

UNSC Rejects Russian Resolution On Nord Stream

Three of the fifteen member states supported the resolution: Russia, China, and Brazil.

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Monday rejected the Russian-Chinese resolution for the creation of a commission to investigate the Nord Stream explosions.

In relation to the Nord Steam pipeline explosions in September last year, Russia's envoy to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, said that "within these investigations, an attempt is being made not to clarify what happened with acts of sabotage, but to hide evidence and clean up the scene of the crime."

According to the Russian diplomat, the pipeline sabotage strongly marked the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

"The investigations being conducted at the national level by Sweden, Denmark and Germany do not meet the requirement of an objective investigation, as they simply exclude one of the countries that suffered the most," Nebenzya said.

In this regard, he said that the U.S. is trying to divert attention to Ukraine while the Russian-Chinese resolution "does not contain a single reference to a single country. It only calls for an independent investigation."

#UN #NordStream2 #Russia #US #China #Brazil #Politics #StateSponsoredTerrorism #Ukraine #UkraineWar #NATO #Hypocrisy

You can't handle the truth (according to western nations)



How are the investigations regarding #ns1 #ns2 #nordstream unfolding? An international investigation is not supported.
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#china #art #history
2023 is the Chinese Year of the Rabbit or, more specifically, the Year of the Water Rabbit. The rabbit is believed to be a gentle animal that thinks before acting. The Year of the Rabbit represents peaceful and patient energy. The color for the element of water is black.
- The Sung (Song) Dynasty can be seen as the highlight in the development of traditional Chinese painting. The main themes of Sung painting were landscape ( 山水 "mountains and rivers"), birds and flowers ( 花鳥 ) and the living nature such as bamboos, birds, insects, horses and other plants and animals.( 人物畫 ). The Sung Dynasty can be regarded as The Golden Era of Chinese Painting and Pottery.
- Song dynasty, romanization Sung, (960–1279), Chinese dynasty that ruled the country during one of its most brilliant cultural epochs. It is commonly divided into Bei (Northern) and Nan (Southern) Song periods, as the dynasty ruled only in South China after 1127.


Können China und die USA den Ukraine-Krieg beenden? | DW | 27.03.2023

Wenn China wollte, könnte es Russland enorm unter Druck setzen. Gleichzeitig macht sich in den USA Kriegsmüdigkeit breit. Dabei könnten die beiden großen Rivalen für einen Frieden zusammenwirken.#Ukraine-Krieg #Russland #China #USA #Putin #Xi #Biden
Können China und die USA den Ukraine-Krieg beenden? | DW | 27.03.2023