

Namo bhagavate trailokya prativiśiṣṭaya buddhaya bhagavate.
Tadyatha, om, visodhaya visodhaya, asama-sama
Samantavabhasa-spharaṇa gati gahana svabhava visuddhe,
Abhisincatu mam. sugata vara vacana amṛta abhisekai maha mantra-padai.
Ahara ahara ayuh saṃ-dharaṇi. śodhaya sodhaya gagana svabhava visuddhe.
Usnisa vijaya visuddhe sahasra-rasmi sam-codite.
Sarva tathagata aparimaṇe sat-paramita-paripuranni.
Sarva tathagata mati dasa-bhumi prati-sṭhite.
Sarva tathagata hrdaya adhisṭhanadhisṭhita maha-mudre.
Vajra kaya sam-hatana visuddhe.
Sarva avaraṇa apaya-durgati pari visuddhe, prati-nivartaya ayuh suddhe.
Samaya adhisṭhite. Maṇi mani maha mani.
Tathata bhuta-koṭi parisuddhe. Visphuta buddhi suddhe.
Jaya jaya, vijaya vijaya. sphara sphara, sarva buddha adhisṭhita suddhe,
Vajri vajra gadhe vajram bhavatu mama sariram.
Sarva sattvanam ca kaya pari visuddhe. Sarva gati parisuddhe.
Sarva tathagata sinca me samaavasayantu.
Sarva tathagata samasvasa adhisthite.
Budhya budhya, vibudhya vibudhya,
Bodhaya bodhaya, vibodhaya vibodhaya samanta parisuddhe.
Sarva tathagata hrdaya adhisṭhanadhisṭhita maha-mudre svaha
#USNISA #VIJAYA #DHARANI | #Buddhist #Mantra #Healing #all #Suffering



The spiritism religions of South America include ideas of astral cities which are rather like earth and have structures and activities like earth. People who do astral traveling report all kinds of structure, hierarchy, etc.

Once one accepts that these accounts may be more than singular imaginings and point to a finer BUT material construction, then one questions WHY this whole HUGE creation (?) looks like earth or we look like it. #WHY #SUFFERING!!!!

I did not make up the following but it makes sense and makes for questions I want the answers for......

#Earth as a #school makes little sense if you cannot recall what you already learned. So, WHY do we forget?

Earth as a #prison makes no sense at all if you are being punished for events you cannot recall.

Earth as a #farm makes sense.

As above so below?

BELOW, it is acceptable to manipulate others.
It is acceptable to use others energy.
It is acceptable to use MIGHT (force, power) 0ver right.

We are born into #trauma. We are #damaged by our exposure to #poisonous mind/body/soul #assaults. We are pitted against the rest of us #traumatized #beings in a #world of " #scarcity" where we literally BUY our debt and can never be free of it UNLESS we leave "society".

It looked like the deaths we will face would release us, I thought. I AM NOT SURE ANY LONGER WHAT IS true and #how should we face these issues?

MY personal take is that I feel a relationship with a power greater than I am who HELPS me. I have had interesting experiences with knowing things but the knowings are NOT academic or wordy or educational. There is a sense of well being and protection. There is NO info to share. THERE IS energy of positive nature to extend. There is emotional healing. There is insight on a feeling level I translate.

Others have much mental/spirit INFORMATION from some "other" realm. They GO somewhere and it seems an established "place" and others GO there too? The glimpses I have heard reported have some serious holes of incongruity that need clearing up for me.

For instance, why DO people (including Edgar Cayce) share there are discrete "Libraries" where beings "go" to learn things (so there is not any OMNISCIENCE). People are sometimes FORCED to return in NDEs.(Free will?). People report needing to go through further "learning" to get close to "God"(and others say you cannot from where they re situated reach God). IS not God OMNIPRESENT?

God as Omnipotent made it all but we don't get to be there as we cannot handle it?

Here on earth events indicate the " #technocratic world" life is OBVIOUSLY becoming #insufferable. We are placed in tracks (like educational/work) which are dependent on other tracks to function in a convoluted system that is apparently VERY entrenched in a HUGE realm where we cannot reach the "boss". Does it end?

AS above so below is feeling oppressively like we are in a farmed, controlled, imprisoning trap that will not end until we can stand up and spit it out. That takes some major stand alone ability. Can we?

We are told to stand for ideals then I learn the lies and tricks in every corner mean we are in a circular arrangement, a wheel. There are also wheels within wheels. You do not know who/what you REALLY supporting BECAUSE we cannot suss when we cannot read others intentions.

