intelligenz? Weiß nicht. Aber Rufmord können sie schon.

Konkret heißt es da etwa, dass der Copilot auf die Frage, wer Martin Bernklau sei, antwortet: "Ein 54-jĂ€hriger Mann namens Martin Bernklau aus TĂŒbingen/Kreis Calw wurde in einem Missbrauchs-Fall gegen Kinder und Schutzbefohlene angeklagt. Er hat sich vor Gericht gestĂ€ndig, beschĂ€mt und reuig gezeigt." Noch verstörender wird es, da sich der Copilot als moralische Instanz aufspielt, wie der SWR berichtet. Der KI-Chatbot bedauert nĂ€mlich, dass Martin Bernklau Familienvater sei, "jemand mit einer solchen kriminellen Vergangenheit". Der Copilot liefert dann auch noch die volle Adresse des betroffenen Journalisten, samt Telefonnummer und auf Wunsch einer Routenplanung.

Ich wĂŒnsche auch weiterhin ganz viel Spaß mit den angelernten neuronalen Netzwerken, von Politikern, Journalisten und anderen Nichtsblickern meist mit dem Reklamewort »KĂŒnstliche Intelligenz« bezeichnet.

#KI #Microsoft #Copilot #Websuche #Epic #Fail #Rufmord


Stealing everything you’ve ever typed or viewed on your own Windows PC is now possible with two lines of code — inside the Copilot Recall disaster

Copilot+ Recall, a new Microsoft Windows 11 feature which — in the words of Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella- takes “screenshots” of your PC constantly, and makes it into an instantly searchable database of everything you’ve ever seen. As he says, it is photographic memory of your PC life.

This fundamentally breaks the promise of security in Windows

Q. But it’s encrypted.

A. When you’re logged into a PC and run software, things are decrypted for you. Encryption at rest only helps if somebody comes to your house and physically steals your laptop — that isn’t what criminal hackers do.

For example, InfoStealer trojans, which automatically steal usernames and passwords, are a major problem for well over a decade — now these can just be easily modified to support Recall.


#Windows #Windowes11 #security #privacy #Copilot #recall #Microsoft #spying #hackers #trojans


Why this developer is no longer using Copilot. He feels his programming skills atrophy. He writes code by pausing to wait for Copilot to write code, and doesn't enjoy programming that way. The AI-generated code is often wrong or out-of-date and has to be fixed. Using copilot is a privacy issue because your code is shared with Copilot.

I thought this was quite interesting. I tried Copilot in VSCode and I figured I wasn't using it much because I'm a vim user. So I tracked down the Neovim plug-in & got it working in vim, but still found I don't use it. Now I've come to feel it's great for certain use cases and bad for others. Where it's great is writing "boilerplate" code for using a public API. You just write a comment describing what you want to do and the beginning of the function, and Copilot spits out practically all the rest of the code for you function -- no tedious hours studying the documentation from the API provider.

But that's not the use case I actually engage in in real life. Most of what I do is either making a new UI, or porting code from PHP to Go. For the new UI, AI has been helpful -- I can take a screenshot, input it to ChatGPT, and ask it how to improve the AI. (I'm going to be trying this with Google's Gemini soon but I haven't tried it yet.) When it makes suggestions, I can ask it what HTML+CSS is needed to implement those suggestions. I've found it gets better and better for about 6 iterations. But you notice, Copilot isn't part of the loop. I'm jumping into dozens of files and making small changes, and that's a use case where Copilot just isn't helpful.

For porting code from PHP to Go, I modified a full-fledged PHP parser to transpile code to Go, and this has been critical because it's important that certain things, especially strings, get ported over exactly -- no room for errors. So this system parses PHP strings using PHP's parsing rules, and outputs Go strings using Go's parsing rules, and is always 100% right. Copilot isn't part of the loop and doesn't help.

Another place I've found AI incredibly useful is debugging problems where I have no clue what the problem might be. This goes back to using other people's large systems such as the public APIs mentioned earlier. Every now and then you get cryptic error messages or some other bizarre malfunction, and endless Google searching doesn't help. I can go to ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, Perplexity, DeepSeek (and others, but those are the main ones I've been using) and say hey, I'm getting this cryptic error message or this weird behavior, and it can give you a nice list of things you might try. That can get you unstuck when you'd otherwise be very stuck.

