For those who struggle with back pain. Take a look and learn why.
This was an enlightening education. A deep dive into why peoples suffer back pain or back stiffness and why people seem to not being able to correct the issue.
I think he brought up very good points and helpful tools to treat the problem instead of managing the symptoms that only work for a while. There is proper solutions and demonstrations of what to do and how to do it as well as why you must do them. If you understand the reasons why, you'll likely be more eager to follow through with the treatment. Correcting muscle imbalance seem to be the solution to most problems, even that of flexibility and nervous system challenges. Anyway, the video was an hour long but well worth the time if you want to educate yourself on this topic, the best explanation and solution I've come across so far.
Oh and he is the only person I've come across who understand what the core muscles consists of. Your "barrel" core muscles (Obliques, Transvers, Abdominal, Pelvic floor, Diaphragm) but also the often overlooked spinal core muscles (Spinal Erector, Quadratus Lumborum, Psoas), together they are essential to keep your back, your lower back strong and healthy. And he make a point of actually strengthen them, especially the spinal core muscles, which he complain most of the therapists neglect.
#Health #Fitness #Back #Pain #stiffness #BackPain #LowBackAbility
»Parkrun« nennt sich die Idee, gemeinsam mit vielen anderen jede Woche fünf Kilometer zu laufen. Das hat positive Wirkung auf die Gesundheit, ergab nun eine Studie.#Gesundheit #Jogging #Laufen #Fitness #Gemeinschaft #Medizin
Zufriedener dank Jogging-Events
My new running coach has me running by perceived effort not heart rate any longer. When I was focusing on Zone 2 work my biggest question was if heart rate drift during hot runs mattered. TL;DR maybe not but it depends. Very informative podcast. #fitness #running https://strengthrunning.com/2024/06/brady-holmer/
Forschung zu #Fleischverzicht, #Fleischersatz und #Fitness – zurzeit nur wenig wissenschaftliche Fakten
Immer mehr Menschen verzichten ganz oder teilweise auf #Fleisch. Aber unklar ist, wie sich das auf die #Gesundheit auswirkt. Eine große Studie will das jetzt untersuchen.
Koordiniert vom Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung ( #BfR ) sollen bis 2027 insgesamt 6000 Probandinnen und Probanden im Alter von 18 und 69 Jahren für die Studie gefunden werden, die sich #vegan, #vegetarisch, #pescetarisch (Fisch, aber kein Fleisch) oder gemischt ernähren.
🔗 https://www.stern.de/panorama/wissen/ernaehrung--forschung-zu-fleischverzicht--fleischersatz-und-fitness-34803652.html
#Ernährung #Gesundheit #Tierwohl