


The spiritism religions of South America include ideas of astral cities which are rather like earth and have structures and activities like earth. People who do astral traveling report all kinds of structure, hierarchy, etc.

Once one accepts that these accounts may be more than singular imaginings and point to a finer BUT material construction, then one questions WHY this whole HUGE creation (?) looks like earth or we look like it. #WHY #SUFFERING!!!!

I did not make up the following but it makes sense and makes for questions I want the answers for......

#Earth as a #school makes little sense if you cannot recall what you already learned. So, WHY do we forget?

Earth as a #prison makes no sense at all if you are being punished for events you cannot recall.

Earth as a #farm makes sense.

As above so below?

BELOW, it is acceptable to manipulate others.
It is acceptable to use others energy.
It is acceptable to use MIGHT (force, power) 0ver right.

We are born into #trauma. We are #damaged by our exposure to #poisonous mind/body/soul #assaults. We are pitted against the rest of us #traumatized #beings in a #world of " #scarcity" where we literally BUY our debt and can never be free of it UNLESS we leave "society".

It looked like the deaths we will face would release us, I thought. I AM NOT SURE ANY LONGER WHAT IS true and #how should we face these issues?

MY personal take is that I feel a relationship with a power greater than I am who HELPS me. I have had interesting experiences with knowing things but the knowings are NOT academic or wordy or educational. There is a sense of well being and protection. There is NO info to share. THERE IS energy of positive nature to extend. There is emotional healing. There is insight on a feeling level I translate.

Others have much mental/spirit INFORMATION from some "other" realm. They GO somewhere and it seems an established "place" and others GO there too? The glimpses I have heard reported have some serious holes of incongruity that need clearing up for me.

For instance, why DO people (including Edgar Cayce) share there are discrete "Libraries" where beings "go" to learn things (so there is not any OMNISCIENCE). People are sometimes FORCED to return in NDEs.(Free will?). People report needing to go through further "learning" to get close to "God"(and others say you cannot from where they re situated reach God). IS not God OMNIPRESENT?

God as Omnipotent made it all but we don't get to be there as we cannot handle it?

Here on earth events indicate the " #technocratic world" life is OBVIOUSLY becoming #insufferable. We are placed in tracks (like educational/work) which are dependent on other tracks to function in a convoluted system that is apparently VERY entrenched in a HUGE realm where we cannot reach the "boss". Does it end?

AS above so below is feeling oppressively like we are in a farmed, controlled, imprisoning trap that will not end until we can stand up and spit it out. That takes some major stand alone ability. Can we?

We are told to stand for ideals then I learn the lies and tricks in every corner mean we are in a circular arrangement, a wheel. There are also wheels within wheels. You do not know who/what you REALLY supporting BECAUSE we cannot suss when we cannot read others intentions.

This "knowing" that I have is all I can go on and it feels like I have a spherical beingness (and it is not a human or any form... much like a space of contained charge) which is held in an energy WAY greater than possible to imagine BUT real and present and personal. Since everything I can think is part of the spin, I can observe everything as equally unimportant in the big picture. Even what I am writing here is a spin. PARADOX rules. The point is to be observational and curious about what is interesting IMO>

My plan is when I die to already be well established in focus on staying in this space with the Unknown god. Maybe I am just deluded but every day I affirm my relationship to ORIGINAL source energy of an Unknown yet energetically tangible nature, I feel more certain and it reveals info confirming itself. That is tricky. Therefore, I have to be comfortable with allowing ambiguity. I am IN a zone of singular protection because I requested it. Everyone can choose whatever they wish. The realest thing IMO we can know is that we have an observing "I am". Maybe I am wrong every where else.

What appears IN DAILY life is positive. Since I actually FEEL connected, I am not looking for help. IMO the spin being promulgated by demiurge energies, who may own EVERYTHING MATERIAL (nonphysical included) will NOT do me in.

This is all mysterious. I am still wondering why I feel this sense of Presence that communicates as if it is in my physical "universe" through feelings of energy and that life is easier and richer without any particular effort. This seems great though isolated. I want others to have this ease and to escape any "traps".


So-called "fossil fuels" aren't made from #fossils. If they were, they wouldn't be able to be extracted below the fossil layer & Saturn's moon #Titan wouldn't have vast amounts of #oil inside it.

"Petroleum" is from the ancient #Greek petra + oleum which means rock + oil. Oil, or #petroleum comes from the Earth's geological processes, not fossils. "Fossil fuels" are more accurately called "hydrocarbons."

We've been conned by #BigOil, the #Rockefellers & #marketing agencies in order to create a false #perception of #scarcity to control #population & #economic development via artificial #energy scarcity & #price fixing.