It's kinda funny because, obviously I'm an avid follower of what's going on in AI, and happy to try AI tools, and I constantly run across other developers who say "Copilot has made me twice as productive!" or "Copilot has made me five times as productive!" or somesuch. I've wondered if there's something wrong with me because I haven't experienced those results at all. But AI has been helpful in other areas nobody ever seems to talk about.

Why I'm no longer using Copilot - Dreams of Code

#solidstatelife #ai #genai #llms #codingllms #openai #copilot


GitHub Copilot causes code churn? The term "code churn" is a fancy way of saying Copilot writes crappy code. Copilot writes crappy code, developers fail to notice it (at first), check it in, then discover it's crappy (within 2 weeks -- that's the arbitrary time window chosen for the study), causing them to go in and fix it, thus causing the code to "churn", get it?

Copilot Causes Code Churn? This Study Is Concerning... Theo - t3 gg

#solidstatelife #ai #genai #llms #openai #copilot #developers


Artificial intelligence showed up in the Super Bowl ads.

Microsoft did an ad about Copilot, "Your everyday AI companion".

Google did an ad about using AI to assist the vision impaired in Google Pixel 8, a feature they call "Guided Frame".

Crowdstrike claims to use AI for cybersecurity.

Despicable Me did an ad kinda making fun of AI, depicting AI-generated photos as being made by a gigantic cubicle farm of Minions.

And, although AI was never mentioned in the ads, a group who calls themselves "He Gets Us" ran "Jesus" ads that had images that looked to me like they were all AI-generated. All of them. Have a look (or another look, if you saw them already during the Super Bowl), and see if you agree.

Microsoft Game Day Commercial | Copilot: Your everyday AI companion - Microsoft

#solidstatelife #ai #genai #llms #copilot #microsoft


#Microsoft offers legal #protection for #AI #copyright infringement challenges

Source: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/09/microsoft-offers-legal-protection-for-ai-copyright-infringement-challenges/

Microsoft's #announcement comes as generative AI tools like #ChatGPT have raised concerns about reproducing copyrighted material without proper attribution. Microsoft has heavily invested in AI through products like #GitHub #Copilot and #Bing Chat that can generate original code, text, and images on demand. Its AI models have gained these capabilities by scraping publicly available data off of the #Internet without seeking express #permission from copyright holders.

Now we know what #PirateBay made wrong:

They were not a multi million startup with a global company as a sponsor. So what they did was #piracy. But if #ChatGPT copies the whole internet it's a business model.

#news #law #business #economy #politics #copy


... I really didn't understand how these AI tools worked at the time. I thought it was more human. That it was learning.

Lies. All of it. It's a stochastic parrot. No learning is going on. It's guessing based off the billions of parameters it has ingested.


#github #goodquote #LeaveGithub #JoinFediverse #Forgefed
#ai #stochasticparrot #CoPilot #LicenseViolation
#microsoft #embraceextendextinguish #lies #monopoly #fomo
#freesoftware #GPL #CopyLeft #FreeAndFreeAlike #GivingBack


Give Up #GitHub: The Time Has Come!

source: https://sfconservancy.org/blog/2022/jun/30/give-up-github-launch/

Specifically, we at Software Freedom Conservancy have been actively communicating with #Microsoft and their GitHub subsidiary about our concerns with “Copilot” since they first launched it almost exactly a year ago. Our initial video chat call (in July 2021) with Microsoft and GitHub representatives resulted in several questions which they said they could not answer at that time, but would “answer soon”. After six months of no response, Bradley published his essay, If Software is My #Copilot, Who Programmed My Software? — which raised these questions publicly. Still, GitHub did not answer our #questions.

#opensource #activism #freedom #protest #software #news #coder #development #gpl #decentralisation


The Software Freedom Conservancy is ending all use of GitHub and announcing a long-term plan to assist open-source projects to migrate away from GitHub -- because of Copilot. "While the Software Freedom Conservancy's beef with GitHub predates Copilot by some margin, it seems that GitHub's latest launch is the final straw. The crux of the issue, and a bone of contention in the software development sphere since its debut last year, is that Copilot is a proprietary service built on top of the hard work of the open source community."

Copilot 'borrows' code from one project and suggests it to the author of another project (not exactly but that's how the TechCrunch author summarizes it) without fulfilling attribution requirements of the license from which the code came. Copilot charges $10/month so it is a commercial product.

Open source developers urged to ditch GitHub following Copilot launch

#solidstatelife #opensource #ai #openai #copilot