

Euronews: #Germany expected to be only major economy not to grow this year

— "According to the latest figures from the International Monetary Fund, Germany's #GDP is forecast to drop 0.3% this year while other countries continue to grow.

• The German #economy is still failing to grow, figures showed on Friday, as the country that should be the industrial powerhouse for all of #Europe struggles with high energy prices, rising borrowing costs and a lagging rebound from key trading partner #China.

• Economic output in Germany stagnated in the April-to-June quarter, the Federal Statistics Office said. That follows a decline of 0.1% in the first three months of the year and a drop of 0.4% in the last three months of 2022 as the energy shock from Russia's war in #Ukraine echoed through Europe's largest economy."
#Russia #UkraineWar



Smoking Their Own Supply

The #Neoclowns’ collective #delusion concerning the #global #geostrategic situation is off the freaking charts. They actually believed the recent #Jeddah conference, which accomplished precisely nothing and has already been completely forgotten, was going to be the combination of Versailles and Nuremberg.

Sullivan, the national security adviser, recently brought an American delegation to the second international peace summit earlier this month at Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. #India and #China both sent delegations to the session, perhaps drawn to #SaudiArabia for its immense oil reserves. One Indian academic observer dismissed the event as achieving little more than “good advertising for MBS’s convening power within the #GlobalSouth; the kingdom’s positioning in the same; and perhaps more narrowly, aiding American efforts to build consensus by making sure China attends the meeting with . . . #JakeSullivan in the same room.”

Meanwhile, far away on the battlefield in #Ukraine, #Russia continued to thwart Zelensky’s ongoing counteroffensive. I asked an American intelligence official why it was Sullivan who emerged from the Biden administration’s foreign policy circle to preside over the inconsequential conference in Saudi Arabia.

“Jeddah was Sullivan’s baby,” the official said. “He planned it to be Biden’s equivalent of [President Woodrow] Wilson’s Versailles. The grand alliance of the free world meeting in a victory celebration after the humiliating defeat of the hated foe to determine the shape of nations for the next generation. Fame and Glory. Promotion and re-election. The jewel in the crown was to be Zelensky’s achievement of Putin’s unconditional surrender after the lightning spring offensive. They were even planning a #Nuremberg type #trial at the #world-court, with Jake as our representative. Just one more fuck-up, but who is counting?

It’s like they’re getting their strategic direction from the #Marvel #CinematicUniverse. “We can achieve anything, so long as we do it… together!” All that’s missing is a dramatic image of #GirlPower. In the meantime, here’s another fuck-up to add to the growing collection of #ClownWorld #catastrophes:

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has sent letters to #Denmark and #Norway assuring that the #Biden government would expedite approvals for all transfers of #F-16s to Ukraine. In the letters Blinken said that the F-16s would transfered once Ukrainian pilots have completed the Danish and Norwegian lead training program:

I am writing to express the United States’ full support for both the transfer of F-16 fighter aircraft to Ukraine and for the training of Ukrainian pilots by qualified F-16 instructors…. It remains critical that Ukraine is able to defend itself against ongoing Russian aggression and violation of its sovereignty.

The letters from Secretary Blinken mark the first time the Biden regime has given a hard commitment to supplying the Ukrainian military with F-16s.

Keep in mind that the only way F-16s could be useful in Ukraine is if they are #nuclear-armed, and even then, the chances that they would survive long enough to get in range of any strategic Russian targets is remote. This isn’t #WWII and air power is now almost entirely useless. Ten more years of technological development should be enough to mark the end of manned aircraft in war due to satellite, targeting, drone swarms, and laser technology.

There is a reason Russia isn’t making much use of its #air #superiority, and that is because it is simply too dangerous to fly over the modern battlefield. Artillery and air defense are now the order of the day.

I suspect Blinken wrote those letters in the hopes that Russia will settle for an armistice long before the pilot training can be completed and the F-16s sent to Ukraine to be shot down… assuming they can be hidden on the ground long enough to avoid being destroyed by hypersonic missiles.

Clown World isn’t just #evil, it is quite literally #deranged. This is the end result of eight decades of relentless lying to everyone, including themselves. Success always plants the seeds of failure, but even a two-bit drug dealer knows better than to smoke his own supply.


Naomi Wu and the Silence That Speaks Volumes

When China's prodigious tech influencer, Naomi Wu, found herself silenced, it wasn't just the machinery of a surveillance state at play. Instead, it was a confluence of state repression and the sometimes capricious attention of a Western audience that, as she asserts, often views Chinese activists more as ideological tokens than as genuine human beings.

Uff. yeah, I am really surprised that I haven't read anything about this in any tech media news outlet
#NaomiWu #China



Sport is een van de grootste vergissingen die de mensheid ooit heeft begaan

Jamal Ouariachi (Trouw)

De Olympische Maffia slaat weer eens toe. Het mensenhatende festijn werd al eens gehouden in het Rusland van Poetin, vorig jaar nog in het land van de Oeigoerse concentratiekampen. Voor de Spelen in Rio de Janeiro (2016) werden favela’s schoongeveegd. (...)

In de zomer van 2024 moet Parijs eraan geloven. (...)

(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)

Foto van Jamal Ouariachi
Jamal Ouariachi

Laatst hing ik ergens vrolijk als een aap aan een klimrek te slingeren toen ik me afvroeg waar het toch is misgegaan: wanneer werd spel geïnstitutionaliseerd tot sport?

