

Russia launches lunar lander in race to find water on moon

Russia launched its first moon-landing spacecraft in 47 years on Friday in a bid to be the first nation to make a soft landing on the lunar south pole, a region believed to hold coveted pockets of water ice.

The Russian lunar mission, the first since 1976, is racing against #India, which launched its Chandrayaan-3 lunar lander last month, and more broadly with the United States and #China, both of which have advanced lunar exploration programs targeting the lunar south pole.

A Soyuz 2.1 rocket carrying the Luna-25 craft blasted off from the Vostochny cosmodrome, 3,450 miles (5,550 kimeters) east of Moscow, at 2:11 a.m. on Friday Moscow time (1111 GMT on Thursday).

#Space #Moon #SpaceRace



Rafael Correa is the Former Left-wing Populist, Democratic-Socialist Anti-American President of Ecuador, a great ally of Hugo Chavez and a Member of the São Paulo Forum (FSP) and its proxy organization, the Puebla Group

The assassination of the right wing candidate is to deligimize his candidacy and preventing Ecuador to become the next #Venezuela of #Brazil.

#Biden, like many other US presidents is doing it's best to take back south America after the massive populist wave of the past 30 years. #SouthAmerica is one of the foundations of US global war against #China and #Russia and most importantly the people of the region, and in this game, sacrificing a pawn is worth losing the chess game they are setting up in the region. The current target is #Ecuador.


Konfrontation mit Russland und China um jeden Preis?

Ein Plädoyer für Diplomatie statt Waffen

Michael Lüders schlägt in diesem Vortrag einen ganz großen Bogen, ausgehend vom derzeitigen Krieg ni der Ukraine über China, die Rolle von LGBTIQ+, das Verhältnis des Westens und speziell Deutschlands zum globalen Süden, die deutsche Wirtschaft und die Weltwirtschaft, die Rolle Europas in der Welt und in der Geschichte, die "regelbasierte Ordnung" und noch einiges anderes. Eine seiner Thesen: Wir steuern auf edine multipolare Welt zu. Dabei bleibt er immer ruhig und sachlich. Sehr hörenswert.


#michaellüders #ukraine #russland #usa #krieg #frieden #diplomatie #china #lgbt #lgbtiq #wirtschaft #geopolitik #multipolar #völkerrecht #weltwirtschaft #waffenstillstand #verhandlungen #diplomatie #vortrag


Zelensky's Office Chief Adviser Advocates for Regime Change in Russia:

"When Ukraine wins, Russia will shrink down in size and take on a different name and flag."

"Today it is possible to finally solve this problem. If this is not done, the Russian Federation will continue to exist in an extremely aggressive form," he commented.

I guess this guy will be the next one who will resign and disappear because of this.

For those of us who read the books of #Brezhinsky and his vision about Russia, post @Soviet, this is nothing new. The plan was, is, and will be to divide and concur. This time is Russia, next will be #Iran and then #China.

Question is, will we survive the escalation of the conflict these lunatics envision? Or we end up dying when escalation turns into nuclear war or global boiling end the visions of these war mongers and put an end to human life on the planet?

#Ukraine #Russia #UkraineWar #WW3 #Politics


unpaused this around 47 minutes... what's to stop them turn you off?
#transhumanism #technarchy #eugenics #neofeudalism #eternaltyranny #totalitarian #neverendinglivingnightmare #powercorrupts #dumbingdown #enslaving #destroying #psyop #gaslighting #othering #oligarchs #fascists #oligarchy #fascism #ppp #neoliberal #neoconservative #sameoldfascists #fear #wef #banks #darktriad #darktriadarchy #orwellianisms #domesticcontrol #populationcontrol #genocide #thenewmodel #noescape #norecourseofremedy #norighttoremedy #hegemony #totalitarianism #homogenisation #totalitarianisation #smartgrid #china #thechinamodel #thechinaconnection #conflictsofinterest #kissinger #pnac #globalgovernance #technocracy #technarchy #antifreedom #manufacturingconsent #manufacturedcrisis #warondessent #censorship #transhumanism #childabuse #childmutilation #totalcontrol #deidentification #governmentislikefire #paternalistgovernment #thecorporation #dependence #deskilling #agnogenesis #pridefullyignorant #dogma #usurption #mainstream #controlledopposition #juststopoil #climatechange #hypocrisy #control #manufacturedscarcity #disempowerment #thisisnotwhatfacilitarianismlookslike #thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike #feadrivenpolicyacceptance #bytheiractions #divideandconquer #problemreactionsolution #climageforsale #weatherwarfare #terminator #terminatorgenes #deskkillers

#wecanstillmendthis #DISOBEY #learningthelies #orwellianismaware #exitandbuild #amish #decentralisation #creativity #vivaciousness #scrutiny #planttrees #planthemp #plantcannabis #cannabiscansavetheworld #overgrowthecorporation


Banana Republic USA

When the leading #opposition #candidate is repeatedly charged with made-up crimes, you know a country has neither the rule of #law or a #legitimate #democracy.

