

Ukraine aktuell: Schwere Schäden nach Brand auf Krim-Brücke | DW | 08.10.2022

Das heftige Feuer auf der Brücke zwischen der Krim und russischem Staatsgebiet ist inzwischen gelöscht. Im befreiten ostukrainischen Lyman wurden offenbar zahlreiche Leichen in einem Massengrab verscharrt. Ein Überblick.#Ukraine #Russland #Krim-Brücke #Feuer #Brand #WladimirPutin #WolodymyrSelenskyj #Autobombe #Charkiw #Krieg #IWF
Ukraine aktuell: Schwere Schäden nach Brand auf Krim-Brücke | DW | 08.10.2022


Dave Rubin of “The #Rubin #Report” talks about #RussellBrand becoming the latest victim of YouTube #censorship; #Brand’s unhinged response to accusations of spreading misinformation on social media; Joe Biden’s bizarre hurricane preparedness advice for Florida residents in the path of Hurricane Ian; Justin Trudeau’s lifting of Canadian border restrictions and the elimination of other COVID restrictions; why the mainstream media is so afraid of Giorgia Meloni, the new prime minister of Italy, and why they are desperate to to connect her to neo-fascism and Benito Mussolini; Ron DeSantis shutting down a reporter who used a quote from a FEMA official who attempted to politicize the state’s preparations for Hurricane Ian; “The View’s” Sunny Hostin revealing her own bigotry by attacking co-host Ana Navarro for remaining in the Republican Party; Karine Jean-Pierre being refuted by Jen Psaki about the effect on Democrats of rising crime; Gavin Newsom’s ridiculous explanation for why so many people are leaving California; why Dave, Bill Maher, and Elon Musk aren’t the only people leaving the left; and much more!


the conversation starts at 6 minutes 27 seconds, but they only get on topic at 14 minutes
enter image description here

a short READ about same:

The agencies and #NATO and the #UN ( the #NWO, basically ) are acting behind the back of any kind of representational #government. It was clear to me for a long time that there would be no such thing as ground up political representation in a New #World #UNOrder. What has been quite #breathtaking in recent times is that the ground up representation has already gone and those people already are acting as a New World Order, even before the official livery has been unveiled.

NATO is a #brand that has changed hands, and the new ownership is what NATO used to be there to protect us from.

Renee Parsons suggests Trump was never told about the change over, and that's why he instantly sacked the defense secretary ( Mark Esper ) as soon as the polling stations closed in November 2020. That seems insane, but tell me what isn't insane these days ?