#fossilfuels #hydrocarbons #gasoline #petrol #linguistics #usa #etymology #rockefeller #uk #artificialscarcity #geology #saturn #cartel #conspiracy


The Western media accuses #China of luring us into a debt trap. #TuckerCarlson says environmental, social and corporate governance programs killed us. Everybody blames the #Rajapaksas, the corrupt political dynasty that ruled us until massive protests by angry Sri Lankans chased them out last month.
But from where I’m standing, ultimate blame lies with the Western-dominated neoliberal system that keeps developing countries in a form of debt-fueled #colonization. The system is in crisis, its shaky foundations exposed by the tumbling dominoes of the #Ukraine #war, resulting in food and fuel #scarcity, the #pandemic and looming insolvency and #hunger rippling across the world.

https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/15/opinion/international-world/sri-lanka-economic-collapse.html #srilanka #economy #crisis #imf #pakistan #bangladesh #tunisia #ghana #southafrica #brazil #argentina #sudan #uk #usa #russia #india #oil #energy


“Elephant in the room”: Clean energy’s need for unsustainable minerals | Ars Technica

#environment #energy #climate #pollution #scarcity

Renewable energy comes from finite resources, at least in terms of what’s available on Earth, though resource extraction from space is an increasingly common discussion. Assuming we won’t be playing out The Expanse any time soon, something has to be done about the mineral bottlenecks expected for renewable energy development.




When the River Runs Dry

In January 2019, a viral video showed grown men near Menindee weeping as they held dead Murray Cod, decades old, which had perished in yet another environmental disaster. Australians were horrified, and politicians blamed drought, while ecologists and water management specialists claimed it was due to the over-allocation and over-extraction of water.

​Two weeks later, it was forgotten.

News that the Darling River, or Barka, as it is known to its people, was in a state of ecological collapse had disappeared from the media and, although people were shouting about what was happening, no one was listening. Who was to blame? And what could be done?

Director’s Statement:

When the River Runs Dry was born on an impulse. In January 2019, images and videos began to filter through social media of a massive fish-kill on the Darling/Baarka River near Menindee in NSW. The devastating sight of enormous Murray Cod, dead in a man’s arms, led first to distress, and then anger.

​Sensing that this was a pivotal moment in Australia’s environmental history, we, (Peter Yates and Rory McLeod) moved quickly, and were on the road to Menindee within a few hours, to document the event and its impact on the people of the river.

We arrived too late in Menindee – all the fish had sunk to the bottom, leaving only foul green water and a horrible stench. Then began a harrowing period, interviewing people, camping by and filming the remains of the Darling, simply capturing the moment. Problems on the Darling had been on the periphery of many people’s awareness for years, but now here was ‘the bill’, the cost of over-extraction of water and institutional indifference manifest in a dying river.

​We did not approach the research and filming of When the River Runs Dry from a partisan position, unless that partisan position was the side of the River. It simply could not be right that where the Darling was not dry it was a lurid green, and that millions of fish were dying.

​With his background in anthropology, it was the most natural thing for Peter to interview the people of the river – the #Barkindji, and to hear their stories of disenfranchisement: anguished wounds that stretched back over generations, but which now bled afresh with the realisation that the #Baarka, their Mother, was close to ecological death.

​To the voices of indigenous people, we added balance and explanation in the form of interviews with eminent scientists, other community members who were affected, and environmental lawyers.

​Interviews were to be shot using predominantly natural light in locations relevant to the subject matter which was generally along the river. This was a story of loss, but it was important to show that there was still plenty to save along the Darling/Baarka.

To show some of the things still there we focused on bird life, particularly around the river floodplains and the dwindling #Menindee lakes. The on-going drought in western NSW provided ample opportunity (shifting sands, starving kangaroos) to build a sense of the catastrophe that was engulfing ordinary people and the land. That this catastrophe was is large part man-made is conveyed through footage of the dry riverbed, off-take pipes, massive earth-wall dams and laser-levelled irrigation farms: mute testament to a river system drained of its resilience.

#WhenTheRiverRunsDry #documentary #film #Darling #river #water #extraction #scarcity #resources #watershed #indigenous #people #community #waterislife #Australia #PeterYates #RoryMcLeod #docu-films


Beginning of the End? Oil Companies Cut Back on Spending

Steve Kopits recently gave a presentation explaining our current predicament: the cost of oil extraction has been rising rapidly (10.9% per year) but oil prices have been flat. Major oil companies are finding their profits squeezed, and have recently announced plans to sell off part of their assets in order to have funds to pay their dividends. Such an approach is likely to lead to an eventual drop in oil production.

Mobile browser warning: over a hundred (out of hundreds more) comments open at once on this page, so it might take a while.

#Peak #Oil #PeakOil #FossilFuels #Energy #Collapse #Scarcity #Shale #Infrastructure #Agriculture #PetroDollar