Former President #DonaldTrump’s legal woes deepened after he was hit with federal criminal charges linked to his attempts to cling to power after losing the 2020 election. Trump is facing four counts including #conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government and obstruct the electoral count for trying to overturn the 2020 election. The 45-page indictment says he was ‘determined to remain in power’ despite ‘having lost.’

Special Counsel Jack Smith said in a televised public statement following the release of the indictment that the attack on the Capitol was ‘fueled by lies’ made by Trump ‘targeted at obstructing the bedrock function of the U.S. government – the nation’s process of collecting, counting and certifying the results of the presidential election.’ He pledged that his office will conduct a ‘speedy’ trial.

The former president has been summoned to appear before U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan – an Obama appointee – on Thursday in Washington, D.C. There are also six unnamed alleged co-conspirators according to the indictment.

Trump and his co-conspirators ‘used knowingly false claims of election fraud’ to try to ‘subvert the legitimate election results and change electoral votes’ for Joe Biden, according to the indictment.

So, the #Establishment committed #electoral #fraud in order to put a #fake #President into office, then criminalized anyone pointing out that they did what they observably did.

Sounds legit.

The absurd thing is the fact that the only thing the #USA really had going for it vis-a-vis the challenges posed by #China and #Russia was the perception of it holding the moral high ground with regards to “freedom and democracy”. But the perceived moral high ground has now gone the way of its European majority and its industrial capacity.

Enjoy the #show. It’s unusual to have the chance to witness a #global #empire in the process of #collapsing.


US Navy & Marine Corps Announce "Large Scale Exercise 2023" for Aug 9-18 with 6 Carriers & 25,000 Personnel

The exercise will simulate a global conflict (WW3 type exercise). 7 fleets & 22 time zones.

LSE 2023 is the second iteration of this exercise.

LSE 2023 brings together the combined firepower of the Navy and Marine Corps team across six maritime component commands, seven numbered fleets, and 22 time zones. The exercise is scheduled to run from Aug 9-18.

“The ability to command and control our operations across 22 time zones is how we will fight and win in a global environment against our competitors,” said Caudle. “To do so, we have to globally synchronize precision and timing in order to conduct high-end modern warfare.”

LSE 2023 merges real-world operations with virtually constructed scenarios to create a realistic training environment that allows our Sailors and Marines to train the way we fight, regardless of geographic boundaries.

LSE was designed to reinforce the Chief of Naval Operations’ effort to set the stage for advancing naval doctrine and tactics by globally integrating fleet operations with emerging technologies to refine and validate Distributed Maritime Operations (DMO) capabilities.

“Conducting these operations in a live, virtual, and constructive manner is key,” said Cavanaugh. “From the tactical end where we have the Sailors and Marines doing operations on the ground or at sea, all the way up to the command and control aspect, our ability to synchronize and conduct those operations are critical.”

LSE 2023 is the second iteration of this exercise and builds on lessons learned from LSE 2021 and warfighting concepts refined through Fleet Battle Problems.

#US #Mikitary #Warminger #Idiocracy #Politics #China #Mikitary



Gen. Michael A. Minihan has ordered the 110,000 troops under his command to prepare for war with China possibly two years from now.

Minihan’s combustible rhetoric, including a directive for personnel to sharpen their marksmanship skills and “aim for the head,” is red meat for the China hawks in Congress who fear the United States is woefully underprepared should a conflict erupt in that part of the world. It has disturbed some in the Pentagon, however, as the general’s assertiveness has felt startlingly at odds with the Biden administration’s carefully calibrated attempt to reset relations with Beijing. Senior officials nonetheless have stuck by him — and he has pressed forward with an ambitious plan to “explode” into the Pacific in the event of a war.

At his headquarters in Illinois, Minihan said he “wasn’t being cutesy” with his bellicose memo but stressed that it was meant for an internal Air Force audience, not public consumption.

“There can be no ambiguity on what my expectations are,” Minihan said. “I’m not trying to be somebody that I’m not, nor am I trying to use theater or a pedestal. I’m simply trying to make sure that my command is ready to win if called upon.”

#US #China #Warmongers #Biden #Politics #Idiocracy



Voor 83 duizend miljard euro in het rood: een ontwikkelingsramp dreigt door nieuwe schuldencrisis

De Volkskrant

Het was begin deze maand een noodkreet van secretaris-generaal António Guterres van de VN: ‘De helft van de mensheid leeft in landen die nu meer uitgeven aan het aflossen van hun schuld dan aan zorg en onderwijs. Dit is een ontwikkelingsramp.’

Na de coronapandemie, de klimaatcrisis en de Oekraïne-oorlog ligt een nieuwe crisis op de loer: een ongekende schuldencrisis. Veel landen in Afrika, Latijns-Amerika en Azië kunnen de rente op hun schulden niet meer betalen, laat staan dat ze hun schulden kunnen aflossen. Zambia kon in 2020 al niet meer aan zijn financiële verplichtingen voldoen. Sri Lanka en Ghana volgden vorig jaar. En nog zeker vijftig andere landen – bijna 40 procent van alle ontwikkelingslanden – staat het water aan de lippen, volgens het nieuwe VN-rapport A World of Debt.