Rennen, springen, klimmen: kinderen zijn er dol op, en wat doen volwassenen? Die gaan naar een fitnessfabriek. Soms loop ik erlangs (lopen, goed voor je) en dan zie ik ze bezig: idioten op loopbanden. (...) Stelletje hamsters in hun tredmolens.

De institutionalisering van het spel bracht ons voetbalclubs. Schrap het woord club. Het zijn beursgenoteerde bedrijven. Ze zijn handelswaar voor Saudische olieboeven, net als hun spelers. Waar gevoetbald wordt, moeten complete politie­machten het losgeslagen hooligantuig in bedwang houden. De Fifa is een naar corruptie riekende bende. (...)

Altijd is de reclameboodschap: verbinding. Hoe dan? Door hun eigen prestaties geobsedeerde atleten strijden tégen elkaar, er wordt met vlaggen gewapperd, nationalisme viert hoogtij bij sportevenementen. Sport zaait verdeling. (...)

Wat zeg je? Sporten is gezond? Ik zal ­eraan denken wanneer ik weer eens zo’n hijgende hartaanval-in-wording voorbij zie hardlopen in het park. Voetballers zijn om de haverklap geblesseerd. Boksers brengen elkaar onherstelbaar hersenletsel toe. (...)

Formule 1 is een wereld van belastingontduikende knaapjes die onder oorverdovende herrie de atmosfeer nog wat verder volpompen met CO2. (...)

Sport is een van de grootste vergissingen die de mensheid ooit heeft begaan. Het is tijd om ermee op te houden en weer te gaan spelen.

Hele artikel

Tags: #nederlands #sport #olympische_spelen #rusland #brazilie #rio_de_janeiro #china #oeigoeren #voetbal #voetbalclub #fitness #fitness #f1 #wielrennen #boksen


The #video below is a collection of #50 clips of #people reporting #dreams they've had of the #US being attacked, in almost all instances by #Russia and/or #China.
There's a marked Christian overlay (e.g. "The Lord showed me this"), but basically it was very scary invasion dreams being described in detail by very regular people.

Some of those on camera were visibly upset, and clearly the experiences were real, vivid and unusual. The scenes being shown often made little military sense — such as Russian paratroopers jumping from helicopters over American cities and shooting at civilians, Russian planes dropping bombs just as in WWII (that no longer happens!), and Chinese amphibious landing craft on Atlantic beaches.

And of course, many of these clips will have been filtered and chosen to depict a very particular theme. Mostly there are no dates, but one clip said the dream happened in 1998, another in 2009, while others were from 2018-22. So it all may have been collected over a number of years.

All reported here for human interest. It's very hard to believe this kind of thing could possibly happen, though a missile attack on the US might be far more likely. And there's little that suggests anything happening in 2024... one said 2025, but many of those on camera just said 'soon'.


local Pakistani medias and Chinese State Medias reported that a convoy of Chinese engineers was attacked near a Police Station in Gwadar, #Balochistan Province in Southwestern #Pakistan.

According to the reports, 7 vehicles — mostly SUVs and a van, all bulletproof — belonging to a convoy of a Mainland Chinese Company came under a heavy attack by armed militants. The Convoy was carrying carried 23 Chinese nationals, mostly engineers.

During the ambush, an #IED exploded and the van was shot at, creating cracks in the glass.

According to Chinese State Media, there have been no injuries or casualities reported within the attacked Chinese convoy, which is currently guarded by Pakistani security forces and is generally safe

#Gwadar and Balochistan province are known in #WestAsia for being a hotspot for Baloch separatist insurgents — some of a nationalist bent, others of a Marxist/libertarian-socialist bent — in recent years, with Balochistan guerrillas often attacking facilities belonging to Chinese Companies, which local separatist groups accuse of being "Imperialist and Neo-Colonial Entities", something very nteresting, so to speak, given that such groups trace their origins back to the Soviet Occupation Era of #Afghanistan

#Pakistan #China #Terrorism #politics #BreakingNews


Chinese military scientists claim to have achieved a ‘huge breakthrough’ on #laser #weapon #technology

•High-energy laser weapons can now operate ‘infinitely’ thanks to a new cooling system that completely eliminates the build-up of waste heat

•The technology could significantly change the face of battle by extending engagement times, and increasing range and damage, researchers say


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A Message from #Abhigya

1 min read

2023 #China Floods - highest in 140 years. What next?

The recent floods in China were profoundly destructive and displaced over a million people, apart from putting the country's food security at risk. According to the nation's agencies, this year's rainfall was the highest in 140 years. Typhoon Doksuri, which thrashed Philippines, Taiwan and finally China - was mainly responsible for the heavy rainfall.

All this occurred in the last week of July 2023. Why?

This was discussed in our video on the new Lunar Year. This year was expected to have several natural disasters that would break records, because of the positions of the Grahas exactly at the time when the Moon moved away from the Sun into the next annual cycle, on the 21st of March, marking the start of the New year named Nala.

Is this the last of the massive natural disasters to occur Worldwide? Well, unfortunately - there is more to come. Because this Year is ruled primarily by Mars, we should expect a record number of earthquakes and at least medium-ranged volcanic eruptions, as forecasts on floods have already been fulfilled.

The location of the next big earthquake is still being analyzed, but it seems to be mostly around the Asian region - or more specifically South East Asia.See less

2023 China Floods - highest in 140 years. What next?