

#NYC’s #government #chatbot is lying about city laws and regulations

Source: https://arstechnica.com/ai/2024/03/nycs-government-chatbot-is-lying-about-city-laws-and-regulations/

That tendency seems poised to cause some serious problems now that a chatbot run by the #NewYork City government is making up incorrect answers to some important questions of local law and municipal #policy.

#ai #technology #problem #news #usa #fail


Seid umschlungen, Milliarden

Mal ein Interview mit einer interessanten Expertin zum Thema Industriepolitik und Subventionen in der FAZ. Mariana Mazzzcato kannte ich zuvor nicht, aber ich streife das Feld ja auch nur.

Meine Lesart trifft das: was sie sagt Recht gut.

Europa braucht mehr Unabhängigkeit bei Halbleitern, und das Dutzend Milliarden ist gut investiert, vor allem dann wenn es denn gut investiert ist und auch in die Breite geht. Lies: Ausbildung und akademische Strukturen müssen mitgenommen werden. Hilft ja nix wenn Intel und die anderen alle kommen, aber deutschlandweit keine Köpfe nachwachsen. Wird das Unterfangen kein Generationennprojekt ist IPCEI II nur eine Luftnummer.

Link: https://m.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/mehr-wirtschaft/mariana-mazzucato-habecks-lieblingsoekonomin-ueber-ihr-verhaeltnis-zum-minister-19509042.html (verschwindet bestimmt bald hinter Paywall)

Progressiv verstanden sollen Subventionen, so sie eigentlich als eine Anschubfinanzierung funktionieren, einen Rückfluss von Geld ermöglichen. Klingt besser als ein Tropf, aus dem ja eher keine Innovation zu erwarten ist. Ökosystem statt Gießkanne und Stickerwasser.

Mazzucato: Ich würde auch fordern: Wenn die Firma einen Gewinn macht, geht ein Teil davon zurück in den Innovationsfonds der Regierung. Auf solche Details kommt es an, wenn Sie ein schlauer unternehmerischer Staat sein wollen.FAZ: Was halten Sie von zehn Milliarden Euro für eine neue Intel-Fabrik in Magdeburg?

Das kann ich akzeptieren. Chip-Souveränität ist wichtig für Amerika und Europa, sonst kommen alle Chips aus Taiwan. Dies ist eine Chance, sicherzustellen, dass die Chipindustrie zu nachhaltigem Wachstum für alle beiträgt. Die USA machen ihr öffentliches Geld davon abhängig, dass die Unternehmen Arbeitsbedingungen verbessern, grüne Lieferketten verwenden und nicht nur Aktien zurückkaufen. Aber wie stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie über alle Aspekte nachdenken, über das ganze System? Dass man mit einer Subvention nicht ein neues Problem anderswo schafft?

Die Nachbarfirmen der neuen Intel-Fabrik in Magdeburg haben Angst, dass sie bald keine Mitarbeiter mehr finden.

Sie müssen systemisch denken, ein Ökosystem schaffen und nicht nur eine Firma subventionieren. Mit anderen Worten: Sie brauchen eine schlaue Industriepolitik, getrieben von einer Mission, die es zum Beispiel auch Start-ups ermöglicht, zu wachsen, statt nur einem großen Unternehmen eine Subvention zu zahlen.

#semiconductors #Europe #policy #Intel #Magdeburg #IPCEI #ipcei-ii



The American Host and the #Zionist #Parasite.


#AndrewJohnson discuss Greg Felton's book P1 of 4

A Planet Truth TV

On today's show Richard and Andrew Johnson discuss Greg Felton's book, The Host and the Parasite. An extraordinarily important book that traces America's slide into fascism and subservience to a foreign power. Felton argues persuasively that three groups have converged and come to dominate American policy for the benefit of Israel: the neoconservatives, the Republican evangelicals (Christian Zionists), and Jewish Zionists.

