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#Mouth of the #Beast – Wayne McRoy

#freeman #freezone

We are staring down the Mouth of the Beast. Behind the scenes, a group of technocratic elites are working feverishly toward the attainment of their "Great Work". It is a plan as old as civilization itself, and now, through the advent of modern technology, this plan is closer to fruition than it has ever been before. What is this plan?

The importance of mythology has often been overlooked by the vast majority of people in the modern era. In the high echelons of our society, there are people in positions of power that understand that mythological archetypes have a profound impact upon the minds of men. They have learned how to manipulate these archetypal energies to effectuate changes in our world. Over the course of the past two years, we have witnessed the results of the creation of a new mythology, crafted especially for our modern sensibilities.

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#WayneMcRoy Jr. is the author of The #Autism Epidemic: Transhumanism’s Dirty Little Secret and The Alchemical Tech Revolution: Fulfilling #Ancient #Esoteric #Agendas Through The Use Of High Technology. Wayne pulls together his personal experience with his research in a way that many others are not equipped to do.

The Alchemical Tech Revolution explores the ancient roots of technocracy and seeks to find the true metaphysical underpinnings of our modern society. The state of our society and technology plays a key role in understanding the science of social engineering and how it has been leveraged against us by a small group of elitists who run our world. The #occult #history and teachings of the various secret societies is frequently discussed to give context to things happening in our world. Current events and conspiracy theory meet esotericism and the synchromystic in this eye-opening broadcast...


A quick look at some TikTok stats shows more than 38,000 posts under the hashtag #Autism, with more than 200 million views. The hashtag #ActuallyAutistic (which is used in the autism community to highlight content created by, and not about, autistic people) has more than 20,000 posts and 40 million views.

TikTok is one of the world’s leading social platforms, and has exploded in popularity at a time when other social media megaliths have struggled. It has become an important channel for expression for its young usership – and this has included giving autistic people a voice and community.

It’s a good start. In some ways TikTok has helped drive discussions around autism forward, and shift outsiders’ perspectives. But for real progress, we have to ensure “swipe up” environments aren’t the only spaces where autistic people are welcomed.

TikTok is teaching the world about autism – but is it empowering autistic people or pigeonholing them?


"what makes them disabled is not because of impairments but rather the restricted social organization of this society and the system that imposes on the disabled community"

"In my perception, however, banning alcoholic beverages for PWDs is also ableist in nature, for the proposal seeks to infantilize PWDs despite that not all of them are necessarily incapable of making decisions. Furthermore, it degrades the sense of responsibility, justice, and accountability that all of us, whether disabled or nondisabled persons, should learn upon. Lastly, it merely symbolizes that the PWDs should be limited to charity and social welfare services despite that as persons, they still have the dignity to decide for themselves."


#Autism #AutismSpectrum #Austistic #Autistics #ActuallyAutistic #ActuallyAutistics #PWD #Philippines


But the unemployment rate of autistic people remains disturbingly high. ABS data from 2018 shows 34.1 per cent of autistic people are unemployed – three times higher than that of people with any type of disability and almost eight times that of those without a disability.

“A lot of the time people hear that someone’s autistic and they assume incompetence,” says Varney, who was this week appointed the chair of the Victorian Disability Advisory Council.

“But we have unique strengths, specifically hyper focus, great creativity, and we can think outside the box, which is a great asset in workplaces.”

In Israel, the defence force has a specialist intelligence unit made up exclusively of autistic soldiers, whose skills are deployed in analysing, interpreting and understanding satellite images and maps.

“Rather than focus on the deficits of the person, focus on the strengths. A quarter of National Disability Insurance Scheme plans name autism as the primary disability, so society has no choice – there’s going to be such a huge number of people who are young and looking for jobs who are autistic. There is a skills shortage as it is, so you need to look at neurodiverse talent.”

“These individuals want to come to work and get the work done – they are not going off for a coffee and chatting.”

“We need to see jobs for a diverse range of autistic people.”


#Autism #AutismSpectrum #Autistic #Autistics #ActuallyAutistics #ActuallyAutistic #Neuroatypical #Neurodivergent #ExtraordinaryAttorneyWoo #이상한변호사우영우


‘Clients say it feels like we’ve always known each other’: the mental health experts who believe their autism has turbocharged their work | Mental health | The Guardian

Therapists, psychologists and nurses who are autistic say it has made them better at their jobs, but that misconceptions about the condition are forcing them to keep their diagnosis a secret

#science #medicine #health #autism #Aspergers #psychotherapy #psychology



One in 44 U.S. Children Are Being Diagnosed With Autism, CDC Finds | Gizmodo

Greater awareness of the developmental condition is leading to more children being diagnosed and at an earlier age, but some gaps remain.

#science #medicine #health #autism

(p.s. It’s “One in 44 is)