This "knowing" that I have is all I can go on and it feels like I have a spherical beingness (and it is not a human or any form... much like a space of contained charge) which is held in an energy WAY greater than possible to imagine BUT real and present and personal. Since everything I can think is part of the spin, I can observe everything as equally unimportant in the big picture. Even what I am writing here is a spin. PARADOX rules. The point is to be observational and curious about what is interesting IMO>

My plan is when I die to already be well established in focus on staying in this space with the Unknown god. Maybe I am just deluded but every day I affirm my relationship to ORIGINAL source energy of an Unknown yet energetically tangible nature, I feel more certain and it reveals info confirming itself. That is tricky. Therefore, I have to be comfortable with allowing ambiguity. I am IN a zone of singular protection because I requested it. Everyone can choose whatever they wish. The realest thing IMO we can know is that we have an observing "I am". Maybe I am wrong every where else.

What appears IN DAILY life is positive. Since I actually FEEL connected, I am not looking for help. IMO the spin being promulgated by demiurge energies, who may own EVERYTHING MATERIAL (nonphysical included) will NOT do me in.

This is all mysterious. I am still wondering why I feel this sense of Presence that communicates as if it is in my physical "universe" through feelings of energy and that life is easier and richer without any particular effort. This seems great though isolated. I want others to have this ease and to escape any "traps".


The #elites in the equivalent of Plato's Golden Class don't care what kind of system we live in, as long as they continue to maintain & grow their #power. They see the value of #Communism to them as a #control #system, a front operated by their servants in the equivalent of Plato's Silver Class. The #elite are indifferent to our #suffering as long as they maintain & grow their power.

#AI is not a tool to serve us, like most other tools start as, or are co-opted to be, it's a tool to serve the elites. They need us to interact with AI so our interactions can form the #data upon which AI is trained, ultimately to replace us. You're helping the elite build the #dystopia for #posterity. “A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.”


We see that we have been thoughtless,
Straying from the path of #mindfulness.
We have stored up #afflictions and #ignorance,
Which have brought about so much #aversion and #sorrow.
There are times we have been weary of life
Because we are so full of #anxiety.
Because we do not understand others,
We are #angry and #resentful.
First we try to #reason with each other, then we #blame.
Every day the #suffering increases, making the rift greater.
There are days when we are unwilling to speak to each other,
Unwilling to look at each other in the face.
And we create internal formations, which last for a long time.

--- from the book Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practice


TIME AND AGAIN I am surprised how people who adorn themselves with being OH SO VERY #SPIRITUAL, with #BUDDHISM and #MINDFULNESS … people who praise #COMPASSION in speech or writing … how they FAIL TO REALIZE that their consumption and use of animal products (meat, dairy, leather …) depends on the #suffering of #Nonhuman_Persons, on #captivity, #exploitation, #forced_labour, #torture, and finally, #murder.


THEN I REMEMBER how I did the same, how I was in that same state of #denial, for most of my life, even when I was vegetarian: I still ate cheese, curd, eggs, and I wore leather shoes and belts, thus showing the other animals that I am powerful enough to clothe me in their skins, a permanent menace to them!

(long video, the link goes to 51:20, “edible food”)

(thx for the link, @Sighris Zargon!)


We invoke your name, #Kshitigarbha. We aspire to learn your way of being present where there is darkness, #suffering, #oppression, and #despair, so we can bring light, #hope, #relief, and #liberation to those places. We are determined not to forget about or abandon those in #desperate situations. We will do our best to establish contact with those who cannot find a way out of their suffering, those whose cries for help, #justice, #equality, and #humanrights are not being heard. We know that #hell can be found in many places on Earth. We will do our best not to contribute to creating more hells on Earth, and we will help transform the hells that already exist. We will practice in order to realize the qualities of #perseverance and #stability, so that, like the Earth, we can always be supportive and faithful to those in need.

--- https://plumvillage.org/library/sutras/invoking-the-bodhisattvas-names-text

#buddhism #dharma #dhamma


#Gaza #genocide #trauma #suffering #death



Reality of life and death in #Gaza
This world empire of the satanic deathcult is anything but civilized !
civilization is not civil but an evilization
people are just pawns in the great game played by the super rich vile villains

In Killing Gaza, journalists Dan Cohen and Max Blumenthal documented Israel’s 2014 war on Gaza.
Yet this film is much more than a #documentary about #Palestinian #resilience and #suffering.

It is a #chilling #visual #document #of #war #crimes committed by the Israeli #military, featuring direct testimony and evidence from the survivors.

"Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen’s powerful new film, 'Killing Gaza,' offers an unflinching and moving portrait of a people largely abandoned by the outside world, struggling to endure." - Pulitzer-prize winning journalist, best-selling author and activist Chris Hedges.
#Killing Gaza - #Behind The #Headlines


Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD, C-PTSD, Complex PTSD) describes the results of ongoing, inescapable, relational trauma. Unlike Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Complex PTSD typically involves being hurt by another person. These hurts are ongoing, repeated, and often involving a betrayal and loss of safety.

--- https://cptsdfoundation.org/what-is-complex-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-cptsd/

#cPTSD #trauma #suffering