He backs up his analysis with over 800 footnoted references to government, scholarly and media sources. Felton refutes the traditional progressive view that Israel is merely a client state of America. If this is so, he asks, how has America come to pursue policies that are so utterly contrary to their own national interest while being so highly beneficial to its junior partner?

Felton also refutes the theory that 'it's all about oil,' arguing that the First Persian Gulf War was the last American oil war and that the Second Persian Gulf War ignored the interests of American oil companies, increased American oil costs and reduced American national security. How could this have happened? The Second War, he demonstrates, can only be adequately explained by the #take-over of #American foreign and domestic #policy for the #benefit of #Israel.


It can be assumed that the US government carries out everything it accuses other states of in #cyberwarfare itself.

“We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses.” - Mike #Pompeo (CIA Director)

“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.” - #WilliamBlum (Journalist for United States foreign #policy)

enter image description here

#usa #cia #nsa #politics #cybersecurity #stuxnet #cybercrime #surveillance #hack #hacker #security #crime #vault7 #justice #law #humanrights #privacy #wikileaks



#States Make Progress In #Civic #Education #Policy

..." Since January, the CivXNow policy team tracked 131 bills in 38 states pertaining to civic education. 76 of these bills aligned with the CivXNow state policy menu. What follows is a summary of the significant policy successes this session:

The New Hampshire Civics coalition led advocacy efforts f..."

"iCivics is a 501(c)(3) working to inspire life-long civic engagement by providing high quality and engaging civics resources to teachers and students across our nation. We champion equitable, non-partisan civic education so the practice of democracy is learned by each new generation."


#Amazon's bestselling "bitter lemon" energy #drink was bottled #delivery #driver #piss

Source: https://pluralistic.net/2023/10/20/release-energy/

The company enacted a strict zero tolerance policy for drivers returning to the depot with bottles of piss in their vans.

That's where Butler comes in: the roads leading to Amazon delivery depots are lined with bottles of piss thrown out of delivery vans by drivers who don't want to lose their jobs, which made harvesting the raw material for "Release Energy" a straightforward matter.

#humanRights #economy #policy #satire #algorithm #trade #internet #news


#Russia puts international #court’s top leadership on wanted list

Source: https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-international-criminal-court-icc-president-piotr-hofmanski-wanted-list/

Russia’s #ministry of internal affairs has placed International Criminal Court (ICC) President Piotr #Hofmański on its wanted list, according to the ministry’s online database.

I think Russia's #policy and the #war in #Ukraine is very problematic. But if I try to look at the whole matter neutrally, I can't help but notice the following: If the #ICC only prosecutes war #crimes that were not committed by #NATO, then the judges are not #independent which is also a #crime.

If you want to watch a movie about this problematic: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1139328/

#law #humanRights #problem #ethics #moral #independence #politics #news #justice #International #judge #usa


Quantifying Global #Greenhouse Gas #Emissions in Human Deaths to Guide #Energy #Policy

source: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/16/16/6074

Several studies are consistent with the “1000-ton rule,” according to which a future person is killed every time 1000 tons of fossil carbon are burned (order-of-magnitude estimate). If warming reaches or exceeds 2 °C this century, mainly richer humans will be responsible for killing roughly 1 billion mainly poorer humans through anthropogenic global warming, which is comparable with involuntary or negligent manslaughter.

#death #future #humanity #earth #environment #temperature #warming #poverty #justice #problem #crime #news #science


A quotation from Lincoln, Abraham

The true rule, in determining to embrace, or reject any thing, is not whether it have any evil in it; but whether it have more of evil, than of good. There are few things wholly evil, or wholly good. Almost every thing, especially of governmental policy, is an inseparable compound of the two; so that our best judgment of the preponderance between them is continually demanded.

Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) American lawyer, politician, US President (1861-65)
Remarks, House of Representatives (1848-06-20)

#quote #quotes #quotation #compromise #evil #good #policy #politics #government #judgment
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/lincoln-abraham/5274/