

AfD trifft sich nach Spionagevorwürfen zum Krisengespräch

Spionageverdacht - AfD trifft sich zu Krisengespräch

Durch die Spionagevorwürfe gegen seinen Mitarbeiter sieht AfD-Politiker Krah keinen Grund für persönliche Konsequenzen. Er will weiterhin ins Europaparlament.#Europawahl #Krah #Bystron #Spionageverdacht #China
AfD trifft sich nach Spionagevorwürfen zum Krisengespräch


I suppose the Fediverse has noticed the addition of a pro-China South China press thingie posting on here. I'm keeping an eye on it and I'm sure those who follow me have noticed me boosting a toot or two of theirs; that's because I found their take of a given situation or other an anomaly of their usual position on things.

Hanse Mina - 2024-04-24 03:33:52 GMT

The Axis of UpheavalHow #America’s Adversaries Are Uniting to Overturn the Global Order.

The support from #China, #Iran, and North Korea has strengthened #Russia’s position on the battlefield, undermined Western attempts to isolate #Moscow, and harmed #Ukraine.




enter image description here

‘Fool’s Gold’ may be valuable after all
We used to make fun of Fool's Gold. Now, it might fuel the future.

Fool's gold or #iron-pyrite — a common mineral that resembles its precious counterpart — may be more valuable than scientists originally thought, as it has been found to be abundant in #lithium.

Lithium is vital to the future development of green energy. This is because the material, which is highly reactive, is a key element in batteries — including of the kind used in electric vehicles (hence the name, lithium ion batteries).

Due to this, demand for lithium is soaring. The precious resource can be extracted from brines — and also mined in select locations including #Argentina, #Australia, #Bolivia, #Chile and #China. But scientists have now found it in an apparently undervalued #mineral.

The strange discovery was made after a team of researchers from West Virginia University set out to see whether lithium could be extracted with alternative industrial operations.

They found an abundance of lithium in the pyrite minerals in shale — a sedimentary rock made from mud.


La Grande Muraille de Chine, également connue sous le nom de la Grande Muraille, est une série de fortifications historiques en Chine. Elle a été construite et reconstruite entre le 5ème siècle av. J.-C. et le 16ème siècle pour protéger les frontières nord de l'empire chinois des invasions et des raids nomades venant des steppes de Mongolie et d'Asie centrale. La Grande Muraille est une merveille architecturale emblématique et l'une des attractions touristiques les plus célèbres de la Chine et du monde entier.
#photo #architecture #amazing #photooftheday #greatwall #china


Möglicher Dopingskandal: China, China, China

Chinesische Schwimmer wurden positiv auf Doping getestet. Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur sieht darin offenbar keinen Skandal. Ist es überhaupt einer?#Anti-Doping-Agentur #DopingimSpitzensport #Wada #China #Schwimmen #Sport
Möglicher Dopingskandal: China, China, China