De nieuwe schuldencrisis is moeilijker op te lossen dan die van de jaren tachtig van de vorige eeuw, omdat de schulden niet alleen uitstaan bij westerse landen en banken, maar voor een groot deel ook bij China. Sterker nog: China is voor veel landen zelfs de grote buitenlandse kredietverlener. En dat land is geen lid van de Club van Parijs, de organisatie die sinds 1956 tracht te bemiddelen bij het herstructureren van schulden. Daarom kan niet in één keer schoon schip worden gemaakt met een groot herstructureringsprogramma waarbij de pijn over de crediteuren wordt verdeeld. (...)

(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)

Foto van vissers en vissersboten aan kade
In Negombo, Sri Lanka, liggen honderden vissersboten werkloos aan de kade. De reden: de brandstof is door schaarste onbetaalbaar geworden. Beeld Aurélie Geurts voor de Volkskrant.

Volgens het VN-rapport zijn de kosten van schulden voor ontwikkelingslanden vier keer zo hoog als die voor de VS en acht keer zo hoog als die voor de eurozone.(...)

De G20 zou daartoe tijdens de top in India die in september plaatsvindt, een aanzet kunnen geven. Vervolgens moeten het IMF en de Wereldbank de uitvoering ter hand nemen. Maar China heeft weinig zin in die route, omdat de dienst binnen het IMF en de Wereldbank wordt uitgemaakt door de VS en andere Oeso-landen. Daarom heeft China via het Zijderoute-initiatief ook een eigen ontwikkelingsprogramma opgezet, dat lijkt op een eigen versie van het IMF en de Wereldbank. Die is nu een van de grootste kredietverleners van de wereld geworden – met name in Afrika.

Hierdoor moet van land tot land een oplossing worden gevonden. (...)

China is bereid mee te doen aan het verlengen van de terugbetalingstermijn, zogenoemde rollovers, en geeft ook noodleningen. Maar het land laat zich niet door het Westen in de kaart kijken. ‘Er worden ook eisen gesteld, zoals mijnconcessies of orders voor infrastructurele projecten. Doel van China is de economische en politieke invloed te vergroten’, zegt schuldenexpert Henrique Alencar van Oxfam Novib in Den Haag. (...)

Het IMF heeft inmiddels wel een speciaal fonds van 100 miljard dollar opgericht dat landen helpt om klimaatverandering en pandemieën het hoofd te bieden. Maar de behoefte aan geld stijgt sneller dan de beschikbare middelen. Als China, banken en beleggers hun kredietkraan dichtdraaien, kunnen het IMF en de Wereldbank het gat niet overbruggen. (...)

Hele artikel

Tags: #nederlands #schulden #schuldencrisis #ontwikkelingslanden #arme_landen #imf #g20 #vn #china #wereldbank #afrika #zijderoute-initiatief #oeso


Submarine Cables Face Escalating Cybersecurity Threats, Report

source: https://www.hackread.com/submarine-cables-cybersecurity-threats/

Meanwhile, #Russia poses a physical security threat to submarine cables, particularly those in the North Sea region. Severing a cable can cause significant disruptions, and damage inflicted in deep water would be even more impactful due to longer repair times. State-sponsored threat actors possess the necessary resources to identify and target cables in deep water.

enter image description here

#thread #security #danger #internet #communication #privacy #news #cybersecurity #cable #submarine #china


President Joe #Biden plans to sign an executive order in mid-August to limit critical U.S. technology investments in #China.

The order focuses on semiconductors, artificial intelligence and quantum computing. It will not affect existing investments and will only prohibit certain transactions. All other transactions will have to be reported to the government.



Reuters: Exclusive: New #Taiwan #weapons package to be announced soon - US officials

— "he àUnitedStates is expected to announce as early as Friday that it will provide Taiwan with #military assistance worth more than $300 million, two U.S. officials told #Reuters, a move likely to anger #China.

Congress authorized up to $1 billion worth of Presidential #Drawdown Authority weapons aid for Taiwan in the 2023 budget.

One official, speaking on the condition anonymity, said the package is expected to be worth around $330 million.

The White House declined to comment.
The formal announcement is not expected to include a list of weapon systems being provided"
#Biden #RoadToWar #Politics


#Washington Post: Biden, testing Xi, will bar Hong Kong’s leader from economic summit

— "The #WhiteHouse has decided it will bar Hong Kong’s top government official from attending a major economic summit in the #UnitedStates this fall, according to three U.S. officials familiar with the matter, in the latest test of President àBiden’s bid to reset relations with #China.

Chief Executive John Lee, along with 10 other #HongKong and Chinese officials, was sanctioned by Washington in 2020 after implementing a national security law, imposed by #Beijing, that enabled the targeting of pro-democracy leaders, tarnished the reputation of the courts and earned international condemnation as leaders sought to silence dissent.

Lee, then Hong Kong’s security chief, was elevated last year to chief executive, handpicked by Beijing to continue what critics say is a broader campaign of repression in the once-semiautonomous city. He has helped execute Beijing’s reimagining of the territory, where institutions from schools to the media now operate under new red lines that have eroded freedoms."


#Politics #Economy