

Treffen USA-China: Entspannung der Beziehungen

Treffen USA-China - Vorerst Entspannung der Beziehungen

US-Präsident Biden und Chinas Staatschef Xi näherten sich an. Vor allem auf militärischer Ebene sei die gegenseitige Berechenbarkeit wiederhergestellt.#BIDEN #CHINA
Treffen USA-China: Entspannung der Beziehungen


This #AI #robot chemist could make #oxygen on #Mars

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-03522-4

Researchers in #China have developed a robot chemist powered by artificial #intelligence (AI) that might be able to extract oxygen from water on Mars. The robot uses materials found on the red planet to produce catalysts that break down water, releasing oxygen. The idea could complement existing oxygen-generating #technologies or lead to the development of other catalysts able to synthesize useful #resources on Mars.

Sounds like the beginning of a horror science fiction story because the developers forget to tell the AI when it is finished. So the AI transfered the whole Mars to oxygen...


#technology #future #news #science #space